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McHugh M.A., Krukonis V.J. — Supercritical Fluid Extraction: Principles and Practice |
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Hammond, D.A. 311 312
Hannay, J.B. 17—20 108 333 350
Hannigan, K.J. 302
Hansen, P.C. 103
Hartmann, W. 259
Hasch, B.M. 64 80 81 125 196 204—207 209 212 213 265
Haylett, R.E. 145 146 148—150 153 265
Haynes, C. 320
Heaking, A.J. 300
Hearne, G.W. 329
Heats of mixing 106
Heller, J.P. 71 316
Hellstern, A.M. 221—225 227—229
Heterogeneous catalysis 322—324
Hexamethylcyclotrisiloxane 221
Hexane 109
Hicks, C.P. 27 34
High-density polyethylene (HDPE) 200—201
High-pressure polyethylene polymerization 189—192
High-pressure studies 85—98
High-temperature reactions 321—322
Hildebrand, J. 106 107
Historical perspective 17—26
HMWP 318
Hochgeschurtz, T. 89 90
Hogarth, J. 17—20 333 350
Holla, S.J. 22 25 85 128
Hottovy, J.D. 77
Hubball, J.A. 258
Hubert, P. 296
Hunter, E. 192 194
Hutchenson, K.W. 88 90
Huvard, G.S. 360
Hyatt, J.A. 103 266
Hydrocarbons 9 10 20
Hydrocarbons and water mixtures 41
Hydrocarbons, isomerization process 316
Hydrogen bonding 102 113 127 210 212
Hydroxy-terminated polybutadiene (HTPB) 251—252
Ideal gas law 128
Igel, J.T. 96 114 116—119
Ikonomov, G.D. 102 103
Industrial applications 145—156
Intermolecular forces 99—105
Intermolecular potential energy 101
Iomtev, M.B. 10 12 22
Irani, C.A. 10 63 65 84 141 142 281 282
Isobaric cooling 95
Isomer separations 307—309
Isopropanol-water- 73 178
Isopropyl benzene- system 117 119
Isothermal decreasing pressure profiling 192—194
Isothermal increasing pressure profiling 194—195
Izatt, R.M. 98 206
Jacoby, R.H. 91
Jenkins, A.D. 220
Jentoft, R.E. 258 259 269
Jin, G. 104
Johnston, K.P. 10 25 79 85 96 104 105 128 133 134 320
Jonas, J. 170
Joule-Thomson cooling 87
Kander, R.G. 75 133 178 179
Kantner, S.S. 182 184
Kasegrande, S.S. 141 142 281
Katz, D.L. 6 48
Keith, P.C. 145 146 148—150 153 265
Kennedy, G.C. 13 25 130
Kim, S. 96 104 105 134
Kim, Y.J. 76 77
King, A.D.Jr. 22 61
King, J.W. 107—109 259 368 369
Kiran, E. 63 64 93 94
Kistler, S.S. 363
Kiszka, M.B. 359 360
Kleintjens, L.A. 21 80
Klesper, E. 259
Klibanov, A.M. 312
Knutson, B.L. 96 105
Kohn, J.P. 30 73 74 76 77 186
Koll, P. 321 322
Koningsveld, R. 21 80 123
Korsmeyer, R.W. 360
Kramer, G.M. 316 317 326
Krase, N.W. 192 331
Kratochvil, P. 219 220
Kreevoy, M.M. 182 184
Krukonis, V.J. 10 14 22 51 52 61 63 64 86 158 168 182 184 185—187 192 196 197 200 204 205 217 227 229 232 239 242 246 251 253 258 260—262 264 266 268 271 273 277 278 285 292 296 298 299 301 304 307 308 312 334 340 343 349 350 353 359 364
Kuenen, J.P. 37 61
Kuk, M.S. 73 75 170 172 177
Kurnik, R.T. 14 22 25 78 79 85 86 128 129 307 308
Kurpen, J.J. 63 69 200 331
Kusumi, S. 358
Lacombe, R.H. 120 121
Laidler, K.J. 318
Langmuir isotherms 166 168
Lattice-gas equation of state 104 121 134
Laukhuf, W.L.S. 182
Laurence, R.L. 121
Lauryl lactam 336
Lawrence, A.E. 192 331
Leder, F. 316 317 326
Lee, L.L. 104 105
Lee, S.-H. 64 205 208—216
Lemert, R.M. 79 255
Lentz, H. 183—185
Li, Y.-H. 34 35 91
Liau, I.S. 14 358 360
Lichtenthaler, R.N. 77
Liphard, K.G. 44
Liquid-liquid-vapor (LLV) equilibria 28 34 36 37 39—41 43 65 70 71 104 114—119 121 142 149
Liquid-SCF equilibria 61
Liquid-solid phase equilibria 47 48
Liquid-vapor (LV) equilibria 114
Lira, C.T. 80 102 128
List, G.R. 300
Little, A.D. 161
LLDPE fractionation with respect to molecular weight and backbone structure 201—205
Lower critical end point (LCEP) 30 49—51 95 148 149
Lower critical solution temperature (LOST) 30 31 36 37 39 65 66 140—142 148 280—282 284
Lowry, G.C. 219
Luks, K.D. 30 76 77
Mackay, M.E. 133
Maizus, Z.K. 328 330
Mallett, M.W. 73 74 186
Mancini, C. 106
Mansoori, G.A. 10
Mason, D.M. 320
Mass transfer limitations 165
Mass transfer properties 14—16
Matson, D.W. 336
McCabe, W.L. 14
McCaffrey, D.S.Jr. 76 77
McClellan, A.K. 65 84 91 280—284
McEwen, I.J. 281 284
McGrath, J.E. 273
McGuigan, D.B. 105
McHugh, M.A. 10 14 22 25 45 49 51—54 56—65 73 74 84 88 89 91 94 96 118 119 128 129 131 132 141 142 182 184—187 196 205 206 208-216 232 239 280—284 329 330 358—360
McKetta, J.J. 41 73
Mean-field equations 104 105 127
Meilchen, M.A. 64 69 81 87 126 196 205 206 359 360
Melhem, G.A. 104
Melting point 21 46
Merrill, R.C. 77
methane 20 22 115
Methane-carbon dioxide system 48
Methane-ethane 114
Methane-ethane-octane system 115—117
Methane-hydrocarbon system 37
Methane-methanol system 183 188
Methane-octane system 114 116
| Methanol 102 109 110
Methanol-methane system 184
Methyl acrylate 81 214 215 322
Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK)-water-ethylene system 76
Methylene chloride 102
Metzger, J. 321 322
Meyer, V.E. 219
Meyers, J.M. 151 152
Meyers, M.N. 107 108 259 369
Michelberger, Th. 43
Milkovich, R. 218
Miller, K.J. 206
Mixing rules 112 113 122
Modell, M. 24 158 169 309 326
Mohamed, R.S. 105
Mollier diagram 137
Monomers processing 189—292
Monomers purification 285—292
Monson, P.A. 105
Montagna, J.C. 73 75 170 172 177
Morrell, D.G. 88 308
Morrison, R.T. 307
Mortimer, G.A. 316 330 331
Moses, J.M. 170 172
Munk, P. 61
Munster, N. 182
Mushkina, E.V. 10 12 22
n-Eicosane 77
n-Hexadecane 77
N-methyl pyrrolidone (NMP) 109
n-Nonadecane 77
n-Octane 115
n-propanol-water-carbon dioxide system 177—178
n-propanol-water-ethylene system 75
Najour, G.C. 22 61
naphthalene 11—13 20 22 24 51 368
Naphthalene and 22 133 136—137
Naphthalene and chalk dust mixture 137
Naphthalene and ethylene 21 52—56 59 134
Nash, C.A. 73 75 88 170 172 178 186
Natural products 293—294
Navy-blue dye 336
Ng, H.-J. 34 35
Niswonger, D.C. 182
Nitroguanidine 349—350
Nitrous oxide 20
NMP 110
Nucleation 333—342
O-rings, swelling of 358
Occhiogrosso, R.N. 92 96 118—120 330
Octamethyl cyclotetrasiloxane 231 274
Ogino, Y. 358
Ohgaki, K. 186
Oleoresins 14
Oligomer extraction from polymers 257—258
Organic solvent-SCF mixtures 71
Organic solvent-water-ethylene systems 73
Organic-water separations 170—182
Owens, R.S. 88
Ozawa, S. 358
O’Brian, M.J. 4
p-Nitrophenol 312
p-Nitrophenyl phosphoric acid 312
P-T diagrams 9 28 32—35 41 43 45 55 56 64 70 78 94 97 129 133
P-T-x diagrams 22 28 29 31 34 37 39 46 52 331
P-x diagram 32 33 39 41 55 56 71 72 123
Panayiotou, C.G. 123
Paraffin wax 20
Passino H.J. 151
Patat, F. 328
Patterson, D. 63 65 66 140 149 281
Paul, P.M.F. 10
Paulaitis, M.E. 10 14 22 25 52 53 73 75 85 86 88 128 133 170 172 178 179 186 294 318 358 360
Pearlman, R.S. 104 133 134
Peck, D.G. 104 105 134
Peng — Robinson equation of state 111 116 118—119 122 128 130 131
Peng, D.Y. 111 113 183
Pentachlorophenol 165
Perfluoroalkylpolyether, fractionation 266—267
Pesticides 161 165
Peter, S. 10
Peters, C.J. 77
Peterson, R.C. 336
Petsche, I.B. 105
pH effect 180—181
Pharmaceuticals 304—307 340 347
Phase behavior 27—45
Phase behavior, binary mixtures 31—45
Phase behavior, classification scheme 29
Phase behavior, polymer-supercritical fluid 61—71
Phase behavior, semicrystalline polymers 199—201
Phase behavior, solid-supercritical fluid 45—61
Phase behavior, ternary mixtures 71—84
Phase behavior, type I 31—34 72—74
Phase behavior, type II 34—35 74—75
Phase behavior, type III 36—41 75—84
Phase behavior, type IV 41—44 66
Phase behavior, type V 45
Phase border curves, methods for determining 94—98
Phase rule 28
Phase-splitting phenomena 140 177
Phenanthrene 102
Phenols 161 328
Phenols, p-substituted 313
Phosphoric acid 328
Pigford, R.L. 168
Pine, S.H. 242 246
Pittilo, R.N. 320 331
Plank, C.A. 182
Plant materials, extraction 305
PMA-chlorodifluoromethane system 82—83
Podesva, J. 220
Polar interactions 100 101 104 127
Poling, B.E. 112 115 206
Poly(dimethyl)-co-(diphenyl) siloxanes 237—250
Poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS), amine-terminated 275
Poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS), carboxypropyl-terminated 273 see also "Poly(methylmethacrylate)-g-poly(dimethylsiloxane)"
Poly(dimethylsiloxane-co-diphenylsiloxane) 196
Poly(elhylene-co-propylene)-hexane mixture 141
Poly(ethylene-co-methyl acrylate) 68 123 205 206
Poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate)-ethylene-vinyl acetate system 80
Poly(methylmethacrylate)-g-poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PMMA-g-PDMS) fractionation 217—229
Polycarbosilanes 354
Polycarbosilanes, fractionation 262
Polydimethylsiloxanes 231—236
Polyethylene 62
Polyethylene and low molecular weight hydrocarbon mixtures 70
Polyethylene and solvent mixtures 63
Polyethylene and xylene gel 364 see also "High-pressure polyethylene polymerization"
Polyethylene, aerogel 364
Polyethylene, fractionation 198—205
Polyisobutylene 66 192
Polyisobutylene, surfactant 278—279
Polyisobutylene-succinic anhydride copolymer fractions 279
Polymers and organic solvent phase separation 280—285
Polymers and SCF mixtures 61—71
Polymers and SCF modeling 120—127
Polymers and solvent mixtures 61—140
Polymers and solvent-cosolvent mixtures 83
Polymers and solvent-SCF additive process 142
Polymers, binders for solid propellants, fractionation of 250—257
Polymers, fiber spinning 260—262
Polymers, fractionation 192—198 262—279
Polymers, functionally terminated liquid crystal 273—278
Polymers, photoresist 273—278
Polymers, porous 360—364
Polymers, processing 189—292
Polymers, swelling 357—360
Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) fractionation 196—197
Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) swelling 359
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