Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Rosenberg I.M. — Protein Analysis and Purification |
Предметный указатель |
Stokes radius 267 278
Strep-tagTM 347
Streptavidin Alkaline Phosphatase 349
Streptavidin — Agarose precipitation 29—31
Subcellular markers 109—110
Substrates, phosphorylation in 232—234
Succinic dehydrogenase 138—139
Sucrose gradients 41—43 46
Surface labeling 25—29
Svedbergs 46
Target protein 2
Target protein, colorimetric detection 173—174
Target protein, detection of 170—180
Target protein, enhanced chemiluminescence 175—176
Target protein, enrichment of 165
Target protein, enzymatic detection methods 172—173
Target protein, glycosyl phosphoatidylinositol 252—253
Target protein, phosphorylation and 225—227
Target protein, tracking of 19—53
Tetramethylene-diamine 55 67
Thin-layer chromatography 237—239
Tissue homogenates 105
Transcription in vitro 327—328 329—330
Transfection 357—360
| Translation in vitro 327—328 330—332
Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) precipitation 79 130—131
Tricine-SDS-PAGE (TSDS-PAGE) 69—71
Tritium 178—179
Triton X-100 109
Triton X-114 253—254
trpE fusion proteins 336—338
TSDS-PAGE see "Tricine-SDS-PAGE"
Tube gels 67—68
Two-dimensional gel systems 81—84 90
Tyrosine 6 244
Ubiquitination 258
Ultrasonic disintegrators 104
Urea 91 138
UV absorption 123
Vacuum methods 68
van der Waals interactions 13
Vibrio cholera 168
Western blotting 35—36 153 359
Wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) 319
Whole cell extracts 106—107
Wong, S. 47
Yeast 350—352
Zinc dichloride 74—75
Zymography, reverse 92—93
Реклама |