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American productivity & quality center — Using knowledge management to drive innovation |
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3M's Business Model Figure 10 101
3M's Internal Technical Knowledge Repositories and Systems Figure 11 108
3M, 3M Education and Learning Site 106
3M, 3M's Business Model Figure 10 101
3M, 3M's Internal Technical Knowledge Repositories and Systems Figure 11 108
3M, Access and Reuse of Knowledge 62—63
3M, Advancing Learning and Training Functions 112—113
3M, Aligning Rewards and Recognition 37
3M, Aligning the Message 36
3M, Collaborative Environment 110—111
3M, Collaborative Model 110—111
3M, Crossing Boundaries to Share Knowledge 33
3M, Culture and Communicating the Guiding Principles, Objectives, and Behaviors 101—104
3M, Databases and Repositories 59
3M, Defining Knowledge Management and Innovation 100—101
3M, Digenti Collaboration Model Figure 12 110
3M, Establishing Support Roles and Structures 111—112
3M, Examining Indicators of Success and Change 114—115
3M, Expertise Location 50—51
3M, Faster Solutions and Decisions 78
3M, Fostering Collaboration 104—108
3M, Idea Hopper 106
3M, Information Specialist 90—91
3M, KM and Innovation and Best Practices 101
3M, KM Budgets and Funding 92
3M, KM Core or Central Team, The 87
3M, KM Strategy at the Partner Organizations 83
3M, Knowledge Validation 112
3M, Lessons Learned 115—116
3M, Leveraging External Knowledge 109—110
3M, Leveraging Internal Knowledge 108—109
3M, Library and Information Services 107—108
3M, Lotus Notes Databases 106
3M, Lower Cost 80
3M, Measures 114
3M, Measures of Success 75
3M, New-hire Orientation 50
3M, Orchestrated Serendipity 35
3M, Organizational Barriers 104
3M, Partner Organizations and Innovation 20
3M, Portal Technology 56—57
3M, Promoting Knowledge Creation and Innovation 102—104
3M, Recognition 106—107
3M, Recruiting Strategies 112—113
3M, Rewards and Recognition for Innovation 104
3M, Sharing Stories and Lessons Learned 72
3M, Six Sigma 107
3M, Staff Rotation 106
3M, Steering Committee or Leadership Team 86
3M, Story Telling 107
3M, Success Stories 95
3M, Surface Conditioning Division Supply Chain Model 114—115
3M, Tech Forum 105
3M, Technology Platforms 105
3M, Time for Reflection and Creativity 39
3M, To Pay or Not to Pay? 37—38
3M, Training for Sharing and Creating New Knowledge 113
3M, Voice of the Customer 43
Access and Reuse of Knowledge 62—63
Access and Reuse of Knowledge, 3M 62—63
Access and Reuse of Knowledge, Millennium 63
Access to Relevant Communities of Practice 51—52
Access to Relevant Communities of Practice, World Bank 51—52
Advance Learning and Training Functions, 3M 112—113
Advance Learning and Training Functions, Boeing 136—138
Advance Learning and Training Functions, NASA JPL 150—151
Advance Learning and Training Functions, World Bank 176—178
After-Action Review Process Figure 3 66
Aligning Messages, Rewards, and Recognition 35—38
Aligning Messages, Rewards, and Recognition, 3M 36 37 37—38
Aligning Messages, Rewards, and Recognition, Aligning Rewards and Recognition 37
Aligning Messages, Rewards, and Recognition, Aligning the Message 36
Aligning Messages, Rewards, and Recognition, Boeing 36 38
Aligning Messages, Rewards, and Recognition, Millennium 36
Aligning Messages, Rewards, and Recognition, NASA JPL 38
Aligning Messages, Rewards, and Recognition, To Pay or Not to Pay? 37—38
Aligning Messages, Rewards, and Recognition, World Bank 36 37
APQC's Input-to-output Model Figure 8 96
APQC's KM Approaches and Sample Measurements Figure 9 97
APQC's Process-level Knowledge Map Figure 4 70
Boeing Canoga Park KM Team Figure 6 88
Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division, Advance Learning and Training Functions 136—138
Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division, Aligning the Message 36
Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division, Barriers to Success 140—141
Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division, Challenges in Fostering Collaboration 130
Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division, Collaboration Enhances Innovation 129—130
Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division, Collaboration Tools 130—131
Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division, Communicating the Principles, Objectives, and Desired Behaviors 123—124
Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division, Communities of Practice and Collaboration 131—132
Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division, Cultural Issues 121—123
Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division, Culture and Communicating the Guiding Principles, Objectives, and Behaviors 119—127
Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division, Culture, Innovation, and Knowledge Sharing 120—121
Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division, Defining Innovation 118
Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division, Defining Knowledge Management 117—118
Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division, Establishing Support Roles and Structures 133—136
Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division, Examining Indicators of Success and Change 138—141
Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division, Faster Solutions and Descisions 78
Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division, Feedback Mechanism 138
Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division, Fostering Collaboration 127—133
Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division, Fostering Collaboration on a Global Scale 128
Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division, Highlighting Knowledge Sources and Resources 71
Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division, Innovation 134
Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division, Integrating Customers, Vendors, and Partners 135—136
Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division, Internal and External Collaboration 131
Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division, KM and Innovation Best Practices 118—119
Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division, KM Budgets and Funding 92—93
Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division, KM Core or Central Team, The 87—88
Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division, KM Strategy at the Partner Organizations 84
Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division, Knowledge and Innovation in the R&D Function 136
Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division, Leadership, Organization, and Group Roles 134
Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division, Lesson Learned Exercises 67—68
Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division, Lessons Learned 141—142
Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division, Leveraging the Culture to Support Knowledge Sharing and Innovation 123
Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division, Lower Cost 80
Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division, Lower Risk 79—80
Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division, Organizational Barriers to Knowledge Sharing and Innovation 125—126
Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division, Organizational Structure and Idea Generation 127
Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division, Partner Organizations and Innovation 20
Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division, Recruiting and Training 137—138
Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division, Rewards and Recognition for Collaboration 129
Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division, Role of Knowledge in Innovation, The 119—120
Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division, Role of Leadership in Communication 124—125
Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division, Roles to Support Knowledge Sharing 134—135
Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division, Sharing Stories and Lessons Learned 72
Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division, Subject Matter Experts 89
Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division, Success Stories 95 140
Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division, Time for Reflection and Creativity 39
Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division, To Pay or Not to Pay? 38
Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division, Tying KM and Innovation to Performance Management Systems 139—140
Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division, Validating Knowledge 135
Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division, Virtual Collaboration 132—133
Boeing Company, Rocketdyne Division, Virtual Teams 53—54
Collaboration 60—62
Collaboration, NASA JPL 60—61
Collaboration, World Bank 61—62
Conclusion Chapter 1 27; 41; 46; 55; 64; 73; 81
Creating a Knowledge-sharing Culture 40
Creating and Managing Diverse Teams 47—50
Creating and Managing Diverse Teams, 3M 50
Creating and Managing Diverse Teams, NASA JPL 48 49
Creating and Managing Diverse Teams, New-hire Orientation 49—50
Creating and Managing Diverse Teams, Professional Development 49
Creating and Managing Diverse Teams, What the Individual Brings to the Team 48—49
Creating and Managing Diverse Teams, World Bank 48—49
Crossing Boundaries to Share Knowledge 33—34
Crossing Boundaries to Share Knowledge, 3M 33
Crossing Boundaries to Share Knowledge, Millennium 33
Crossing Boundaries to Share Knowledge, NASA JPL 33—34
Crossing Boundaries to Share Knowledge, World Bank 34
Cultural Barriers 31—32
| Culture and Communicating the Guiding Principles, Objectives, and Behaviors, 3M 101—104
Culture and Communicating the Guiding Principles, Objectives, and Behaviors, Boeing 119—127
Culture and Communicating the Guiding Principles, Objectives, and Behaviors, Millennium 156—158
Culture and Communicating the Guiding Principles, Objectives, and Behaviors, NASA JPL 143—146
Culture and Communicating the Guiding Principles, Objectives, and Behaviors, World Bank 169—170
Defining Innovation and Knowledge 19—20
Defining Innovation and Knowledge, 3M 100—101
Defining Innovation and Knowledge, Boeing 117—118
Defining Innovation and Knowledge, World Bank 169
Demographics and Knowledge Loss 44
Demographics and Knowledge Loss, NASA JPL 44
Digenti Collaboration Model Figure 12 110
Enabling Cross-functional Work 52—55
Enabling Cross-functional Work, Boeing 53—54
Enabling Cross-functional Work, Millennium 52—53
Enabling Cross-functional Work, Virtual Teams 53—55
Enabling Cross-functional Work, World Bank 54—55
Establishing Support Roles and Structures, 3M 111—112
Establishing Support Roles and Structures, Boeing 133—136
Establishing Support Roles and Structures, Millennium 162—166
Establishing Support Roles and Structures, NASA JPL 148—149
Establishing Support Roles and Structures, World Bank 174—176
Examining Indicators of Success and Change, 3M 114—115
Examining Indicators of Success and Change, Boeing 138—141
Examining Indicators of Success and Change, Millennium 166
Examining Indicators of Success and Change, NASA JPL 151
Examining Indicators of Success and Change, World Bank 178—181
Expertise Location 50—51
Expertise Location, 3M 50—51
Expertise Location, NASA JPL 51
Face-to-face Opportunities 34—35
Face-to-face Opportunities, Millennium 34—35
Face-to-face Opportunities, NASA JPL 35
Formal KM Organizations Figure 5 87
Fostering Collaboration, 3M 104—108
Fostering Collaboration, Boeing 127—133
Fostering Collaboration, Millennium 159—162
Fostering Collaboration, NASA JPL 146—147
Fostering Collaboration, World Bank 171—174
Framework for KM at NASA Figure 14 148
Highlighting Knowledge Sources and Resources 71—72
Highlighting Knowledge Sources and Resources, Boeing 71
Highlighting Knowledge Sources and Resources, NASA JPL 71—72
Highlighting Knowledge Sources and Resources, World Bank 72
Information technology 93—94
Information Technology, Tools Used by Study Partners 93—94
Innovation in Teams, World Bank Figure 19 177
KM and Innovation Best Practices, 3M 101
KM and Innovation Best Practices, Boeing 118—119
KM and Innovation Best Practices, Millennium 154—156
KM and Innovation Best Practices, NASA JPL 143
KM Budgets and Funding 92—93
KM Budgets and Funding, 3M 92
KM Budgets and Funding, Boeing 92—93
KM Budgets and Funding, NASA JPL 93
KM Budgets and Funding, World Bank 93
KM Critical Success Factors at NASA Figure 13 144
KM Measures 94—97
KM Measures, 3M 95
KM Measures, APQC's Input-to-output Model 96—97
KM Measures, Boeing 95
KM Measures, Success Stories 95—96
KM Measures, World Bank 95—96
KM-specific Structure and Roles 85—92
KM-specific Structure and Roles, 3M 86 87 90—91
KM-specific Structure and Roles, Boeing 87—88 89
KM-specific Structure and Roles, Information Specialist 90—92
KM-specific Structure and Roles, KM Core or Central Team, The 86—88
KM-specific Structure and Roles, Millennium 88 89—90
KM-specific Structure and Roles, NASA JPL 86 91—92
KM-specific Structure and Roles, Steering Committee or Leadership Team 86
KM-specific Structure and Roles, Subject Matter Experts 89—90
KM-specific Structure and Roles, Support Roles 89
KM-specific Structure and Roles, World Bank 88
Knowledge Capture for Reuse 65—70
Knowledge Capture for Reuse, After-Action Review 66—67
Knowledge Capture for Reuse, Boeing 67—68
Knowledge Capture for Reuse, Interviews and Videotaping 69
Knowledge Capture for Reuse, Knowledge Maps 69—70
Knowledge Capture for Reuse, Lessons Learned Exercises 67—68
Knowledge Capture for Reuse, NASA JPL 68
Knowledge Management in Scientific and Technical Settings 22—24
Knowledge Management in Scientific and Technical Settings, Nature of the Knowledge and Innovation Being Managed, The 23
Knowledge Management in Scientific and Technical Settings, Nature of the Professionals Doing the Work, The 23—24
Knowledge Management Strategy 82—85
Knowledge Management Strategy, 3M 83
Knowledge Management Strategy, Boeing 84
Knowledge Management Strategy, Defining KM 82—83
Knowledge Management Strategy, KM Strategy at the Partner Organizations 83—85
Knowledge Management Strategy, Millennium 84
Knowledge Management Strategy, NASA JPL 85
Knowledge Management Strategy, World Bank 85
Knowledge-enabled Learning and Innovation (KeLI) Model Figure 1 25
Learning and Training Function Used to Support Knowledge Sharing and Innovation Figure 2 49
Lessons Learned about KM Infrastructure 97
Lessons Learned, 3M 115—116
Lessons Learned, Boeing 141—142
Lessons Learned, Millennium 167
Lessons Learned, NASA JPL 151—152
Lessons Learned, World Bank 181
Marketplace Pressures 45
Marketplace Pressures, Millennium 45
Measures of Success 75—78
Measures of Success, 3M 75
Measures of Success, Improving Measurement for Innovation 77—78
Measures of Success, Millennium 76
Measures of Success, Success Stories 77
Measures of Success, World Bank 76—77
Mechanisms for Ideation 45—46
Mechanisms for Ideation, 3M 45—46
Methodology 12—13
Millennium G2P Productivity Platform Figure 15 154
Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Access and reuse of Knowledge 63
Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Aligning the Message 36
Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Architecture Framework 155—156
Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Building a Knowledge Base 164
Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Collaboration Support 161—162
Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Compass 158—160
Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Compass and usability 160—161
Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Crossing Boundaries to Share Knowledge 33
Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Culture and Communicating the Guiding Principles, Objectives, and Behaviors 156—158
Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Databases and Repositories 59—60
Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Enabling Cross-functional Work 52—53
Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Establishing Support Roles and Structures 162—166
Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Examining Indicators of Success and Change 166
Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Face-to-face Opportunities 34—35
Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Faster Solutions and Decisions 78
Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Fostering Collaboration 158—162
Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Information Sharing Solutions Group 163
Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Ingenuity 166
Millennium Pharmaceuticals, KM Core or Central Team, The 88
Millennium Pharmaceuticals, KM Strategy at the Partner Organizations 84
Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Knowledge Bases 156—157
Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Knowledge Management 156
Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Knowledge Management and Innovation Practices 154—156
Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Lessons Learned 167
Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Marketplace Pressures 45
Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Measures of Success 76
Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Millennium G2P Productivity Platform Figure 15 154
Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Millennium's Knowledge Bases Figure 16 157
Millennium Pharmaceuticals, MyTargetValidattion 165—166
Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Next Steps 167
Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Partner Organizations and Innovation 20—21
Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Portal Technology 57—58
Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Role of Knowledge, Informatics, and Technology 155
Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Scientific Findings Capture Process Figure 17 165
Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Subject Matter Experts 89—90
Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Views 157—158 162—163
Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Voice of the Customer 43
Millennium's Knowledge Bases Figure 16 157
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