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Montenbruck O. — Practical Ephemeris Calculations |
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Aberration 22ff 30
Aberration, annual 23 30
Aberration, diurnal 23 30
Aberration, E-Terms 24 30
Angular velocity 53
Anomaly 44ff 67
Anomaly, eccentric 44ff 57
Anomaly, mean 44ff 50 57
Anomaly, moon 21 79
Anomaly, planets 66 114 115ff
Anomaly, sun 21 69 79
Anomaly, true 45 48 51 57
Aphelion 42
Apparent magnitude 93 96
Approximate precession formulae 18 19
Argument of perihelion 43
Argument, latitude 4
Ascending node 4 9 43 56 79
Astrometric position 24 31
Astronomical constants 135f
Astronomical unit 3 135
Atomic time 35
Azimuth 8 9
B1950 39
Barker’s equation 48 107
Barycentre 71
Barycentric dynamical time (TDB) 36 89
Bessel epoch 39
Bessel year 3 39
Brown, E.W. 80
Caesium 35
Celestial equator 3
Centre of mass 71 74 82
Century, Julian 39
comet 41 135
Comet, Sandage 49
Conic section 41 99ff
Convergence 52
Coordinate system 3ff
Coordinate system, geocentric ecliptic 5
Coordinate system, geocentric equatorial 6
Coordinate system, heliocentric ecliptic 4
Coordinate system, horizontal 8
Coordinate system, topocentric equatorial 7
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) 37
Coordinates, apparent 23
Coordinates, Cartesian 1 24
Coordinates, ecliptic 9ff
Coordinates, equatorial 11f
Coordinates, geocentric 11f 25f
Coordinates, heliocentric 9ff 25f
Coordinates, planetographic 91
Coordinates, polar 1
Coordinates, topocentric 12 26
Cosine rule 97
Daily motion 44 59 115
Date, Julian 33f 38 109
Date, Modified Julian 109
Declination 6
Defect of illumination 87
Diameter 85 94
Direct motion 9
Diurnal aberration 23 30
Dynamic time, barycentric (TDB) 36
Dynamic time, terrestrial (TDT) 36
E-Terms of aberration 24 31
Earth, equatorial radius 136
Earth/moon barycentre 71
Eccentric anomaly 44ff 57
Eccentricity 43-57 106f
Eccentricity, lunar orbit 79
ecliptic coordinates 44ff 99
Ecliptic latitude and longitude 5
Ecliptic obliquity of the 11 22
Ecliptic pole of the 16
Elements, mean orbital 113
Elements, osculating 115
Elevation 8 9
Elongation 86
Energy, conservation of 65
Ephemeris Time (ET) 35 89
Epoch 39
Equation, annual 80
Equation, of the centre 52 61
Equator, celestial 3
Equator, mean 21
Equator, true 21
equatorial coordinates 6ff 99
Equatorial horizontal parallax 80f
Equinox 3
Equinox, mean 21
Equinox, true 21
Evection 80
Fourier series 52
Gaussian gravitational constant 136
Geocentric coordinates 5ff
Geographical latitude 13f 24
Geographical longitude 14 38
Gravitational constant 44ff
Gravitational constant, Gaussian 136
Greenwich mean sidereal time 38
Gregorian calender 33
Hailey’s comet 135
Heliocentric coordinates 4 9ff 74
Horizon 8 13f
Horizontal parallax 80f
Hour angle 8 13f
Hyperbolic orbits 49ff
Inclination 9f 43 47
Integration 103
Integration constant 104
Integration, numerical 71
Intercalary day 33
International Astronomical Union 36
International atomic time (TAI) 35
Inverse transformation 20
J2000 39
Julian calender 33
Julian century 39
Julian date 33
Jupiter 60 85 115ff 136
| Kepler’s equation 45
Kepler’s second law 53 105
Latitude, ecliptic 4 5 81
Latitude, geographical 13f 24
leap year 33
Light travel time 22 24 30 89
Light velocity of 136
Line of apses 42
Line of nodes 43
Local mean sidereal time 38
Longitude, mean 21 67 79 114
Longitude, of ascending node 9 43 56 79
Longitude, of perihelion 44
Lunar orbit 79
Luni-solar precession 16
Magnitude, apparent 93
MARS 85 115ff 136
Mean elements 113
Mean equator 21
Mean equinox 21
Mean longitude 21 67 79 114
Mean motion 115
Mean sidereal time 38
Mean, anomaly 21 44 59 67 79 114
Mean, mean solar time 36
Mercury 66 85 115ff 136
Meridian 8 87f
Modified Julian Date 109
Moon 15 21 67 79ff
Neptune 115ff 136
Newcomb 66
Numerical integration 71
Nutation 21
Oblateness 7
Obliquity of the ecliptic 11 22
Orbit 57
Orbit, elliptic 41ff
Orbit, hyperbolic 49f
Orbit, lunar 79
Orbit, parabolic 46f
Orbit, straight line 51
Orbital elements, determination of 55
Orbital elements, precession on 19
Orbital plane 4 43 56
Parallactic inequality 80
Parallax 13
Parallax, equatorial horizontal 80f
Perihelion 42ff
Perihelion, longitude of 44 57 114
Perihelion, time 59
Period 43f 114
Perturbations 66ff
Planets, apparent magnitudes 93
Planets, diameters 85
Planets, masses of 136
Planets, orbital elements of 113 115ff
Pluto 63 85 115ff 136
Pole, celestial north 8
Pole, of the ecliptic 16
Position angle of rotation axis 90
Position angle of the sun 88
Precession on orbital elements 18
Precession, formulae 17ff
Precession, general 15
Precession, transformation matrix 20
Rectangular coordinates 1
Rectangular coordinates, ecliptic 5 6
Rectangular coordinates, equatorial 7
Refraction 13
Relativity, general theory of 66
Retrograde motion 9
Right ascension 6
Rising, times of 13f
Rotation matrix 98
Runge-Kutta method 72
Saturn 85 115ff 136
Secular 15
Semilatus rectum 46 106f
Semimajor axis 42ff 57
Series expansion 52 66
Setting, times of 13f
Sidereal time 8 37f
Sine rule 97
Solar time 36
Spherical coordinates 1
Spherical triangle 97
Sun 3ff 36 41ff
Sun, angular velocity 62
Sun, diameter 85
Sun, longitude 21 62
Sun, mean anomaly 21 62
Sun, Newcomb’s theory 66
Tai 35
TDB 35
tdt 35
Temestial Barycentric Time 35
Time Zone 37
Time, atomic 35
Time, ephemeris 35
Time, light travel 22
Time, of perihelion 43 59 114
Time, sidereal 8 37f
Time, solar 36
Time, universal 36
Topocentric 7 13
triangle 97
True anomaly 42ff
True equator and equinox 21
twilight 13
Two-body problem 65 102
universal time 36
Uranus 85 115ff 136
UTC 37
Variation 80
Velocity, angular 53
Velocity, vector 54
Venus 85 115ff 136
Vis-viva 54 106
Year 33 39
Year, astronomical 33
Year, tropical 36
Zenith 8
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