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McHugh M.A., Krukonis V.J. — Supercritical Fluid Extraction: Principles and Practice |
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Polyoxyalkylene 257—258
Polyphenol oxidase 313
Polypropylene 336
Polypropylene, isotactic 360—364
Polypropylene, pressed sheet 360—364
Polysilane polymers 278
Polysilane polymers, cyclohexyl-substituted 277
Polysiloxane polymers 278
Polysiloxane polymers, fractionation 217—250
Polysiloxane polymers, functionally terminated 273
Polysiloxane/PMMA copolymer fractionation 217—250
polystyrene 192
Polystyrene, fractionation 268
Polystyrene, supercritical fluid chromatography analysis 258—260
Polystyrene-toluene-ethane system 282
Polyvinylsilanes 354
Pominski, J. 300
Pool, W. 21
Pottinger, M.T. 121
Poynting correction 127
Prasad, R. 299
Pratt, J.A. 205 208—216
Prausnitz, J.M. 13 35 59 66 85 99 101 102 107 110 112 115 133 184 206
Pressure-infiltration-carbonization (PIC) process 353
Process development studies 157—188
Process operations 135—143
Process operations, schematic diagram 135
Process viability 370
Progesterone 340
Propane 68 69 205—210 215
Propane and distillate oil mixture 148
Propane and hydrocarbon mixtures 36 37
Propane and lube oil refining process 145—150
Propane, deasphalting 145—150
Propylene 69 205—210 212 214 215
Pyridine 324
Pyrolysis reactions 321—322
Quadrupole moment 69 100—101
Quirin, K.W. 293 316
Radosz, M. 63 84
Raetzsch, M.T. 63 80
Ramsay, W. 19
Randall, L.G. 10
Randolph, T.W. 312
Ranсe, R. W. 59
Rapid expansion of supercritical solutions (RESS) 340
Rasmussen, P. 104
RDX (cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine) 342 348—349
Reaction rates 328—332
Reaction/separation schemes 326—328
Recycle cleanup 175
Red peppers 14
Redlich — Kwong equation 113
Regeneration process 161
Reid, R.C. 22 25 78 79 85 102 103 112 115 128 134 206
Research and development (R&D) 157—188
Reverse osmosis 6 157
Richards, R.B. 192 194
Richardson, M.J. 10 48
Riffle, J.S. 247 250
Robertson, W.W. 22 61
Robey, R.J. 303
Robinson, D.B. 34 35 111 113 183
Robinson, R.L.Jr. 34 35 91
Robson, W.G. 37 61
Rodrigues, A.B.J. 76
Roebers, J.R. 88 90
ROSE process 153—156
ROSE process, light oil precipitation step 153
ROSE process, schematic diagram 153
Roselius, W. 296
Rowlinson, J.S. 10 30 31 33 34 37 48 50 61 65 281 316
Rzasa, M.J. 91
Saeki, S. 281 282
Saini, R. 104
Saltiel, J. 325
Sampling technique 89
Sanchez, I.C. 104 120 121 127
Sanchez-Lacombe equation of state 120 121 123—124 127 133
Sand, M.L. 358
Sandler, S.I. 119
Saraf, V.P. 63 64
Savchik, J.A. 206
Scarella, R.A. 299
Scheffer, F.E.C. 10 12 13 21 45 49 51—53 78 79 135
Schelchshorn, J. 322—324
Schilz, W. 309
Schmidt, M.B. 182
Schmitt, W.J. 22 79 102 103 134 363
Schneider, G.M. 10 14 31 44 45 98 113 128
Scholsky, K.M. 205
Schroeder, E. 358
Scott, R.L. 27 28 41 104 106
Seckner, A.J. 22 51 52 61—63 91 281 283 284
Selectivities 328—332
Semicrystalline polymers, phase behavior 199—201
Sen, Y.L. 63 64 93
Sernow, V.S. 63 80
Shaw, R.W. 105
Sherwood, R.T. 168
Shim, J.-J. 96 105
Shimshick, E.J. 181
Shreve. R.N. 189
Silica-water system 24—25
Silicon carbide 354 355 357
Silicone lens monomer 286 287
Silicone polymers, fractionation 262—265
Simmons, G.M. 320
Simnick, J.J. 85 88
Siow, K.S. 63 65
Slocum, E.W. 141
Small-scale processes 159
Smith, J.C. 14
Smith, R.D. 96 105 336
Smith, S.D. 217
Smits, A. 78
Snyder, J.M. 300
Soave — Redlich — Kwong equation of state 111
Soave, G. 111
Soft lens monomer 285
Solexol process 150—152
Solid propellants, fractionation of polymer binders for 250—257
Solid-gas equilibria 55 131
Solid-liquid-vapor (SLV) 28 46 49 52 55 57 104 129 130
Solid-SCF calculations 127—134
Solid-SCF equilibria 45 59 61 131 133
| Solid-solid-SCF systems 80
Solid—liquid behavior 106
Solomon, H.J. 316 317
Solubility 367
Solubility, dynamic methods for measuring 85—90
Solubility, parameters 105—110
Solubility, parameters, calculations of 106—107
Solubility, static methods for measuring 91—94
Solute-solute pairs 99 101
Solute-solvent behavior 99 101 106 107
Solvent-solvent pairs 99 101
Solvent-to-feed (S/F) ratio 172 174
Solvents 326
Solvents, critical temperatures and pressures for 9
Solvents, selection 195—198
Spices 14
Spiegelaar, J. 77
Squires, T.G. 325
Stahl, E. 10 14 293 300 309 316 368
Staverman, A.J. 123
Stearic acid 20
Stejskal, J. 219 220
Stephens, W.D. 252
Steroids 340
Stilbene 325
Stockmayer, W.H. 219 220
Streett, W.B. 27—29 34 45
Styrene- system 119
Subramaniam, B. 329
Sunder, S. 303
Supercritical fluids 58
Supercritical fluids, chromatographic separation 258
Supercritical fluids, extraction concept 135
Supercritical fluids, extraction tests 155
Supercritical fluids, infiltration 353—355
Supercritical fluids, properties and characteristics of 7—16
Suppes, G.J. 96 330
Swelheim, T. 21
Swinton, F.L. 30 31 33 34 37 50 316
t-Butyl-hydroperoxide (TBHP) 329—330
Takahashi, T. 320 330 331
Tea decaffeination plant 7
Temperature rising elution fractionation (TREF) 197 202—203
Temperature-entropy diagram 138
Ternary mixtures, phase diagrams 71—84
Testosterone 340
Tetracyclic steroids 293
Thermodynamic modeling 99—134
Thies, M.C. 88—90
Thin-layer chromatograph (TLC) 367—369
Thodos, G. 10 123 124
Threshold pressures 367
Tiffin, D.L. 77
Tiltscher, H. 322—324
Todd, D.B. 39 40 71 107 135
Travers, M.W. 33
Treybal, R.E. 73 172
Trifluoromethane 22
Trimethyl borate-methanol system 182—188
Tsekhanskaya, Yu.V. 10 12 22
Uematsu, M. 206
Ultrafiltration 157
Unterreiner, J.M. 182 184—187
Upper critical end point (UCEP) 30 36 39 43 49 51 52 54—59 95 96 130 131 133 134 200
Upper critical solution temperature (UCST) 30 35 41 65—67 280 282
Usher, F.L. 33
UV-spectrophotometry 164
Vaidya, S.N. 13 130
Valteris, R.L. 10
Van Alsten, J.G. 103
van der Kooi, H.J. 77
van der Waals equation of state 29 104 107 108 128
van Gust, C.A. 21 51 53 78 79
van Hest, J.A.M. 21 51 52 59 60
van Konynenburg, P.B. 27 28 41 104
Van Leer, R.A. 25 85 86
van Welie, G.S.A. 20 21 51 52
Vapor-liquid equilibrium 32—34 39 43 46 47 49 50 64 121
Vapor-liquid systems, modeling 110—113
Vaporization process 138—139
Variable-volume view cell apparatus 93
Venier, C.G. 325
Villard, P. 20
Vinyl chloride 319
Viscosity effects 325—326
Vitzthum, O. 296
Vivian, J.E. 176
von Tapavicza, S. 59
Wagner, J.R.Jr. 76 77 353
Walsh, J.M. 102 103 104
Waste streams, treatment of 309—310
Water and organic mixtures 140
Water and organic-activated carbon systems 166
Watkins, J.J. 63 64 196 197 200 201 204 205 251 253
Webb, G.E. 252
Weinstock, J.J. 71 72 73 75 76 77 140 177
White, G.L. 80
Wild, L. 197 202
Wilke, C.K. 168
Wilke, G. 10
Williams, D.F. 10 14 322
Wilson, G. 88
Wilson, K.V. 71 316
Wilson, R.E. 145 146 148—150 153 265
Winkler, D.E. 329
Wise, W.S. 10
Wissinger, R.G. 358 360
Wohlfarth, Ch. 63 80
Wolf, H. 322—324
Wolkomir, R. 302
Wong, J.M. 104 133 134
Wu, P.C. 319
Xenon 22 96 100
Xenon-naphthalene system 129
Yang, H. 76
Yates, R.A. 181
Yiling, T. 43
Yogan, T.J. 51—54 59—62 91 94
Yonker, C.R. 96 105
Young, C.L. 27 34
Zaks, A. 312
Zarah, B.Y. 76
Zeman, L. 63 65—67 281
Zhuang, W. 64
Ziegler — Natta process 198
Ziger, D.H. 25 128
Zosel, K. 299
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