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Rawlings J.O., Pantula S.G., Dickey D.A. — Applied Regression Analysis: A Research Tool |
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Addelman, S. 336
Adequacy of the model 146 240 326
Adjusted coefficient of determination 220 222
Adjusted means 314
Adjusted treatment means 298
Afifi, A.A. 220 226 227
Agresti, Alan 510
Ahrenholz, D.W. 96 352 360
AIC criterion 220 225 589
Akaike, H. 225
Alderdice, D.F. 258—262
Allen, D.M. 230
Analysis of cell means 546
Analysis of cell means, unweighted 549
Analysis of cell means, weighted 552
Analysis of covariance 271 294 307
Analysis of variance 7 107
Analysis of variance approach 575 593
Analysis of variance estimators 576
Anderson, R.L. 494
Anderson, T.W. 247
Andrews, D.F. 98 319 395 460
Angle between vectors 191
Anscombe plots 344
Anscombe, F.J. 344 345
Arcsin transformation 404 408
Assumptions, homogeneous variance 325
Assumptions, independent errors 326
Assumptions, normality 325 326
Asymmetric distribution 327
Atkinson, A.C. 342 363
Autocorrelated errors 588
B.L.U.E., best linear unbiased estimators 77 325 443 552
Backward elimination 213 215 467 468
Balanced data, definition 545
Baldwin, K.F. 446 461
Bancroft, T.A. 227
Bartlett's test statistic 293
Bartlett, M.S. 291 398 404 407 409
Basson, R.P. 546
Belsley, D.A. 91 341—343 361 363 364 370 371 373
Bendel, R.B. 220 226 227
Berk, K.N. 209 219 222 373
Bias 210
Biased regression methods 433 434 443 446 466
Biggar, J.W. 395
Biplot, Gabriel's 433 436 442 455 463 466 473 475 476 483
Blom, G. 356
Bloomfield, P. 330 351
Bolch, B.W. 343
Bonferroni joint prediction intervals 143
Bonferroni method 137 172 507
Box — Cox transformation 409 428 509 532 618
Box — Tidwell transformation 400 402
Box, G.E.P. 236 255 328 400 404 409—411
Bradu, D. 439
Brown, R.L. 344
Bunke, O. 231
Cameron, E. 98 319 569
Campbell, F. 446
Carroll, R.J. 335 336 338 509
Carter, R.L. 337
Cell means 546
Centered 256
Centered independent variables 195 434 435 447 471
Central chi-square 117
Characteristic roots 57
Characteristic vectors 57
Clarke, G.P.Y. 501
Class statement 283
Class variables 269—271 545
Cochran, W.G. vii 197
Coefficient of determination 9 220
Coefficient of variation 203
Cofactor 43
Collinear 433
Collinearity 197 242 256 326 333 369 433 435 443 446 450 463 466 471 478
Collinearity, diagnostics 369
Collinearity, general comments 457
Collinearity, impact of 198
Collinearity, nonessential 370
Column marker 437 442
Complete block design 577
Components of variance 573 575
Composite hypothesis 557
Condition index 371
Condition number 371 473
Confidence ellipsoid 172
Confidence interval estimates 19
Consistent equations 50
Consistent estimator 337
contrast 276 548
Controlled experiments 208
Cook's D 361 362
Cook, J. 337 338
Cook, R.D. 341—343 358 362 370 410
Corrected sum of squares 111
Correction factor 8 110
Correlated errors 29 329
Correlated errors, impact of 329
Correlated residuals 351
Correlation matrix 164 469
Correlation, product moment 50
Correlational structure 434 463 466 471
Corsten, L.C.A. 439
Covariance 11
Covariance of linear functions 13
Covariance, one-way analysis of 592
COVRATIO 361 364
Cox, D.R. 328 404 409 411
Cox, Gertrude M. 301 310
Cramer, H. 78
Critical point 257
Cure, W.W. 492
Daniel, C. 356
Data, algae density–all treatments 265
Data, algae density–one treatment 237 238 241
Data, bacterial growth 512
Data, beer production 245
Data, biomass score 267
Data, blue mold infection 357
Data, cabbage 301 321
Data, calcium uptake 501 502 514
Data, cancer 319 569
Data, chemical response 265
Data, coho salmon 258
Data, collinearity 372 435
Data, colon cancer 98 154
Data, corn borer 316 430 572
Data, corn production 593
Data, dust exposure 22
Data, fishing pressure 95 153 352 354 360
Data, fitness 123 124 128 133 136 138 141 349
Data, Francis 62
Data, Galileo 514
Data, growth 429
Data, Heagle mean ozone 4 33 80 81 95 109 111 118
Data, Heagle ozone plot 144 147
Data, Heagle soybean 411 515 518 531 572
Data, heart rate 30
Data, hospital days 35 95 156
Data, Lauri — Alberg 394 460
Data, Linthurst–five variables 161 211 215 223 227 322 377 463
Data, listening–reading data 292
Data, peak flow 96 152
Data, pine salt tolerance 402 403 427
Data, precipitation 263
Data, Pseudomona dermatis 34
Data, radiation–seed weight 34 95 155 202 348—350 365
Data, renal function 440
| Data, sand, silt, clay mix 395 460
Data, soil moisture 511
Data, soil organic matter 93 150
Data, soil phosphorus 310 322
Data, solar radiation 32 203
Data, stolen timber prediction 422 430
Data, temperature–herbicide 318 572
Data, watershed 179 232 428 460
Data,Linthurst–all variables 463 465 482 483
Defining matrix 101—103
Degrees of freedom 8 126 190
Degrees of freedom for a quadratic form 103
Derivative 237
Derivative-free method 497 525
DFBETAS 361 364
DFFITS 361 363
Dickey, D.A. vii 243 256 581
Dimensionality 184
Distance between two vectors 55
Dixon, W.J. 416 568
Drake, S. 514
Draper, N.R. 255 497
Droge, B. 231
Dummy variables 269 272
Durbin — Watson test for independence 354
Durbin, J. 344 354 631
Effects model 271 546 547
Eigenanalysis 57 435 437 471
Eigenvalues 57 436 437 447
Eigenvectors 57 436 437 447 448
Eisenhart, C. 353
Elimination of variables 207
Equations, consistent 50 51
Equations, inconsistent 50
Equitable distribution property 558 559 561
Erh, E.T. 395
Errors-in-variables model 334
Estimability 545
Estimable 276
Estimable functions 545 546 549 553 554
Estimable functions, general form 554 562 566 598
Estimable functions, properties for balanced data 557
Estimable functions, unbalanced data 558
Estimated generalized least squares 421 508 574 588
Estimated means 80
Estimates, regression coefficient 80
Estimation 206 207
Estimation, least squares 3
Evans, J.M. 344
Experimental designs 92
External Studentization 342
Extrapolation 206 207 256 524
F-statistic 117
F-to-enter 214 226
F-to-stay 214 226
Factoring matrix products 84
Feldstein, M. 337
Fixed effects model 573
Forward selection 213 215
Francia, R.S. 359 633
Francis, C.A. 62 65—67
Freund, R.J. 546 561 568
Full model 126
Fuller, W.A. 330 334—338 351 419 421 494
Furnival, G.M. 210 211 220
Gabriel, K.R. 334 436 439 473
Gallant, A.R. 494 497—501 507—509 538
Galpin, J.S. 344 358
Gauss — Newton method 496
Gauss — Newton method, modified 497
General linear hypothesis 119 308
General linear model 553 596
Generalized inverse 53 75 282 553
Generalized least squares 330 397 411 413 417 418 509 573
Generalized ridge regression estimators 461
Geometry of least squares 183
Gram — Schmidt orthogonalization 74 243
Gray, R.J. 342 358
Graybill, F.A. 78
Grid search 496
Griffiths, W.E. 225
Guarnieri, J.A. 336
Gumpertz, M.L. 585 586
Gunst, R.F. 370 445 457
Hackney, O.P. 546 552 554 559
Hampel, F.R. 326
Harmonic mean 551
Hartley, H.O. 356 497
Hausman, W.H. 37 50 53 55 57
Hawkins, D.M. 344 358 445
Heck, W.W. 492
Hedayat, A. 331 344
Henderson, H.V. 546 562 563 568
Hernandez, F. 409 410
Herzberg, A.M. 98 319 395 460
Heterogeneous variances 328
Heteroscedastic errors 507
High leverage points 330
Hill, R.C. 225
Hocking, R.R. 206 209 220 223 224 274 286 445 546 552 554 559 583 596
Hoerl, A.E. 445 446 461 473
Homogeneity of intercepts 291
Homogeneity of regressions 271 288 306
Homogeneity of slopes 290
Hotelling, H. 138
Householder, A.S. 61
Huang, C.J. 343
Huber, P.J. 326
Hunter, J.S. 236 410
Hunter, W.G. 236 410
Hypothesis, alternative 17
Hypothesis, null 17
Inconsistent 50
Indicator matrix 272
Indicator variables 269 272
Influence statistics 331 361
Influential data points 326 330
Information criteria 220 225
Instrumental variables 337
intercept 2
Inverse of diagonal matrix 46
Iterative reweighted least squares 508
Jackknife residuals 342
Jennrich, R.I. 497
Johnson, R.A. 409 410
Join point 493
Joint confidence intervals 135 172
Joint confidence regions 139 172
Joint prediction regions 142
Judge, G.G. 225
Kennard, R.W. 445 446 461 473
Kennedy, W.J. 227
Kopecky, K.J. 358
Kuh, E. 91 341—343 361 363 364 370 371 373
kurtosis 327
Lack of fit 146 240
Lack-of-fit sum of squares 241
Ladder of transformations 399
Latent roots 57
Latent vectors 57
Leaps-and-bounds algorithm 211
Least squares estimation 3
Least squares means 610
Least squares principle 3 494
Lee, T. 225
Leverage plots 359
Likelihood function 77 588
Likelihood ratio procedure 501
Likelihood ratio tests 589
Linear functions 82
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