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Spiegel M.R. — Schaum's outline of theory and problems of probability and statistics |
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Sure event 5
t distribution see "Student's t distribution"
tally 177 184
Taylor series 80
Tests of hypotheses and significance 211—257
Tests of hypotheses and significance for correlation coefficient 267 268
Tests of hypotheses and significance for large samples 213 214
Tests of hypotheses and significance for predicted mean values 267
Tests of hypotheses and significance for predicted values 266
Tests of hypotheses and significance for regression coefficients 266 289 290
Tests of hypotheses and significance for small samples 215 216
Tests of hypotheses and significance for variances 216
Tests of hypotheses and significance, involving chi-square distribution 216 218 219 231
Tests of hypotheses and significance, involving differences of means 214 215 226—228
Tests of hypotheses and significance, involving differences of proportions 215 226—228
Tests of hypotheses and significance, involving F distribution 216 231 232
Tests of hypotheses and significance, involving means 213—215 221—225
Tests of hypotheses and significance, involving normal distribution 212 213
Tests of hypotheses and significance, involving proportions 214 221—225
Tests of hypotheses and significance, involving ratios of variances 216
Tests of hypotheses and significance, involving Student's t distribution 215 216 229—231
Tests of hypotheses and significance, relationship of to estimation theory 217
Three-way classification or three-factor experiments 332 333
Total variation 263 265 281 282 284 285
Total variation in analysis of variance 307 311 317 318
Total variation, degrees of freedom for 309 312
Transformation, invariance under 260 264 272
Transformed variables 258
Translation of axes 260
Treatment effects 312
Treatment means 306
Treatments 306
tree diagrams 9 10 21
Trend values 293 294
Trial, Bernoulli 108
Trimodal distribution 84
Two-factor experiments 310 311
Two-factor experiments with replications 313—315 324—327
Two-factor experiments, notation for 311
Two-factor experiments, variations for 311
Two-tailed tests 213
Two-way classification experiments see "Two-factor experiments"
Two-way classification tables 219
Two-way classification tables in analysis of variance 310 311 322—327
| Type I and Type II errors 212 221 222
Unbiased estimate 160 198 199 263 308 312 318
Unbiased estimator 160 194
Uncorrelated random variables 82
Unexplained variation 263 266 281 282 281 285
Uniform distribution 114 133
Uniformly distributed random variables 114
Union of sets 2
Uniqueness theorem for characteristic function 81 82
Uniqueness theorem for moment generating function 80
Units or dimensions 78
Universal set 2 4
Universe of discourse 2
Variance 78 88 89
Variance for a set of numbers 78
Variance for joint distributions 81 82
Variance of binomial distribution 109 123
Variance of F distribution 117
Variance of normal distribution 111
Variance of Poisson distribution 112
Variance of sampling distribution of means 158
Variance of Student's t distribution 117
Variance, as second moment 79
Variance, computation of for grouped data 164 165 179—183
Variance, conditional 83 94
Variance, pooled 216
Variance, sample see "Sample variance"
Variations for two-factor experiments 311
Variations, between and within treatments 307 317 318
Variations, between columns or blocks 311
Variations, between rows or treatments 311
Variations, degrees of freedom for 309
Variations, distributions of 309
Variations, expected values of 308 309
Variations, explained and unexplained 263 266 281 282 284 285
Variations, shortcut methods for obtaining 307
Venn diagrams 2
Weak law of large numbers see "Law of large numbers"
Weibull distribution 119 142
Well-defined sets 1
x-axis 2
x-axis, intercept on 260
Yates' correction for continuity 220 240 242 244
Z transformation, Fisher's 267
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