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Rosenberger W.F., Lachin J.M. — Randomization in Clinical Trials : Theory and Practice |
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Likelihood, Restricted randomization 90
Likelihood-based inference 191; See also Population-based inference
Lin, D.Y. 107 111 195 202
Lind's scurvy study 3
Linear rank test 94 97 101 119 184 199;
Linear rank test, conditional 101 106 216 229—230 234 237 240
Linear rank test, family 94 97 102
Linear rank test, group sequential monitoring 108
Linear rank test, large sample 104—105 201 219 227—228
Linear rank test, large sample, complete randomization 216 228—229
Linear rank test, large sample, covariate-adaptive randomization 247
Linear rank test, large sample, Efron's biased coin design 234
Linear rank test, large sample, random allocation rule 217 231
Linear rank test, large sample, response-adaptive randomization 243 247
Linear rank test, large sample, truncated binomial design 232
Linear rank test, large sample, Wei — Smythe and Smith's design 238
Linear rank test, large sample, Wei's urn design 234 238
Linear rank test, stratified 121
Linear rank test, stratified, optimal weights 122
Linear rank test, unconditional 106 230 234 240
Linear rank test, variance 99 101
Little, R.J.A. 148
Liu, J.-R. 2 13
Logrank test 28 94 98 104 184 199
Losses to follow-up 21 29
Louis, T.A. 172 187
Luppi, G. 51
Lupus Nephritis Collaborative Study Group 14
Lurie, P. 10 14
Mann — Whitney test 102
Mantel — Haenszel procedure 54 97 117—118 121 125 134 150
Mantel, N. 63 118 148
Markov chain 47 104
Markov chain, periodic 44
Markov chain, recurrent 233
Marks, J. 44 52
Martingale 215 217—219 221 223 228 247
Martingale, array 219—220 234—235 247—248
Martingale, compensator 218
Martingale, Weak Law 218 220 223
Masking 18 159 161 178
Masking and packaging 158
Masking and selection bias 75 151
Masking, double-masked trial 18 21 150 161—162
Masking, response-adaptive randomization 204
Masking, single-masked trial 150
Masking, unmasking a patient 159 161
Matching on covariates 4
Matthews, J.N.S. 2 14
Matthews, P.C. 181 188 194 197 202
Matts, J.P. 125—126 128—129 131 134 148 152—153 155 168
Maximum likelihood estimator 28 176 193 245—246
Maximum likelihood estimator, Bias 193
Maximum likelihood estimator, large sample properties 193 222
Maximum likelihood estimator, large sample properties, Rosenberger Flournoy and Durham's Theorem 225 243
Maximum likelihood estimator, response-adaptive randomization 178 220 247
Maximum likelihood estimator, response-adaptive randomization, effect of delayed response 244
Mazzocchi, В. 51
McCullagh, P. 140 148
McHugh, R.B. 126 128—129 148
McPherson, K. 63
Measures of association, odds ratio 54 175 199
Measures of association, relative risk 8 175 180
Measures of association, simple difference 175 195—196 198
Mehta, C.R. 103—104 111
Melfi, V.F. 177—178 188 245—247 249—250
Miller, R. 63
Minimum variance linear estimator 122
Missing completely at random 20—21 138 155
Missing data 138
Missing data, informatively 139
Missing data, worst rank analysis 139
Mitchell, L.В. 17 33
Moses, L.E. 63
Moye, J. 13
Myopic strategies 171 173
Nechvatal, J. 156 168
Nelder, J.A. 140 148
Neonatal Inhaled Nitric Oxide Study Group 141 148
Ney, P. 248 250
Neyman allocation 32 174—175 177 185 197—198
Neyman — Pearson inference 89—90 93
Noncompliance 21 30
Obias-Manno, D. 33
Observational study 4
Optimal allocation 50 173—174 176 178—179 198
Optimal allocation, binary outcomes 175
Optimal allocation, normal outcomes 174
Optimal design 59
Optimal design, General Equivalence Theorem 60
Outcome, primary 16 21 32 65 76 153 164 203—204 210
Outcome, secondary 16 32
Outcome, surrogate 16—17 210
O’Neill, E. 13
O’Rourke, P.P. 210—212
O’Sullivan, M.J. 13
p-value 93 95—97 106 153
Packaging and labeling 158 206
Page, С.F. 177—178 188 245—247 249—-250
Palmer, С.R. 9 13—14
Parad, R.В. 212
Park, T.S. 202
Parmley, W.W. 164 168
Patel, N.R. 103—104 111
Paty, D.W. 167
Peckova, M. 199 202
Pediatric AIDS Clinical Trials Group Protocol 076 Study Group 13
Penа, Е. 104 110 234 241
Pepine, С.J. 168
Permutation test 89 92 95—97 See
Permutation test, conditional 96 100 103 105—106
Permutation test, exact distribution 103 200 234
Permutation test, large sample distribution 104
Permutation test, Monte Carlo approach 104 210
Permutation test, randomized play-the-winner rule 247
Permutation test, unconditional 96 105 108 193
Permutation test, Wei's urn design 247
Peters, R.W. 33
Peto, J. 63 102 111
Peto, R. 50 52 55 63 102 111
Piantadosi, S. 2 14
Pike, M.C. 55
Pisani, R. 9 14
Placebo 6 8—9 11 17 20—22 25 27—28 30—31 76 158—159 161—162 165 208—210
Placebo effect 30—31
Placebo, double 161 165
Pocock, S.J. 2 14 58 63
Population model 25—26 31 89—91 94—97 101—102 109 121 150 153—155 176 180 192 196 245
Population model, homogeneous 72 91 101 126 128 153
Population model, invoked 91 94—95
Population-based inference 91 230
Population-based inference and group-sequential monitoring 107
Power 23 25—26 31—33 37 50 55 94 102 123 126 149 169 177 196—198 207
Power and blocking 155
Power and equal allocation 36—37 169 199
Power and noncompliance 30
Power and placebo effect 31
Power and response-adaptive randomization 196—198 207
Power and sample size 25 28
Power and sequential tests 199
Power and stratification 55 127—128
Power and unequal allocation 37 50 169 174
Power under a randomization model 94 149 155
Powers, E.R. 168
Prentice, R.L. 16 33 97—98 102 111
Priority queues 207
Proportional hazards model 28 102
Proschan, M. 76 88
Protocol Committee and the NCGS Group 52
Proversion probability 102
| Puri, M.L. 122 148
Purves, R. 9 14
random number generation 155—157
Random walks 43 79
Randomization 1 7
Randomization model 31 89 92—94 101—102 117 119 121 131 150 158 227 230 243
Randomization null hypothesis 93
Randomization sequence 157—158
Randomization test 92
Randomization, Bayesian view of 91
Randomization, centralized 160
Randomization-based inference 36 89 97 149 153 155 157 191 210
Randomization-based inference, covariate-adaptive randomization 104
Randomization-based inference, response-adaptive randomization 201
Rao, С.R. 68 73
Recruitment period 23 203
Recruitment, truncated exponential model 24 29
Recruitment, unequal allocation as incentive 50 208
Recruitment, uniform model 24 29 33 207
Reddy, D. 213
Reference set 93 95—97 103—104 149 157—158
Reference set, conditional 95—96
Reference set, unconditional 95—96
Regression modeling 53 59 67 87 117 139 143
Relative efficiency 55 102—103 126—129 149
Response-adaptive randomization 35—36 50 90 96 159 170 173 178—181 191—194 196 199 201 203—204 206—211 243
Response-adaptive randomization, accidental bias 205
Response-adaptive randomization, confidence intervals 195
Response-adaptive randomization, delayed response 196 204 244
Response-adaptive randomization, doubly-adaptive biased coin design 178 197
Response-adaptive randomization, drop-the-loser rule 183—184 198 207
Response-adaptive randomization, loss of power 197
Response-adaptive randomization, randomized play-the-winner rule 173 179—180 183—184 194—195 197—199 201 207 209 249
Response-adaptive randomization, selection bias 204
Response-adaptive randomization, sequential maximum likelihood procedure 176—178 182 198 204 207 245
Response-adaptive randomization, sequential monitoring 199
Response-adaptive randomization, survival outcomes 184—185 203 207
Response-adaptive randomization, treatment effect mappings 184—185 207
Response-adaptive randomization, urn models 173 179—181 183—185 191 204 206 243
Response-adaptive randomization, urn models with immigration 183 199
Response-adaptive randomization, urn models, birth and death urn 183 245
Response-adaptive randomization, urn models, Durham and Yu's urn 183
Response-adaptive randomization, urn models, generalized Friedman's urn 179 197 243—244
Response-adaptive randomization, urn models, ternary urn 183
Restricted randomization 35—37 39 50 54 57 67 72 78 90 103—104 130 135 155 191—193 201 206 228
Restricted randomization, biased coin design with imbalance intolerance 44
Restricted randomization, big stick rule 44
Restricted randomization, block simultaneous randomization 154
Restricted randomization, comparison of designs 48
Restricted randomization, Efron's biased coin design 43 45 47—49 51 56 58 61 69—70 72 84 100 103 105—106 135 152 155 233—234
Restricted randomization, Efron's biased coin design, imbalances 43
Restricted randomization, Ehrenfest urn model 47
Restricted randomization, generalized biased coin design 47 69 76 85—86
Restricted randomization, multiple treatments 48
Restricted randomization, permuted block design 42 56—57 68—72 75 81 83 85 103 108 121 126 131 134 137 151—152 154—155 162 164 210
Restricted randomization, permuted block design, complete-block analysis 139
Restricted randomization, permuted block design, unfilled blocks 121 138
Restricted randomization, permuted block design, using random allocation rule 81 141
Restricted randomization, permuted block design, using truncated binomial design 83
Restricted randomization, random allocation rule 37—42 48 51 56 67—68 70—73 76 86—88 96 100—101 103 105—106 108 112 119—121 127—128 131 134 137—138 152 154 158 217 232
Restricted randomization, random allocation rule, covariance 39
Restricted randomization, Smith's design 48
Restricted randomization, truncated binomial design 40—42 50 68—70 72 79—81 85—88 96 100 103 108 110 134—135 151—152 154
Restricted randomization, truncated binomial design, covariance 41
Restricted randomization, unbalanced allocation 50
Restricted randomization, Variable block design 42 82 152 154
Restricted randomization, Wei Smythe and Smith's design 49 238
Restricted randomization, Wei's urn design 45—49 51 69—70 72 76 85—86 97 100 103 105—106 110 131 135 137—138 144 155—156 163—165 234 236—240 247
Restricted randomization, Wei's urn design, imbalances 46
Retrospective study 4
Ricks, M.L. 188 202
Robbins, H. 170 172 188
Rocke, D.A. 204 213
Rodino, C. 51
Rohatgi, V.K. 215 226
Rohde, R.D. 14 33 168
Roloff, D.W. 209 211—212
Rosenbaum, P.R. 4 14 72—73
Rosenberger, W.F. 9 13—14 63 69 73 170 175 177 181—188 192 194—199 201—202 204—205 207 211 213 221—222 226 244—245 247—250
Ross, S.M. 44 52
Rout, С.С. 204 213
Roy, S.N. 172 186
Royall, R.M. 208—209 211—213
Rubin, D.В. 91 111 148
Rukhin, A.L. 69 73 156 168
S-Plus 155
Sample size estimation 25
Sample size estimation, adjustment for noncompliance 30
Sample size estimation, basic formula 27
Sample size estimation, comparison of means 27
Sample size estimation, survival outcome, losses to follow-up 29
Sample size estimation, survival trial 28
Samuel-Cahn, E. 25 34
Sarkadi, K. 63
SAS 106 155
Schlesselman, J.J. 212
Schoenfield, L.J. 44 52
Scores, binary 97
Scores, optimal rank 101
Scores, savage 97 102 122
Scores, simple rank 97 102 104—107 229—230 234
Scores, van der Waerden 102 110 122
Scores, Wilcoxon 102
Scott, G. 13
Seidenfeld, Т. 91 110
Selection bias 19 36 38 42 72 75—76 78 81—83 85—87 149 151—152 154—155 160 204
Selection bias and response-adaptive randomization 172
Selection bias, Blackwell — Hodges model 76 78 81 87 152 154
Selection bias, controlling in practice 87
Selection bias, convergence strategy 77—79 84
Selection bias, Efron's biased coin design 84
Selection bias, generalized biased coin design 85
Selection bias, permuted block design 81
Selection bias, proportional convergence strategy 80
Selection bias, random allocation rule 79
Selection bias, testing for 87
Selection bias, truncated binomial design 79
Selection bias, Wei's urn design 85
Selvin, S. 4 14
Sequential probability ratio test 172
Seshaiyer, P. 184 188 199 202 207 213
Shared controls 162
Shearer, W. 13
Shen, L. 184 186
Sibson, R. 60 63
Sidak, Z. 101 110
Siegmund, D.O. 172 188
Sigma-algebra 38 217 219
Simon, R. 58 63 104 111 208 212—213
Simons, G. 188
Slud, E. 107—108 111
Smid, M. 168
Smith, A.F.M. 60—61 63
Smith, P.G. 63
Smith, R.L. 47—50 52 69 73 76 85—86 88 236 238 242
Smoking and lung cancer 4
Smythe, R.X. 49—50 52 195 202 229 233—234 236 238—239 242
Soares, J.K. 44 52
Soldani, M. 51
Sommer, A. 11 14
Soto, J. 156 168
Sperling, R.S. 10—11 13
Sriram, T.N. 181 188
Staggered entry 23 25 75 196 199 207
Stallard, N. 175 177 182 188 198—199 202
Standardization 18
Staquet, M.J. 2 6 13
Steady-state equations 44
Steele, J.M. 69 73
Stigler, S.M. 78 80 88 152 168
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