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Baker A. — Algebra and Number Theory
Baker A. — Algebra and Number Theory

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Название: Algebra and Number Theory

Автор: Baker A.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/Теория чисел/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2003

Количество страниц: 66

Добавлена в каталог: 03.06.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
1—1      53
1—1 correspondence      53
action      30
Action, group      38
Alternating group      32
Arithmetic function      47
Back-substitution      5
Bijection      53
Binary operation      29
Burnside Formula      40
Cantor's diagonalization argument      59
Cardinality      54
Cardinality, $\aleph_0$      55
Characteristic function      58
Common divisor      3
Common factor      3
Commutative ring      3 9
Composite      11
Congruence class      9
Congruent      8
Continued fraction, einfinite      17
Continued fraction, expansion      16
Continued fraction, finite      16 17
Continued fraction, generalized finite      18
Convergent      17 18
Convolution      48
Coprime      3
Coset, left      37
Countable set      55
Countably infinite set      55
Cycle, decomposition, disjoint      32
Cycle, notation      32
Cycle, type      32
Degree      13
Dihedral group      35
Diophantine problem      22
Disjoint cycle decomposition      32
divides      3
Divisor      3
Divisor, common      3
Divisor, greatest common      3
Element, greatest      1
Element, least      1
Element, maximal      1
Element, minimal      1
Equivalence relation      8
Euclid's lemma      11
Euclidean algorithm      4
Euler $\varphi$-function      36
Even permutation      31
Factor, common      3
Factor, highest common      3
Factorization, prime      12
Factorization, prime power      12
Fermat's little theorem      14
Fibonacci sequence      18
Finite continued fraction      17
Finite set      53
Fixed point set      40
Fixed set      40
Function, arithmetic      47
Function, characteristic      58
Function, indicator      58
Fundamental solution      24
Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic      11
Generator      36
Greatest common divisor      3
Greatest element      1
Group      29
Group, action      38
Group, action, transitive      40
Group, alternating      32
Group, dihedral      35
Group, permutation      29 30
Group, symmetric      30
Highest common factor      3
Idiot's binomial theorem      14
INDEX      37
Indicator function      58
Infinite continued fraction      17
Infinite set      1 53
Injection      53
INTEGER      3
Inverse      9
Irrational      13
Lagrange’s Theorem      37
Least element      1
Left coset      37
Long division property      3
Maximal element      1
Maximal principle (MP)      2
Minimal element      1
Moebius function      47
Multiplicative      47
Multiplicative, strictly      47
Natural numbers      1
Odd permutation      31
One—one      53
Onto      53
Orbit      39
Orbit-stabilizer equation      40
Order      14 29
Pell's equation      24
Period      22
Permutation, even      31
Permutation, group      29 30
Permutation, matrix      33
Permutation, odd      31
Permutation, sign of a      31
Pigeonhole Principle      53
Power factorization      12
Power set      58
Prime      11
Prime, factorization      12
Primitive root      15
Principle of mathematical induction (PMI)      1
Proper subgroup      35
Proper subset      54
Real algebraic numbers      60
Recurrence relation      18
Represents      16 18
Residue class      9
Root      13
Root, primitive      15
Set, countable      55
Set, countably infinite      55
Set, finite      53
Set, fixed      40
Set, fixed point      40
Set, infinite      1 53
Set, of cardinality $\aleph_0$      55
Set, power      58
Set, standard      30
Set, uncountable      55
Sign of a permutation      31
Solution, fundamental      24
Stabilizer      39
Standard set      30
Strictly multiplicative      47
Subgroup      35
Subgroup, generated by g      36
Subgroup, proper      35
Subset, proper      54
Surjection      53
Symmetric group      30
Symmetry      33
Tabular method      6
Transitive      1
Transitive, group action      40
Transposition      33
Uncountable set      55
Well ordering principle (WOP)      1
Wilson's theorem      15
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