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Karassik I.J., Cooper P., Messina J.P. — Pump Handbook
Karassik I.J., Cooper P., Messina J.P. — Pump Handbook

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Название: Pump Handbook

Авторы: Karassik I.J., Cooper P., Messina J.P.


Your Best-Bet Guide to Essential Machinery—Updated

Whenever and wherever fluids must be moved, a pump — next to the electric motor, the second most common machine used today — must be there. And if you work with pumps, the Pump Handbook, the field's hands-down reference leader, must be there, too.

Newly revised, and bringing together the resources of international experts, this job-critical guide is the one and only guide to the design, application, specification, purchase, operation, and maintenance of pumps of all kinds. Covering everything from advanced seals to basic design paradigms, the Pump Handbook takes you through all the latest developments in pump technologies. This important update, the first in 14 years, offers practical guidance to help you:

*Design leading-edge pumps of all types for any uses.
*Select and purchase the right pump for your application.
*Specify materials, drivers, valves, piping, intakes, and other components—using both SI and Customary Units.
*Choose and apply controls and valves
*Install and operate any type of pump.
*Test, maintain, and troubleshoot pumping equipment and peripherals.
*Find details on centrifugal, jet, positive displacement, and other pumps.
*Keep state-of-the-art reference data and resources always at hand.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 3

Год издания: 2000

Количество страниц: 600

Добавлена в каталог: 10.04.2009

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Feet, casings      2.110
Ferric chloride uses, composite pumps      5.57
Fertilizer pumps      9.321 9.442
Fiber characteristics of paper stock      9.166
Field maintenance      12.2
Field tests      13.2
Filters, canned motor pump assemblies      2.318
Filters, gas turbines, inlets      6.94
Filters, injection flow systems      2.245
Finite element method analysis, seismic nuclear pumps      9.303
Fire marine pumps      9.231—9.232
Fire protection systems      9.57
Fire protection systems, accessories      9.70
Fire protection systems, codes and regulations      9.60
Fire protection systems, controllers      9.61
Fire protection systems, drivers      9.60
Fire protection systems, emergency pumps      9.58
Fire protection systems, engineering guidelines      9.62
Fire protection systems, first intervention pumps      9.58
Fire protection systems, jockey pumps      9.58
Fire protection systems, recommended design features      9.63—9.68
Firm capacity, raw sewage pumps      9.29
First intervention pumps, fire protection systems      9.58
First law of thermodynamics      2.9
Fish, preventing from entering intake      10.18—10.21
Fittings, frictional losses      8.54
Fixed blade propeller turbines      6.79
Fixed displacement hydraulic pumps, fixed water flow      6.195
Fixed orifices, bypass systems      2.448
Fixed system heads, pumping systems      8.13
Fixed water flow, hydraulic pumps      6.195
Flame hardening gears      6.150
Flanges      2.110
Flanges, motors      6.20
Flanges, rigid couplings      6.175
Flap valves, AODPs      3.92
Flash distilling marine pumps      9.234
flashing      2.448 8.113
Flat characteristic      2.334
Flat side valves, duplex steam pumps      3.43
Flat wearing rings      2.119
Flexible couplings      6.176 6.181—6.182
Flexible diaphragm couplings      6.178
Flexible drive shafts      6.186
Flexible graphite packing      2.188
Flexible impeller food/beverage pumps      9.190
Flexible liner pumps      3.126
Flexible pipe, bedplate issues      2.157
Flexible shafts      2.133
Float mounted mining pumps      9.201—9.203
Floating packings      2.183
Floating rings, segmented throttle bushings      2.240—2.241
Floating shafts      6.184
Flooded suction, units of measure      13.3
Floor acceleration, seismic nuclear pumps      9.303
Flow characteristics, complex slurries      9.338—9.339
Flow characteristics, control valves      7.20—7.21
Flow characteristics, fully stratified slurries      9.335
Flow characteristics, inclined slurries      9.342
Flow characteristics, slurries      9.322—9.323
Flow characteristics, vertical slurries      9.341
Flow coefficients, valves      7.22 8.56—8.58 8.62—8.63
Flow Control      2.437
Flow control, automatic bypass systems      2.441—2.443
Flow control, branch-line pumping systems      8.88
Flow control, combined displacement/centrifugal systems      3.78 3.81
Flow control, continuous bypass systems      2.441
Flow control, control loop bypass systems      2.442
Flow control, design factors      2.439
Flow control, displacement pumps      3.75 3.78
Flow control, displacement pumps, in series      3.83
Flow control, sewage systems      9.41
Flow curves, rotary pumps      3.131
Flow cutoff, LJGL pumps      4.8
Flow distribution, scale models      10.51
Flow metering devices      12.12
Flow nozzles, testing pumps      13.16
Flow paths, canned motor pumps      2.318
Flow paths, sealless magnetic drive pumps      2.311
Flow rates      2.327
Flow rates, centrifugal pumps      2.351 2.365
Flow rates, reducing to prevent cavitation, LJL pumps      4.17
Flow rates, temperature variations      8.77
Flow regimes, jet pumps      4.5—4.6
Flow regulation, condensate pumps      9.100
Flow requirements      2.438
Flow units, hydraulic turbines      6.80
Fluid characteristics, pump selection      11.7
Fluid couplings      6.127
Fluid couplings, controllers      6.139
Fluid couplings, efficiencies      6.139
Fluid couplings, hydrodynamic drives      6.132
Fluid couplings, hydrokinetic drives      6.127—6.130
Fluid couplings, hydrostatic drives      6.134
Fluid couplings, hydroviscous drives      6.133—6.134
Fluid couplings, leakoff      6.131
Fluid couplings, output speed regulation      6.136
Fluid couplings, scoop-trimming      6.130—6.131
Fluid couplings, turndown      6.136
Fluid drives      see "Hydrokinetic drives"
Fluid dynamics      2.9
Fluid film bearing cavitation      2.248
Fluid friction power losses, rotary pumps      3.145
Fluid issues, rotary pumps      3.135
Fluid lubricity, rotary pumps      3.135
Fluid mechanics, boundary layer theory      2.249
Fluid vapor pressure, screw pumps      3.110
Fluid/structure interactions, high-energy pumps      2.74
Flumes      13.23—13.24
Fluoride pumps, water treatment plants      9.17
Flush gland plates      2.220
Flush-and-quench gland plates      2.220
Flushes      2.204
Flushing solids pumps      9.374
Flux vector drives      6.121
Flywheel effect, waterhammer      8.94
Food pumps      9.187—9.188
Food pumps, positive displacement      9.190
Food pumps, rotodynamic      9.189
Food pumps, seals      9.193
Food pumps, types      9.189—9.190 9.193
Foot valves      2.456
Forged cylinders, power pumps      3.23
Forward curved blades, centrifugal pumps      2.332
Foul condensate, paper mill pumps      9.166
Foundations      12.3 12.8 2.155
Foundations, engines      6.73
Foundations, gear reducers      6.160
Foundations, grouting      12.8
Foundations, screw pumps      3.120
Foundations, vertical pumps      2.175
Frames, power pumps      3.28
Francis turbines, power shafts      6.80
Francis turbines, runners      6.79
Francis turbines, sizes      6.83
Francis-vane impellers      2.113
Francis-vane radial impellers      2.113
Free surface vortices      10.39 10.49
Freeness, paper stock      9.166
Frequencies, defective bearings      2.406
Frequencies, impeller vane passage      2.406
Frequencies, variations, electric motors      6.22
Frequencies, vibration analysis      2.419—2.424
Frequency inverters, PWM      6.118
Freshwater cooling marine pumps      9.230
Freshwater drain collecting tank pumps      9.223
fretting      5.15
Friction      8.32
Frictional losses, head losses, pumping systems      8.34 8.39—8.48
Frictional losses, journal bearings      2.253
Frictional losses, LJL pump coefficients      4.12
Frictional losses, paper mill piping      9.170—9.173 9.177—9.179
Frictional losses, water supply systems      9.12
Froude scaling of intakes      10.45
Fuel oil pumps      9.225—9.229 9.256
Fuel pool cooling pumps, BWR plants      9.285
Fuel systems, engines      6.61
Fuels, aircraft fuel pumps      9.415
Fuels, gas turbines      6.91
Full-convolution bellows seals      2.214
Fully stratified slurries      9.323 9.335
Fundamental shaft frequency pressure pulsations      8.105
Fungicide transfer systems      9.442
FVNR starters (full voltage nonreversing), wound-rotor induction motors      6.111
Gain, control valves      7.21
Galling resistance of alloys      5.30—5.34
Galvanic corrosion      5.6—5.7 9.119
Gaps, sealless magnetic drive pumps      2.299
Gas turbines      6.89
Gas turbines, acoustic treatments      6.93
Gas turbines, brake horsepower      6.96
Gas turbines, Brayton cycle      6.89
Gas turbines, closed-cycle      6.90
Gas turbines, combined cycle      6.90
Gas turbines, control systems      6.94
Gas turbines, design temperatures      6.91
Gas turbines, emissions      6.93
Gas turbines, environmental issues      6.91
Gas turbines, filtration inlets      6.94
Gas turbines, fuel oil marine pumps      9.227
Gas turbines, fuel sources      6.91
Gas turbines, Joule cycle      6.89
Gas turbines, lubricating oil marine pumps      9.227
Gas turbines, lubrication      6.94
Gas turbines, noise      6.93
Gas turbines, open-cycle      6.90
Gas turbines, pipeline service      6.95
Gas turbines, pump applications      6.94—6.96
Gas turbines, rolling media filters      6.94
Gas turbines, single-shaft      6.90
Gas turbines, split shaft      6.90
Gas turbines, split-shaft conventional      6.90
Gas turbines, standards      6.91
Gas turbines, starting systems      6.94
Gas-charged dampeners, displacement pumps      3.69
Gaseous fuel systems, engines      6.61
Gaskets, chemical pumps      9.121
Gasoline transfer systems      6.61 9.443
Gate control valves      7.16
Gear food/beverage pumps      9.190
Gear pumps      3.123 3.127
Gear reducers      6.152
Gear reducers, adjustable-speed belt drives      6.169
Gear reducers, alignment      6.160
Gear reducers, efficiencies      6.153
Gear reducers, foundations      6.160
Gear reducers, leveling      6.160
Gear reducers, power ranges      6.153
Gear reducers, ratios      6.153
Gear reducers, speeds      6.153
Geared steam turbines      6.39
Gears, carburizing      6.150
Gears, continuous-tooth herringbone gears      6.146
Gears, couplings      6.160
Gears, double helical gears      6.146
Gears, epicyclic gear units      6.159
Gears, flame hardening      6.150
Gears, grease lubrication      6.161
Gears, helical ge ars      6.144—6.146
Gears, hypoid-bevel gears      6.148
Gears, induction hardening      6.149
Gears, installing      6.159
Gears, lubrication      6.160—6.161
Gears, minimizing, dimensions      6.150
Gears, minimizing, noise      6.151
Gears, nitriding      6.149
Gears, oil seals      6.161
Gears, packaged gear drives      6.152
Gears, parallel-shaft gears      6.144
Gears, pump drives      6.143
Gears, spiral-bevel gears      6.147
Gears, spur gears      6.144
Gears, straight-bevel gears      6.147
Gears, through hardening      6.149
Gears, troubleshooting      6.161—6.164
Gears, worm gears      6.148
Gears, zero-bevel gears      6.147
General corrosion      5.4
General purpose eductors      4.30—4.32
Generator motors, pumped storage      9.262
Geothermal water, salinity      5.37
Gerotor pumps      3.129
Gland plates, seals      2.220
Gland plates, stuffing boxes      2.186
Globe control valves      7.15
Governors, pumped storage systems      9.270
Governors, single-stage steam turbines      6.41
Governors, steam turbines      6.41
Graphite corrosion      5.4—5.5
Grease seals, sewage pumps      2.144
Grease, ball bearing lubricant      2.153
Grease, gear units      6.161
Grease, oil lubricant      2.152
Green liquor, paper mill pumps      9.164
Ground acceleration, seismic nuclear pumps      9.303
Groundwater, pumps      9.3—9.4
Groundwater, salinity      5.37
Groundwater, well pumps      9.21
Groundwood pulp      9.159
Grouting      12.8
Guarded enclosures, electric motors      6.15
GVFs (gas void fractions), screw pumps      3.118
Half-convolution bellows seals      2.214
Handholes, casings      2.107
Hazen — Williams formula      8.34—8.36
Head losses      8.64
Head losses, bar racks      8.73
Head losses, metering systems      8.66
Head losses, perforated plates      8.73
Head losses, pumping systems      8.32
Head losses, pumping systems, pipe frictional losses      8.34 8.39 8.42—8.48
Head losses, screens      8.70
Head losses, throttling orifices      8.77
Head losses, wire mesh screens      8.71
Head, area meters      13.18
Head, capacity curves, sewage systems      9.39
Head, capacity curves, steam power plants      9.85
Head, centrifugal pumps      2.328
Head, measuring      13.27—13.28
Head, measuring, Bourdon gages      13.35
Head, measuring, differential mercury gages      13.34
Head, measuring, mercury gages      13.34
Head, measuring, water gages      13.33
Head, pool-to-pool, drainage/irrigation pumps      9.48
Head, pumping systems      8.5
Head, units of measure      13.3
Heat balancing, bearings      2.263—2.266
Heat exchangers, engines      6.66
Heat of compression, centrifugal pumps      2.11
Heat recovery distillation pumps      9.235
Heat removal, seals      2.203
Heater drain pumps      9.103—9.104
Heating jackets, rotary pumps      3.125
Helical gears      6.144—6.146
Herbicide transfer systems      9.442
Heteropolar magnetic bearings      2.282 2.285—2.288
High head systems, waterhammer      8.93
High purity water and erosion      5.35
High purity water, erosion corrosion      5.35
High specific speed centrifugal pumps      2.364
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
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