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Karassik I.J., Cooper P., Messina J.P. — Pump Handbook
Karassik I.J., Cooper P., Messina J.P. — Pump Handbook

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Название: Pump Handbook

Авторы: Karassik I.J., Cooper P., Messina J.P.


Your Best-Bet Guide to Essential Machinery—Updated

Whenever and wherever fluids must be moved, a pump — next to the electric motor, the second most common machine used today — must be there. And if you work with pumps, the Pump Handbook, the field's hands-down reference leader, must be there, too.

Newly revised, and bringing together the resources of international experts, this job-critical guide is the one and only guide to the design, application, specification, purchase, operation, and maintenance of pumps of all kinds. Covering everything from advanced seals to basic design paradigms, the Pump Handbook takes you through all the latest developments in pump technologies. This important update, the first in 14 years, offers practical guidance to help you:

*Design leading-edge pumps of all types for any uses.
*Select and purchase the right pump for your application.
*Specify materials, drivers, valves, piping, intakes, and other components—using both SI and Customary Units.
*Choose and apply controls and valves
*Install and operate any type of pump.
*Test, maintain, and troubleshoot pumping equipment and peripherals.
*Find details on centrifugal, jet, positive displacement, and other pumps.
*Keep state-of-the-art reference data and resources always at hand.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 3

Год издания: 2000

Количество страниц: 600

Добавлена в каталог: 10.04.2009

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Turbines, fixed blade propeller      6.79
Turbines, Francis      6.79
Turbines, Francis, power shafts      6.80
Turbines, gas      6.89
Turbines, gas, Brayton cycle      6.89
Turbines, gas, Joule cycle      6.89
Turbines, horizontal shafts      6.80
Turbines, hydraulic      6.78—6.79
Turbines, hydraulic, flow units      6.80
Turbines, hydraulic, power shafts      6.80
Turbines, hydraulic, torque      6.86
Turbines, impulse      6.79
Turbines, inclined shaft      6.80
Turbines, inpulse      6.78
Turbines, power recovery      6.83
Turbines, runners      6.79
Turbines, sigma      6.83
Turbines, speed characteristic      6.86
Turbines, steam turbines      6.37
Turbines, tube      6.80
Turbines, vertical propeller      6.80
Turbopumps, space shuttle booster pumps      9.434
Turbulence, journal bearings      2.252
Turbulent flow      8.32 9.327
Turndown, fluid couplings      6.136
Turning vanes, suction pits      10.13
Twin volute pumps      2.101
Two-body wear      5.16
Two-chamber primers      2.457
Types of wear      5.13
Unbalanced impellers      2.432—2.433
Unbalanced power pumps      3.18—3.19
Unbalanced seals      2.201 2.211
Unbalanced valves, duplex steam pumps      3.43
Underfiling vanes, centrifugal pumps      2.343
Underwater vortexing      10.22
Uniform corrosion, chemical pumps      9.118
Unit load capabilities, magnetic bearings      2.284
Units of measure, discharge head      13.4
Units of measure, efficiencies      13.7
Units of measure, flooded suction      13.3
Units of measure, head      13.3
Units of measure, NPSH      13.5
Units of measure, suction head      13.3
Units of measure, total head      13.4
Units of measure, total suction lift      13.3
Units of measure, velocity head      13.3
Units of measure, volume      13.3
Units of measure, water power      13.6
Unloader mechanisms, displacement pump suction valves      3.77
Unstable characteristic      2.334
Untimed arrangement, rotary pumps      3.124
Untimed rotor screw pumps      3.103 3.107—3.108
User interfaces, magnetic bearings      2.292
Uses (U.S. Customary System)      2.327
UV exposure, composite pumps      5.50
V belts, adjustable-speed belt drives      6.170
V notch weirs      13.23
Vacuum primers      2.458
Valve covers, power pumps      3.28
Valve dynamics, power pumps      3.14
Valve friction, power pumps      3.14
Valve springs, power pumps      3.16
Valve-throttling constant speed control systems      7.10
Valves, control systems      7.14—7.15
Valves, control valves      7.15
Valves, controlled closure, waterhammer prevention      8.100
Valves, drainage pumps      9.48
Valves, duplex steam pumps      3.42—3.44
Valves, flow coefficients      8.56—8.58 8.62—8.63
Valves, frictional losses      8.54
Valves, irrigation pumps      9.48
Valves, liquid ends, steam pumps      3.52
Valves, power pumps      3.12—3.13 3.15 3.27
Valves, sewage systems      9.41
Valves, simplex steam pumps      3.45
Valves, solids pumps      9.371—9.372
Vane pumps      3.123
Vane pumps, capacity      3.140
Vane pumps, rigid      3.126
Vane tips, centrifugal pumps, clearance      2.337
Vane tips, centrifugal pumps, reducing size      2.342
Vane tips, erosion      5.12
Vaned diffusers, centrifugal pumps      2.43—2.44
Vanes, high-energy pumps, blade combinations      2.76—2.77
Vanes, impellers, single-curvature      2.113
Vapor lock, aircraft fuel pumps      9.419
Vapor phase cooling systems, engines      6.68
Vapor pressure, rotary pumps      3.138
Vapor pressure, screw pumps      3.110
Variable frequency drives, torque      3.9
Variable orifices, bypass systems      2.448
Variable speed drive water pressure booster systems      9.449—9.452
Variable speed water supply systems      9.14
Variable static head, pumping systems      8.15
Variable system resistance, pumping systems      8.16
Variable-displacement piston hydraulic pumps, variable water flow      6.196
Variable-speed drivers, sewage systems      9.40
Variable-torque loads, eddy current couplings      6.101
Velocity caps, intakes      10.18
Velocity diagrams, centrifugal pumps      2.13 2.19
Velocity head, centrifugal pumps      2.10
Velocity head, pumping systems      8.5
Velocity head, units of measure      13.3
Velocity sensors      2.421—2.424
Velocity-compounded single-stage steam turbines      6.46
Vena contracta      7.23 2.448
Vendor clarification meetings      11.25
Vendor data requirement forms, RFQs      11.17
Vents, piping systems      12.11
Vents, valves      2.460
Venturi meters      13.15
Venturi tubes      2.449
Vertical condensate pumps      9.96
Vertical dry-pit pumps      2.158—2.160
Vertical eddy current couplings      6.104
Vertical flows, slurries      9.341
Vertical operations, couplings      6.182
Vertical propeller pumps      2.166—2.167
Vertical propeller turbines      6.80
Vertical pumps, axial thrust      2.171 2.172
Vertical pumps, foundation loads      2.175
Vertical pumps, shaft elongation      2.175
Vertical pumps, support systems      2.163
Vertical sewage pumps      2.158
Vertical shaft pumps      2.99 2.328
Vertical single-suction pumps      2.160—2.162
Vertical turbine pumps      2.97 2.163
Vertical turbine pumps, impellers      2.165
Vertical turbine pumps, suction case      2.164
Vertical wet pit pumps      2.163 2.170 12.3
Vertically split casings      2.102
Vibration analysis      2.419—2.424
Vibration analysis, antifriction bearings      2.434
Vibration analysis, baseplates      2.435
Vibration analysis, impellers      2.432
Vibration analysis, symptom diagnosis      2.425 2.430—2.431
Vibration isolation, engines      6.74
Vibration, centrifugal pumps      2.382
Vibration, piping      10.31
Viscosity, bearing performance      2.258
Viscosity, centrifugal pumps      2.25
Viscosity, drag losses, journal bearings      2.253
Viscosity, food/beverage pump liquids      9.188
Viscosity, heat generation, cylindrical bearings      2.254
Viscosity, petroleum pump liquids      9.150—9.154
Viscosity, power losses      3.145
Viscosity, rotary pumps      3.132 3.135
Viscosity, screw pumps      3.113
Voltage ratings, electric motors      6.22
Volume, displacement flow control      3.76
Volume, flow rate      see "Flow rate"
Volume, units of measure      13.3
Volumetric efficiency, centrifugal pumps      2.50 2.334
Volumetric efficiency, power pumps      3.6—3.7
Volumetric efficiency, rotary pumps      3.146 3.149
Volumetric meters      13.14
Volute pumps      2.97 2.168
Volute pumps, cellar drainers      2.169
Volute pumps, drainage pumps      9.46 9.52
Volute pumps, irrigation pumps      9.46 9.52
Volute-casing pumps      2.99
Volutes, centrifugal pumps      2.41—2.43 2.67
Vortex pumps      2.389
Vortices, correcting      10.52
Vortices, free surface      10.39
Vortices, subsurface      10.40
Vortices, suction pits      10.22—10.23
Walking beams, mechanically driven diaphragm pumps      3.87
Warm-up flow piping      12.11
Wash liquors, paper mill pumps      9.165
Wash water pumps, water treatment plants      9.18
Waste heat marine pumps      9.231
Waste pumps      9.321
Waste treatment      see "Sewage systems"
Water as bearing lubricant      2.152
Water column separation, waterhammer      8.100
Water consumption rates, water supply systems      9.6
Water distillation marine pumps      9.234
Water flooding of oil fields, gas turbines      6.95
Water flushed wearing rings      2.119
Water gages, measuring head      13.33
Water horsepower, steam pumps      3.59
Water injection pumps      9.148 9.150
Water power, units of measure      13.6
Water pressure booster systems      9.447
Water pressure booster systems, constant speed multipump      9.454
Water pressure booster systems, control panels      9.455
Water pressure booster systems, demand profiles      9.457—9.460
Water pressure booster systems, limited storage constant speed multipump      9.456
Water pressure booster systems, materials of construction      9.461
Water pressure booster systems, sizing tanks      9.456
Water pressure booster systems, variable speed drives      9.449—9.452
Water supply systems, abrasiveness      9.9
Water supply systems, alkalinity      9.9
Water supply systems, capacities      9.6
Water supply systems, consumption rates      9.6
Water supply systems, demand fluctuations      9.5
Water supply systems, drivers      9.10
Water supply systems, frictional losses      9.12
Water supply systems, NPSH      9.12
Water supply systems, parallel/series operation      9.13—9.14
Water supply systems, pressure differential      9.12
Water supply systems, pumping time variations      9.6
Water supply systems, static head      9.12
Water supply systems, suction/discharge piping      9.9
Water supply systems, system-head curves      9.10
Water supply systems, variable speed units      9.14
Water treatment plants      9.15
Water treatment plants, booster pumps      9.19
Water treatment plants, carbon slurry pumps      9.17
Water treatment plants, coagulant feed pumps      9.16
Water treatment plants, fluoride pumps      9.17
Water treatment plants, high-service pumps      9.19
Water treatment plants, low lift pumps      9.16
Water treatment plants, plant water pumps      9.18
Water treatment plants, sampling pumps      9.18
Water treatment plants, surface wash pumps      9.19
Water treatment plants, wash water pumps      9.18
Water-cooled eddy current couplings, enclosures      6.105
Water-cooled stuffing boxes      2.145
Water-jet exhausters      4.41
Water-sealing tanks, sewage pumps      2.144
Waterhammer      8.91
Waterhammer, air chambers      8.101 8.103
Waterhammer, basic assumptions      8.92
Waterhammer, check valves      8.98 8.102
Waterhammer, control devices      8.103 8.105
Waterhammer, controlled valve closure      8.100
Waterhammer, controlled valve opening      8.102
Waterhammer, discharge line profiles      8.93
Waterhammer, flywheel effect      8.94
Waterhammer, high head systems      8.93
Waterhammer, low head systems      8.93
Waterhammer, mining pumps      9.208
Waterhammer, nonreverse ratchets      8.102
Waterhammer, pipeline sizes      8.94
Waterhammer, pump motor failure      8.95—8.96
Waterhammer, quick opening slow closing valves      8.101
Waterhammer, reducing effects      8.93 8.95
Waterhammer, rigid water column theory      8.93
Waterhammer, solving problem      8.95
Waterhammer, specific pump speed      8.94
Waterhammer, surge suppressors      8.100
Waterhammer, surge tanks      8.102—8.103
Waterhammer, water column separation      8.100
Waterhammer, wave velocity      8.93
Waterwheels      1.2
Wave velocity, waterhammer      8.93
Wear      5.13
Wear, abrasive wear      5.16 5.18
Wear, adhesive wear      5.14
Wear, slurry pumps      9.353 9.363 9.365
Wearing rings      2.118 5.30
Wearing rings, axial clearance      2.121
Wearing rings, axial thrust      2.125
Wearing rings, clearances      2.123—2.124 2.336
Wearing rings, dam-type      2.120
Wearing rings, flat      2.119
Wearing rings, inspection ports      2.120
Wearing rings, L-type      2.119
Wearing rings, labyrinth      2.119
Wearing rings, mounting      2.122
Wearing rings, stationary      2.122
Wearing rings, step      2.119
Wearing rings, tolerance      2.123—2.124
Wearing rings, water flushed      2.119
Wearing-ring hubs      2.118
Weather protected enclosures, electric motors      6.16
Weather-protected eddy current couplings      6.105
Weighing meters      13.14
Weirs      13.19 13.22
Weldments, chemical pumps      9.121
Well pumps      9.21—9.22
Well water pumps      9.259
Wet pit once through intakes      10.5
Wet pit raw sewage pumps      9.29
Wet vacuum pumps      2.458
Wet-pit pumps      2.99
Whirl instability, cylindrical bearings      2.254
Whirl, bearings      2.266
White liquor, paper mill pumps      9.162
Wire mesh screens, head losses      8.71
Wire-to-liquid efficiency      2.329
Wire-to-water efficiency      2.329
Wood-block transmissions      6.171
Working barrel, power pumps      3.22
Worm gears      6.148
Wound-rotor induction motors      6.5—6.6
Wound-rotor induction motors, contact secondary controls      6.116
Wound-rotor induction motors, FVNR starters (full voltage nonreversing)      6.111
Wound-rotor induction motors, liquid rheostat controls      6.112—6.113
Wound-rotor induction motors, Tirastat II controllers      6.116
Wrist pin bearings, power pumps      3.33
Wrist pins, power pumps      3.31
Zero-bevel gears      6.147
ZPA (zero period acceleration), seismic nuclear pumps      9.307
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