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Reise S.P., Duan N. — Multilevel modeling: methodological advances, issues, and applications
Reise S.P., Duan N. — Multilevel modeling: methodological advances, issues, and applications

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Название: Multilevel modeling: methodological advances, issues, and applications

Авторы: Reise S.P., Duan N.


Researchers in multilevel modeling (MLM) report on new statistical advances, methodological issues, and applications in MLM, and examine problems that occur when trying to use MLM in applied research in areas such as power, experimental design, and model violations. The book will be of interest to researchers in advanced statistical training and experience in applying MLMs, especially in the areas of education, clinical intervention, psychology, and other behavioral sciences. The book can also be used as a supplement for an introductory graduate course. Reise teaches measurement at the University of California-Los Angeles. Duan teaches psychiatry and biostatistics at the University of California-Los Angeles.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/Вероятность/Статистика и приложения/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2002

Количество страниц: 314

Добавлена в каталог: 12.06.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Hunter, J. E.      92 95 96 98 100 101 106 110
Hutchison, D.      209 211 213 214 216 219 228
Ialongo, N. S.      123 137
Imbens, G. W.      113—115 135—137
Independence assumption      269
Indirect effect      268 275
Inherent hierarchical structure      278
Inskip, H.      27 51
Intent to treat analysis      112
Interdependent effects      256
Intervention noncompliance      112 114
Intraclass correlation      94 140—149 262 268 288 293—296
Intraschool correlation      263
Iteration      249
Iterative deletion of outliers      246 249 252
Iterative detection of outliers      252
Iterative generalized least squares estimation (IGLS)      167 188 262 266
Iterative procedure      217—218 227
Iterative residual deletion      233 246
Iterative residual detection      246
Iterative residual detection, kurtosis      240 249
Ivenward, M. G      230 233 235 244 246 251—254
Iyengar, S.      103 110
Jackson, D. J.      258 279
Jamieson, B.      231 233 236 252 253
Jamshidian, M.      68 69
Jansen, J.      188 207
Jennrich, R.      1 68 69 73 88
Jiang, J.      48 50
Jo, B.      112 114 115 118 123 129 135 137 138
Jones, K.      159 165 178
Jones, W. H.      163 179
Joreskog, K. G.      109 110 257 258 269 273 279 281 283
Kalaian, H. A.      107 110
Kaplan, D.      75 89 154 155 256 281
Karney, B, R.      160 178
Kellam, S. G.      114 118 123 124 129 137 138
Kendall, M.      241 253
Kent, J. T.      266 281
Khoo, S. T.      114 118 129 138
Kiecolt — Glaser, J. K.      74 88
Kiger, G.      171 178
Kim, C.      74 88
Kirby, D.      144 145 147 154
Kish, L.      294 297
Klebe, K. J.      13 15 17 20—22
Kleve, K. J.      21
Kok, G.      144 145 154
Kreft, I. G.      2 22 161 179 285 295 297
Krishnan, T.      117 137
Krommer, A. R.      6 22
Krull, J. L.      154 155 295 297
Kuk, A.      204 207 218 219 227 228
Kyriacou, C.      273 281
Laird. N. M.      26 50 56 68 73 88 117 136
Lakey, B.      159 163 179
Lange, K.      26 50 59 68 69
Langford, I. H.      197 207 229 231 232 235 253 255 271 282
Latent random vectors      54
Latent variable      193 209 216—217 256 268
Latent variable structural equation modeling      74
Latent variable, measurement of      256
Lawley, D. N.      258 281
Leave-one-out analysis      46
Lee, S. Y.      54 59 60 65—67 69
Leppin, A.      158 179
Lesaffre, E.      79 89
Lewis, S.      48 51
Lewis, T.      197 207 229—232 235 252 253 255 271 282
Liao, J.      114 118 129 138 295 296
Light, R. D.      103 111
Likert-type scale      256
Lillard, L. A.      109 111
Lim, N.      27 51
Lin, Y.      123 137
Lindenberger, U.      290 297
Lindstrom, M. J.      2 22 73 88
Link function      185 187 189
Linn, R. L.      283
Little, R. J. A.      26 49 50 113 117 137
Little, T. D.      285 290 297
Liu, C.      43 51
Liu, X.      288 292 295 296 298
Log odds      186 187
logit      185—187
Logit link      185
Logit model      187 194 198 202
Lomax, R. G.      255 283
Longford, N. T.      144 155 165 179 229
Longitudinal data      231
Louis, T.      31 50
MacCallum, R. C.      74 88
Macintyre, S.      233 236 253
MacKinnon, D. P.      154 155 295 297
Maier, H.      290 297
Makov, U. E.      116 138
Malarkey, W. B.      74 88
Marcoulides, G. A.      255 281
Mardia, K. V.      266 281
Marginal quasi-likelihood      144 188
Markov chain Monte Carlo      26 27 31 34 108 204
Markov Chain Monte Carlo, assessing convergence      34 47
Markov Chain Monte Carlo, Gibbs sampling      47
Markov Chain Monte Carlo, implementation      34
Martin, D.      291 297
Masse, L.      144 145 154
Masyn, K.      114 118 129 138
Maximally reliable latent construct      278
Maximum likelihood, estimation      8—10
Maximum likelihood, nonlinear random effects model      143
Maximum likelihood, segmented polynomial model      12—15
Maximum likelihood, three parameter logistic model      17 18
Maxwell, A. E.      258 281
Maxwell, S. E.      140 155
McArdle, J. J.      12 16 21 22 256 281
McCabe, K. M.      159 163 179
McCaffrey, D. F.      286 297
McCormick, J.      273 281
McCullagh, P.      182 207
McDonald, R. P.      53 66 69 257 258 269 281 282
McKinlay, S. M.      291 297
McLachlan, G. J.      80 88 116 117 137 138
Mean and covariance structures      54
Mean score (level 2)      214 216 218—223
Measurement and distributional characteristics of data      278
Measurement error      209—214 216—219 257 259 268
Measurement error adjusting for      209 211 218—219
Measurement error in dependent variable      210
Measurement error variance      210 212 217 260
Measurement error variance, level      2 210 217
Measurement model      256
Mee, R. W.      188 207
Meijer, E.      211 228
Meng, X.      43 47 50
Mengersen, K. L.      108 111
Meorbeek, M.      297
Meredith, W.      74 88
Mermelstein, R. J.      186 207
Meta-analysis      90
Meta-analysis, classical analysis methods      96 97
Meta-analysis, effect size      92
Meta-analysis, fixed effects      95
Meta-analysis, heterogeneous outcomes      91 96
Meta-analysis, homogeneous outcomes      91 96
Meta-analysis, random effects model      90
Meta-analysis, software issues      107—109
Meta-analysis, study vai'iables in meta-analysis methodological      96 101 102 106
Meta-analysis, study variance in meta-analysis between      94 95 99 106
Meta-analysis, theoretical      100 106
Meta-analysis, variance test      107 108
Meta-analysis, within      94
Middlestadt, S.      144 155
Misestimated parameters      269
Missing at random      141
Missing data      140 149—151 153
MLM repeated measures data      140—144
MLM repeated measures data, example      144—149 151—152
MLM repeated measures data, unbalanced designs      149
Modern systems theory      275
Moerbeek, M.      288 292
Monotonicity      115
Moon, G.      159 165 178
Mooney, C. Z.      212 214 216 228
Moos, R.      159 179
Morrell, C. H.      13 22
Mortimer, A. L.      294 296
Morton, S. C.      286 297
Mosteller, F.      26 51
Mulrow, C.      93 110
Multilevel regression model      257 262
Multilevel variance components model      262
Multivariate dependent variable      229
Multivariate test, never-taker      114
Multivariate test, zero kurtosis      259
Multivariate test, zero skewness      259
Murray, D. M.      142 155 156 291 297
Muthen, B.      0 53 55 64 66—71 74 75 77 79—81 87—89 112—114 117 118 137 138 154 155 269 282 295 297
Muthen, L. K.      64 69 80 89 113 117 118 138
Nagin, D. S.      113 138
Nelder, J. A.      182 207
Nodora, J.      144 145 154
Nonlinear functions      143 195 233
Nonlinear multilevel model      3 8
Nonlinear multilevel model, covariates      4 18
Nonlinear multilevel model, examples      11—18
Nonlinear multilevel model, individual coefficients      11
Nonlinear multilevel model, level      2
Nonverbal abilty over the lifespan      11—15
Normal scores      259
Normal scores model      199
Novak, J.      27 51
Nunnally, J. C.      101 111
Observed indicators      258
Observed variable      268
Odds ratios      186
Olkin, I.      90—92 95—97 99 100 106—108 110
One-factor congeneric, measurement model      257 275 278
Optimal design      287—289
Ordered category models      181 195 197
Ordered logit model      187
Ordered probit model      187
Ordered response      185
Organizational psychological research      255
Organizational psychology      256
Oscillation of solutions      218
Overton, R. C.      95 96 111
Oxley, D.      159 179
Pan, H.      210 211 215 218 228 235 253
Panis, C. W. A.      109 111
Parcel, G. S.      144 145 147 154
Payne, R.      273 279
Pearson, J. D.      13 22
Peel, D.      116 138
Penalized quasi-likelihood      143 188
Perl, H.      1 159 180
Perturbation      244 252
Perturbed data      241
Pillemer, D. B.      103 111
Pinheiro, J. C.      2 3 20 22
Plewis, I.      144 156 188 197 199 207 235 253 255 271 280 282
Points scored responses      199
Polychoric correlations      257
Polynomial growth model      246
Polynomial model      233 235 239
Polynomials      190 199 233—235
Poon, W. Y.      69
Population structure      215 227
Posterior predictive model checking      47
Power      269
Power analysis for multilevel studies      293—296
Pratt, J.      273 281
Prior distributions for fixed effects      48
Prior distributions for variance components      48
Probit      185 187 202
Probit link      197
Probit model      187 199 200 202
Production function      196
Program estimates      218 220
Proportional odds      185 193
Pseudo'schools      227
Pupil turnover      219—226
Quasi-likelihood      204
Quasi-likelihood estimation      199
Rabash, J.      211 215 227
Rachman — Moore, D.      51
Racine — Poon, A.      32 46 50 52
Raftery, A.      48 51
Random effects, cross-classified      182 197 199 204
Random effects, weighted      182 197 199
Random elements and errors-in-variables      211
Random elements, conceptualization and bootstrapping      211
Rasbash, J      107 111 143 144 155 156 165 180 188 197 199 204 206—211 215 218 220 228 235 253 255 259 262 263 271 280 282
Rasbash, R.      255 280
Raudenbush, S. W.      1 21 27 30 31 34 46 49 53 70 74 88 91—94 100 106—111 140 141 144 147 148 154 155 159 165 178 180 188 198 199 206 207 255—257 269 279 282 285 288 291 292 295—298
Raw composite scale scores      259
Rebok, G. W.      123 137
Reliability (level 1)      210 215—216 219—223 257
Resampling, residuals      212—213 218 227
Resampling, units      212 215 218 227
Rescaling      202
Residuals      196 234 246 270
Residuals, deflating      214—215
Residuals, inflating      215
Riley, P. J.      171 178
Robust adaptive estimation      33
Rock, D. R.      258 283
Rodrigues, G.      144 155
Roe, D. J.      2 22
Rogosa, D.      229 253
Rohrle, B.      162 180
Rook, K. S.      174 180
Rooney, B. L.      142 156
Rosenberg, M. S.      109 111 162 180
Rosenthal, R.      93 97 111
Rowe, K. J.      255 256 258 263 266 268 275 280 282 283
Rowe, K. S      256 258 275 283
Royston, P.      235 253
Rubin, D. B.      26 31 32 47—51 56 68 113—115 117 135 138 250 253
Rubin’s causal model      114
Sagarin, B. J.      128 139
Sammons, P.      198 199 207
Saner, H.      253
Satorra, A.      75 89
Sayer, A.      229 254
Scale change      193
Scaling      203
Schafer, J. L.      141 155
Schill, T.      159 178
Schluchter, M. D.      73 88
Schmidt, F. L.      92 95 96 98 100 101 106 110
Schnabel, K. U.      297
Schnabel, R. B.      3 9 21
Schnable, K. U.      285
Schools      215
Schumacker, R. E.      255 281 283
Schwarzer, R.      96 102 109 111 158 179
Scoring model      200
Scott, D. J.      108 111
Searle, S. R.      285 298
Seber, G. A. F.      13 22
1 2 3
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