Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Lemm J.C. — Bayesian field theory |
Предметный указатель |
-loss 62
-insensitive error 134 142 165
Absolute loss 61
Adaptive reference function 216
Adaptive template function 197—201 see
Additive models 3 174 179—181
Additive models, generalized 3 179—181
Annealed field 342
Annealing techniques 24 191 216 267 282 331—332 349
Annealing temperature 282
Apparatus function 14 80 127
Approximate fractal 122—123 143 145 159 160 309
Approximate invariance 116—123 143—145 276—283
Approximate periodicity 120—122 126 143 155 156 276 279 280 285
Approximate symmetries 116—123 143—145 276—283
Approximately invariant regression 143—145
Auxiliary fields 221—224 276 277 281 345
Average energy 267 273 279—281 283
Bayesian decision theory 28 59—72
Bayesian field theory 5 7 8 231
Bayesian inverse Hartree — Fock theory (BIHF) 301—306
Bayesian inverse many-body theory 299—306
Bayesian inverse quantum theory (BIQT) 257—306
Bayesian statistics 3 5 8—50
Bayesian time-dependent quantum theory (BITDQ) 288—293
Bayes’ Theorem 28—31 71 73 75
Beliefs 319
Bias-variance decomposition 125 138
Binomial likelihood 14 46 51 65 69
Bit number 21 25 326—328 330
Boltzmann — Gibbs distribution 25 43 331 see
Bootstrap 67 185 189 209 292
Brownian motion 40 147 see
canonical ensemble 328
Canonical ensemble for classical systems 273
Canonical ensemble for many-body quantum systems 299
Canonical ensemble for quantum systems 259 260 279 300
Canonical ensemble, density operator 259 260 279 300
Center of mass 269
Classical limit of inverse quantum statistics 273—275
Classification 3—6 8 14 16 41 42 62 91 161—165 183 185 309 362
Cluster regression 141
Clustering 4 63 141 165
Collapse of the quantum mechanical wave function 258
Computer tomography 127 257
Conditional normalization 363
Conjugate gradient method 348 349 357
Connected correlation function 332 333 339 see
Constructivism 320 321
Controlled prior 44 73
Cross entropy see "Kullback — Leibler entropy"
Cross-validation 67 106 144 185 189 209—214 292 364
Cumulant expansions 337
Cumulant generating function 25 26 334 335 337
Cumulants 25 26 330—337
Curvature-driven smoothing 185
Data, dependent part 4
Data, finite number of 264
Data, independent 12 13 194
Data, independent part 4
Data, large number of 7
Data, non-training 8
Data, observational 4 9 14 20 27 257 280 281 288 292 293 299 300 see training"
Data, prior 13 15
Data, sampled 279 see training"
Data, sampling 65
Data, test 3 48
Data, training 3 6 8 12 13 15 20 72 see observational"
Decision trees 3 124 182 186 197 215 230 309
Decoherence 258
Density operator 165 258—260 279 300 310
Density operator for canonical ensemble see "Canonical ensemble density operator"
Density operator for spin systems 258
Design matrix 175 178
Deterministic annealing 24
Dirichlet boundary conditions 352 356 358
Discontinuities 119 120 221 223—225 283 287
Discontinuous template function 221
Discrepancy 66 67 209 242 292
Dissipation-fluctuation theorems 336
Distribution field 115—116
Downhill simplex method 191 349
Dummy variables 173
Effective action 337
Effective template function 220 233
Empirical Bayes approach 194 195
Empirical risk 66
Empirical risk minimization 27 62 64—72 96—99 188 209
Energy 7 20—27 46 49 64 91 96 102 103 106—108 110 115 130—132 170 174 177—179 204 211 235 239 323—325 328—331 334 336 see
Energy functional see "Energy" "Error
Energy penalty 270 272 275 283—285
Energy, annealed 341
Energy, annealed prior 189
Energy, auxiliary prior 278
Energy, combined 32
Energy, complete 111 128
Energy, component 232
Energy, conditional 341
Energy, conditional prior 189
Energy, joint 341
Energy, joint prior 189 190
Energy, likelihood 26 see
Energy, mixture 341
Energy, mixture prior 232
Energy, prior see "Specific prior energy"
Energy, quadratic 86
Energy, quenched 341
Energy, quenched prior 189
Energy, specific prior see "Prior energy"
Energy, symmetry 266
Energy, training see also "Energy likelihood"
entropy 22 24 25 33 34 43 328 330—331
Error functional 27 64 66 67 70 71 85 86 89 92—94 96 98 99 101 112 124 161 168 185 189 197 198 200 202 209 231 345—348 358 see
Euclidean action 328
Euclidean field theory 5 20 26 216
Euclidean propagator 351
evidence 28 39 193 194 209
Expected risk 59 66 96
Expert knowledge 162 230 321
Expert Systems 3
Exponential family 24 330 332
External field 25 125 330 334 336 342
Factorizing template function 182
Feedforward neural networks see "Neural networks"
fermions 299—301 306 311
Ferromagnet 242—243
Field 4 5 15 28 85 92 98 99 161 167 188 191 211 217 334—337 339 342 349
Field strength tensor 204
Field theories 5 6 203 204
Field, general see "General fields"
Filter operator 83 217 221 223
Filtered difference 217—219 222—224 227 248 276 277 281 282
Fisher information 114 115 317
Flexible reference function 126 197—201 see
Free energy 7 23—26 32 326 329 330
Free energy, likelihood 26
Free energy, posterior 26
Free energy, prior 42
Free field 309 see "Wiener
Free field, generalized 309 see
Free scalar field 351
Frequentist statistics 28 40 64—69 71 96 185 188 209 210 314 320
Functional derivative 89 112 134 188 196 198 224 262 263 267 268 275 277 278 290 301—303 331 see
Functional integral 27 41 265 see
Functional integral, Gaussian 27
Functional integral, non-Gaussian 27
Fuzzy methods 230 232 319
Gauge Fields 204
Gauss — Seidel iteration 348 358
Gaussian mixture prior 8 231—257 272 see
| Gaussian mixture regression 141
Gaussian prior factor see "Gaussian process"
Gaussian process 5—8 18 19 42 66 73 85—164 190 198 220 229 265—267 269 272 275 276 300 309 310 316 350
Gaussian process prior see "Gaussian process"
Gaussian regression 126—137
Gaussian relaxation 354
General fields 112—114
Generalized canonical ensemble 25 43 331 see
Generalized cross-validation 214
Generalized free field 6 309 see
Generalized linear models 172
Generalized method of moments (GMM) 17
Generating function 332—339
Generating function for cumulants see "Cumulant generating function"
Generating function for moments see moment "Generating function"
Genetic algorithms 191 216 349
Gibbs distribution see "Boltzmann — Gibbs distribution"
Gibbs ensemble see "Boltzmann — Gibbs distribution"
Gibbs random field 20
Gradient 36 45 87 88 90 91 93 95 99 111 119 182 191 261 268 336 348 350 358
Gradient algorithm 36 45 87 91 93 95 101 102 110 225 348 349 351 354 355 358
grand canonical ensemble 328
Grapical models 3 141 324
Grassmann variables 343
Green’s function 351 352
Ground state energy 115 264 270 289
Hamiltonian 115 197 257 259—261 283 288 300 304 310
Hamiltonian, Hartree — Fock 301
Hamiltonian, many-body 299—301
Hamiltonian, nonlocal 288
Hamiltonian, real 289 303
Hamiltonian, two-body 300
Hard constraints 8 192 see "Normalization"
Hartree approximation 182 197
Hartree — Fock approximation 72 182 197 301 302 306 312
Hartree — Fock likelihood 302
Hartree — Fock — Bogoliubov approximation 197
hessian 36 37 39 91—92 95—96 101 102 106 110 111 114 176 191 192 262 268 336 350 351 358 360 361
Hidden states see "Variables hidden"
High temperature limit 24 240 242 264 332
High temperature solution 242 247 256
Hinge functions 180
hints 185 186
Homotopy methods 191 216 331—332 349
Huber’s loss function 142
Hyperfields 199 202—204 216—223 276 277 282 283 287 310 311 320
Hyperparameter energy 198 207 see
Hyperparameters 7 8 18 19 67 112 121 124 144 167 187—227 229 250 251 254 265 280 289 292 310 317 319
Hyperparameters, discrete 229
Hyperprior energy 204 239 see
Hypothesis testing 64 65 68 69
Image completion 187 249—257 310
Infinitesimal translations 116—120 143 147 266
Influence matrix 132 134 176
Input noise 17 19 75—78 80 81 84 318
Instrument function 14 80 127
Interacting fields 6
Interaction terms 173 174 180 186 203
Invariant group measure 82 83
Inverse Hartree — Fock equation 303
Inverse problems 3
Inverse problems, classical 14 42 44 80 127 211 257
Inverse problems, in quantum theory 4 257—306 see
Inverse quantum theory 8 257—306
Inverse scattering theory 257 264
Inverse spectral theory 257 263 264
Inverse temperature 24—27 184 188 207 232 239 245 246 336
Inverse Wishart distribution 208
Jacobi iteration 348 358
Jacobi matrix see "Jacobian"
Jacobian 90 112 168 196
Jensen’s Inequality 63
Kerridge inaccuracy 22 40
kinetic energy 261 288 300 351
Kuhn — Tucker conditions 88
Kullback — Leibler distance see "Kullback — Leibler entropy""
Kullback — Leibler entropy 23 25 43 60 63 110
Lagrange multiplier 24 25 43 45 46 85—95 99 113 131 161 162 168 177 222 232 267 330—332
Lagrange multiplier function see "Lagrange multiplier"
Lagrange parameter see "Lagrange multiplier"
Landau — Ginzburg models 230
Laplace’s approximation see "Maximum A Posteriori Approximation"
Lattice field theories 6
Learning matrix 346 348—357
Legendre transform 334 337
Lie group 82 118 266
Likelihood field 93
Likelihood model of quantum theory 85 258—263 310
Likelihood, normalization 29 89—91 94—95 112 239 246
Linear regression 4 174—179
Linear trial spaces 171—174
Linguistic variables 230 232
Local Gaussian mixture prior 248—249
Local mass 203—204
Local reference function 216—221 248—249
Local template function 216—221 248—249
Log-likelihood 4 21 45 66 85—89 92 97 106 107 114 232 262 292
Log-likelihood field 92
Log-likelihood, non-quadratic 134
Log-likelihood, shifted 162
Log-loss 59—61 63—64 70 71 96 107 141 245
Logistic regression, binary 173
Logistic regression, cumulative 174
Logistic regression, multinomial 174
Logistic regression, ordinal 174
logit 173
loss 15 59—72 142
Loss, -insensitive see " -insensitive error"
Loss, absolute 61
Loss, delta see " -loss"
Loss, general quadratic 61
Loss, Huber’s function see "Huber’s loss function"
Loss, logarithmic see "Log-loss"
Loss, quadratic see "Quadratic error" "Squared-error
Loss, quadratic -insensitive see "Qquadratic -insensitive error"
Loss, zero-one 62 161
Low temperature limit 24 40 232 240—242 332
Low temperature solution 242 247 251 255
Magnetic field 125 330 334
Many-body Schroedinger equation 301
MAP see "Maximum A Posteriori Approximation"
Markov random field see "Gibbs random field"
Mass 99 106 108 110 235 238 261 273 293—295 305 350—352 354 359 361
Massive relaxation 103 106 110 111 233 350—353 358
Maximum a posteriori approximation 27 36—40 48 50 63—66 68 70 71 90 91 131 132 161 162 167 188 191—197 222 267—269 312
Maximum entropy 24 25 43 331
Maximum entropy prior 43 44
Maximum likelihood approach 64 65 71 261
Maximum Likelihood Approximation see "Maximum likelihood approach"
Mean field approximation 258
Mean field equation 243
Mean field theory 72 162
Measured prior 44 73—75
Median 61 62
Method of steepest descents see "Maximum A Posteriori Approximation"
Mixing of templates 215
Mixing template functions 230
Mixture of filtered differences 218 277
Mixture of Gaussian processes 19 229—257 266—268 271 see
MODE 48 49 62
Modified Bessel functions 351 353
Moment expansions 337
Moment generating function 25 26 333
Moments 25 26 330 332 333 335—337
Monotonicity 41 99 113 116
Monte Carlo methods 36 71 161 188 192 209 216 265 292 324 337
Moore — Penrose inverse 135 136 143 169 262 263 290 355
Multimodal energy surface 229
Multiple Reduction Copy Machines (MRCM) 122
Mutual information 33—36 38 60 315
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