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Hosmer D.W., Lemeshow S. — Applied survival analysis: regression modeling of time to event data
Hosmer D.W., Lemeshow S. — Applied survival analysis: regression modeling of time to event data

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Íàçâàíèå: Applied survival analysis: regression modeling of time to event data

Àâòîðû: Hosmer D.W., Lemeshow S.


A textbook for an introductory course in statistical methods for analyzing data typically encountered in health related studies that include events involving an element of time. Assumes previous courses in linear and logical regression. Emphasizes practical applications rather than mathematical theory, modeling data, and interpreting results. Also highlights the importance of incomplete or censored data and how that censoring may influence the selection of models and the interpretation of results. Mostly uses examples from STATA, but the methods are fairly ubiquitous among the currently available statistical software packages.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ìàòåìàòèêà/Âåðîÿòíîñòü/Ñòàòèñòèêà è ïðèëîæåíèÿ/

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ed2k: ed2k stats

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1999

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 393

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 03.06.2005

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
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Accelerated failure time models      272—273 275
Acceleration factor, exponential regression model      274
Additive models      333—350
Additive models, Aalen model      337—340
Additive models, baseline cumulative hazard function      342—343
Additive models, covariate-adjusted survivorship function      339
Additive models, cumulative hazard function      337 339
Additive models, cumulative regression coefficient      337—338 342—348
Additive models, fit      349
Additive models, Lin and Ying estimator      336
Additive models, regression coefficients      336
Additive models, test statistics      348
Additive models, time-varying covariates      341
Additive relative hazard function      334—335
Additive relative hazard model      91—92
Analysis of covariance      129
Arjas plots      228—229
At risk process      204
At risk process, counting process      359—360
Beck score: covariates for      231—232
Beck score: frailty models      325
Beck score: increase, interpretation      231
Binary regression model      259 261—262
Binary variable      116
BMDP package      68—69
Breslow approximation      106—108
Breslow estimator, cumulative baseline hazard      203
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia study      70—73
Brookmeyer — Crowley confidence interval      51—52
Censored observation, definition      18
Censoring: mechanisms      17—22
Censoring: odds ratio      116
Censoring: patterns      242
Coefficients, generalized least squares estimator      206
Complementary log-log binary regression model      268
Conditional baseline survival probability      109—110
Conditional logistic regression, nested case-control studies      330—331
Conditional models, recurrent event models      310—311 316
Conditional survival probability      35—36 109
Confidence band      44—45
Confidence band, endpoints      45—47
Confidence interval: estimator      135
Confidence interval: estimator, covariate-adjusted      149
Confidence interval: estimator, survivorship function      40—42 152—156
Confidence interval: quantile      51
Confidence interval: survivorship function, endpoints      44
Confidence interval: Wald-statistic-based interval      100—101 119 277
Confounding, control      129
Constant hazard model      83
Cook's distance      219—220 222 224
Cook's distance statistic: exponential regression model      282
Cook's distance statistic: versus martingale residuals      283—285
Cook's distance, as product of residual measure and leverage      222
Cook's distance, percent change      223
Cook's distance, Weibull regression model      294—296
Counting process      358—363
Counting process, at risk process      359—360
Counting process, cumulative intensity process      361
Counting process, formulation      42—43
Counting process, intensity process      359
Counting process, martingale      360—362
Counting process, recurrent event models      308—309 314—315
Covariates: best subsets selection      187—193
Covariates: best subsets selection, Mallow's C      189—192
Covariates: best subsets selection, multivariable model      191
Covariates: best subsets selection, proportional hazards regression model      188—190
Covariates: best subsets selection, software      188
Covariates: continuous      184
Covariates: continuous, scale, preliminary main effects model, covariates, purposeful selection      160—161
Covariates: for Beck score      231—232
Covariates: frailty      3198
Covariates: nonlinear functions, hazard ratios      232—233
Covariates: purposeful selection      159—180
Covariates: purposeful selection, adding design variables      178
Covariates: purposeful selection, covariate deletion      160
Covariates: purposeful selection, excluding treatment variable from variable selection process      165
Covariates: purposeful selection, method of fractional polynomials      161—163 170
Covariates: purposeful selection, partial likelihood ratio test      163
Covariates: purposeful selection, selecting interaction terms      164
Covariates: purposeful selection, set of biologically plausible interaction terms      164
Covariates: purposeful selection, spline functions      164
Covariates: stepwise selection      180—187
Covariates: stepwise selection, continuous      184
Covariates: stepwise selection, scale of continuous covariates      186
Covariates: stepwise selection, stepwise selection process      181—183
Covariates: time-varying      See Time-varying covariates
Covariates: unusual configuration      216—217
Cox model      See Proportional hazards regression model
Cox — Snell residual      202
Cox — Snell residual, estimator      285—286
Cox — Snell residual, log-logistic regression model      303
Cox — Snell residual, residual diagnostic plot, Weibull regression model      296—297
Data sets, example      22—25
Decile of risk: design variables, inclusion in score test      226—227
Decile of risk: Poisson distribution      227
Delayed entry      20 254
Delta method      41 43 354—357
Density function      11 94
Density function, estimator      49—50 51
Descriptive methods      27—84. See also Survivorship function
Diagnostic statistics: regression      216
Diagnostic statistics: software packages      283
Diagnostic statistics: Weibull regression model      295
Dichotomous covariate      115
Dichotomous covariate, hazard function nonproportional for      209 211 213
Dichotomous covariate, residuals for      209
Direct adjusted survival curve      149
Discrete-time logistic model      268—269
Distribution function, cumulative      11
Distribution function, definition      27
Effect modifiers      129
Efron approximation      106—108
Error component, exponential or Weibull distribution      89
Estimation-maximization algorithm      320—323
Exponential regression model      8 13 273—289
Exponential regression model, acceleration factor      274
Exponential regression model, Cook's distance statistic, versus martingale residuals      283—285
Exponential regression model, goodness-of-fit      281
Exponential regression model, hazard function      274
Exponential regression model, hazard ratio for dichotomous covariate      274—275
Exponential regression model, likelihood displacement statistic, versus martingale residuals      283—285
Exponential regression model, log-likelihood function      275—276
Exponential regression model, martingale residuals      280
Exponential regression model, scaled score residuals      281—282
Exponential regression model, survivorship functions      274
Exponential regression model, time ratio      274 277—279 288
Exponential regression model, Wald-statistic-based confidence interval      277
Failure rate, conditional and unconditional      78—80
Fitted proportional hazards regression model      113—156. See also Survivorship function covariate-adjusted
Fitted proportional hazards regression model, continuous scale covariate      127—129
Fitted proportional hazards regression model, hazard ratio      114—115
Fitted proportional hazards regression model, multiple-covariate models      129—137
Fitted proportional hazards regression model, nominal scale covariate      115—127
Fitted proportional hazards regression model, parallelism in plots      143—144
Fitted proportional hazards regression model, risk score      144—146
Frailty      319
Frailty models      307 317—326
Frailty models, Beck score      325
Frailty models, cumulative baseline hazard function      322
Frailty models, Estimation-maximization algorithm      320—323
Frailty models, gamma      319—320
Frailty models, gamma variance parameter      324—325
Frailty models, hazard function      318—319
Frailty models, likelihood ratio test statistic      323
Frailty models, offset variable      321
Frailty models, shared      319
Frailty models, significance tests for model coefficients      323
Frailty models, use      319—320
Gamma frailty models      319—320
Gamma variance parameter      324—325
Goodness-of-fit test      225—230
Goodness-of-fit test, exponential regression model      281
Grambsch and Therneau generalized least squares score test      207
Greenwood's estimator      42 49—50 357
Grennesby — Borgan      225—226 287 296—297 313
Grennesby — Borgan goodness-of-fit test      225—226 287
Grennesby — Borgan goodness-of-fit test, recurrent events model      313
Grennesby — Borgan goodness-of-fit test, Weibull regression model      296—297
Grouped-time model      268
Gumbel distribution      8—9
Hall and Wellner confidence bands      45—46 364
Harrington — Fleming test      62
Hazard function model, linear function of time      83
Hazard function: accelerated failure time form      290
Hazard function: as function of time and covariates      90
Hazard function: baseline      90
Hazard function: baseline cumulative, additive models      342—343
Hazard function: baseline cumulative, estimator      110—111
Hazard function: baseline cumulative, frailty models      322
Hazard function: constant      88
Hazard function: cumulative      77—78 92
Hazard function: cumulative, additive models      337 339
Hazard function: cumulative, estimator      111
Hazard function: cumulative, Kaplan — Meier estimator      75
Hazard function: cumulative, Weibull regression model      295—296
Hazard function: exponential regression model      274
Hazard function: frailty models      318—319
Hazard function: interval grouped-data estimator      79—80
Hazard function: nonconstant      88—89
Hazard function: nonproportional for dichotomous covariate      209 211 213
Hazard function: parameterization      91
Hazard function: parametric models      83—84
Hazard function: parametric structure      88
Hazard function: pointwise estimator      81—82
Hazard function: proportional hazards regression model      114 161
Hazard function: quadratic function      83—84
Hazard function: quadratic function, of time      81
Hazard function: regression models      90
Hazard function: representation      81—82
Hazard function: semiparametric      92—93
Hazard function: specifying model through      90
Hazard function: Weibull regression model      289
Hazard ratio      91 114—115 205
Hazard ratio, as function of variables of interest      236
Hazard ratio, confidence interval estimator      236—237
Hazard ratio, dichotomous covariate      115—118
Hazard ratio, dichotomous covariate, exponential regression model      274—275
Hazard ratio, estimated interpretation      236—238
Hazard ratio, estimated recurrent event models      315—316
Hazard ratio, estimator      120—121
Hazard ratio, estimator, continuous scale covariate      128—129
Hazard ratio, estimator, nominal scale covariate      122—123
Hazard ratio, final model      231—232
Hazard ratio, nonlinear functions of covariates      232—233
Hazard ratio, point estimator      118
Hazard ratio, sampling distribution of estimator      118—119
Hazard ratio, within strata      244
Hazard: baseline cumulative      203
Hazard: Breslow estimator      203
Hazard: Breslow estimator, baseline estimator      110
Hazard: Weibull regression model      298—299
Hazard: Weibull regression model, cumulative, Nelson — Aalen estimator      361
Heterogeneity of subjects      318
Histogram: construction      78
Histogram: estimator      78
Histogram: unconditional failure rate      79—80
Hypergeometric distribution, multivariate central      66
Influence, measure      220—221
Information criterion      304
Information matrix      102
Information matrix, Weibull regression model      291—292
Information sandwich estimator      312
Intensity process: counting process      359 361
Intensity process: cumulative      77
Intensity process: integrated      77
Interaction term, inclusion and partial likelihood      207
Interactions model      134—136
Interval censored      21 257—258
Kaplan — Meier estimator      28—31 139
Kaplan — Meier estimator, cumulative hazard function      75
Kaplan — Meier estimator, delta method      355—357
Kaplan — Meier estimator, estimator for variance      40—41
Kaplan — Meier estimator, general formulation      33—35
Kaplan — Meier estimator, log      41
Kaplan — Meier estimator, log-logistic regression model      303
Kaplan — Meier estimator, mean estimator      53—54
Kaplan — Meier estimator, modification      61
Kaplan — Meier estimator, raised to a power      62
l-max statistics      221
l-max statistics, versus martingale residuals      222
Least squares      9—10
Left censoring      20—21
Left truncation      20
Left-censored data      256
Left-censored data, defining characteristic      256
Leverage      216—217
Leverage, high      219
Life-table estimator      36—39
Lifetest procedure, SAS      67—38
Likelihood displacement statistic      221—222 224
Likelihood displacement statistic, exponential regression model      282
Likelihood displacement statistic, versus martingale residuals      222 283—285
Likelihood displacement statistic, Weibull regression model      294—296
Likelihood function, interval censored data      259—261
Likelihood ratio test      287
Likelihood ratio test statistic, frailty models      323
Lin and Wei robust estimator      312
Lin and Wei robust estimator, additive models      336
Linear predictor portion      206—207
Linear regression model      5—6
Linear regression model, Cook's distance      219—220
Linear regression model, covariate control      141—142
Linear regression model, weighted      188
Link function      113
Log partial likelihood      96 99
Log partial likelihood ratio      103—104
Log partial likelihood, inverse of negative of second derivative      97
Log partial likelihood, ratio of derivative      100
Log-hazard function      121 161—162
Log-hazard function, dichotomous covariate      115
Log-hazard function, difference in      233—234
Log-hazard function, interactions model      134
Log-hazard function, multiple-covariate models      130
Log-hazard function, proportional hazards regression model      114
Log-hazard ratio: adjusted      130 132—133
Log-hazard ratio: crude      130—131
Log-likelihood function      12 94
Log-likelihood function, exponential regression model      275—276
Log-likelihood function, Weibull regression model      291
Log-log survivorship function      43—44
Log-logistic regression model      299—304
Log-logistic regression model, Cox — Snell residuals      303
Log-logistic regression model, Kaplan — Meier estimator      303
Log-logistic regression model, odds-ratio      300
Log-logistic regression model, time ratio      300—301
Log-rank      71
Log-rank test      60—61 67—38 167
Log-rank test, covariate selection      167
Log-rank test, reporting results      71
Logistic regression model      268
Logistic regression model, Cook's distance      219—220
Logistic regression model, goodness-of-fit test      226—227
Mantel — Haenszel analysis      73
Marginal event-specific model, recurrent event models      311—312 316—317
Martingale      201—202
Martingale residual      163 172—173 202—203
Martingale residual, change in      204
Martingale residual, exponential regression model      280
Martingale residual, versus likelihood displacement and l-max statistics      222
Martingale residual, Weibull regression model      292 296
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