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Taylor E.F. — Exploring Black Holes: Introduction to General Relativity |
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Aberration of light 5-26—30
Accelerating expansion of Universe G-20
Acceleration, gravitational 2-46 3-31 B-19—21
Acceleration, tidal 1-14—16 2-6—7 2-32 B-18—21 5-2
Accretion disk F-2 F-4 F-25
Advanced civilization, defined F-25
Aging 1-5—7 3-4
Aging, Principle of see "Principle of Extremal Aging"
Alice in Wonderland 1-1 B-1
Andromeda galaxy 1-4
Angle, azimuthal 2-16
Angular momentum, derived from Extremal Aging 4-2—5
Angular momentum, from shell velocity 4-22
Angular momentum, of object in Kerr geometry F-13
Angular momentum, of spinning black hole F-2
Angular momentum, parameters F-2
Angular momentum, properties of 4-5—8
Aphelion 4-26 C-3
Apple, Newton's 2-5
Astronaut, interview B-1
Astronaut, stretching 2-6 2-46 B-18—21
Azimuthal angle 2-16
Background radiation, cosmic G-21
Baked on the shell? 5-27
Balloon of various dimensions G-2—6
Beacon 3-10—12 5-35—37
Big Bang, Project G seeing G-17—19
Black hole, area never decreases 2-48
Black hole, dilute 2-46
Black hole, dropping in on 3-30
Black hole, energy conversion using 3-29—30
Black hole, escape from 2-4 4-7 4-21
Black hole, extracting energy from F-20—24 F-28—29
Black hole, extreme angular momentum F-5—7
Black hole, measuring distance from 5-33
Black hole, more about (box) 3-3
Black hole, no escape from 3-19—23 B-13—16
Black hole, Reissner — Nordstroem F-31
Black hole, science inside B-3
Black hole, shadow of 5-33
Black hole, temperature of 5-27 5-37
Black hole, time travel using 4-32
Black hole, turning around using 4-32—33
Blue shift, gravitational 2-13 2-30
Blunder of my life, biggest G-1 G-11
Boltzmann's constant 5-27
Bookkeeper Kerr F-8—11
Bookkeeper Schwarzschild 2-34—38
Boyer — Lindquist coordinates F-2—3 F-19
Carroll, Lewis, quote B-1
Cauchy horizon F-5 F-30
Centrifugal pseudo force 4-13
Chandrasekhar, S., quote F-1
Chesapeake Bay, general relativity over 2-47
Circular orbits see "Orbit circular"
Clay pigeon 3-6
Clock, far-away 2-27—30 F-3
Clock, personal far-away 2-29
Clock, recording 1-18
Clock, reference 1-17
Clock, synchronize 1-17 2-27 2-29 A-4 G-7 G-10—11
Closed Universe G-6 G-7—12 G-15—21
Conv, subscript meaning "in conventional units" 1-13 GL-1
Coordinate radius see "Reduced circumference"
Coordinate systems 2-31—38 B-4 F-2
Copernicus, Nicolaus 2-8
Corona E-2
Cosmic background radiation G-21
Cosmic rays, super 1-22
Cosmic red shift G-18
Cosmological principle G-1—2
Cover, explanation of D-12—17
Critical value of mass, G-13—14
Crunch of Universe G-7—12
Crunch, time to arrive at 3-21—22
Curvature factor 2-21
Curvature of spacetime 1-16 2-3 2-6—7
Curvature of universe G-13—15
Cycloid G-8—12
Dark matter D-11
Diamond necklace D-16—17
Dickinson, Emily, quotes 4-1 5-1
Differentials, sloppy use of 2-20
Disney Epcot Center 2-10
Distance, determines geometry 2-1—3
Distance, frame distance 1-1—2
Distance, proper 1-3—5
Diving candidate B-1—3
Diving frequency shift B-25
Donut, Einstein D-12—15
Doppler effect 2-13 5-26 G-18
Drip frame B-4 B-26
Edge, over the 3-19—23
Effective potential, for light 5-10—13 5-33
Effective potential, for orbit of Mercury C-6—7
Effective potential, in Newtonian mechanics 4-11—14
Effective potential, in Schwarzschild spacetime 4-14—20
Eggbeater oscillations B-5
Einstein field equations 2-20
Einstein Ring 5-21 5-24—25 D-9—11
Einstein, Albert, "biggest blunder of my life," G-1 G-11
Einstein, Albert, "Did you doubt it?" D-1
Einstein, Albert, "invented" curved spacetime 4-9
Einstein, Albert, quotes 1-1 2-1 2-4 2-20 3-1 B-10 E-1
Elevator safety 1-14
Embedding diagrams 2-25—26
Empire State Building 1-14
Energy, conversion using black hole 3-29—30
Energy, derived from extremal aging 1-7—12 3-6—10 4-2—5 F-13
Energy, energy-mass conversion 1-22
Energy, extracting energy from Kerr black hole F-20—24 F-28—29
Energy, from shell velocity 4-22
Energy, in Kerr spacetime F-13
Energy, in Schwarzschild spacetime 3-6—10
Energy, in special relativity 1-7—12
Energy, measured at infinity 3-10—11
Energy, measured by shell observer 3-17—19
Energy, negative energy F-20—24 F-28—29
Energy, Newton approximates plunging energy 3-33
Energy, of a clock bolted to a spherical shell 3-12
Energy, of a particle falling from rest at infinity 3-12
Energy, production by a quasar 5-35 F-4 F-24—27
Energy, rest 1-11
entropy 2-48
Epcot Center, Disney 2-10
Ephemendes C-2
Ephemeris Time 2-28
Equatorial plane 2-15—16 F-2 F-7
Ergosphere F-7—8 F-20—24 F-28—29
Escape velocity 2-22
Event 1-2 2-1—3
Event horizon see "Horizon"
Extremal Aging see "Principle of Extremal Aging"
Extreme Kerr black hole F-5—7
Falling from rest at infinity 3-12—17
Far-away clock, personal 2-29
Far-away observer 1-18 see
Far-away time 2-19 2-27—30 F-3
Field equations 2-20
Final view B-22—25 5-27—30
Flash, headlight B-14—16
Flash, synchronizing 1-17
Flash, taillight B-14—17
Flat spacetime 1-5 2-4—7
Flat spacetime, limits of 1-14—16 2-5—7 2-27
Flat spacetime, metric for 1-2—5 2-17—18
Flat Universe G-6 G-12—15
Frame distance 1-2
Frame dragging F-7—10 F-13—16
| Frame time 1-2
Frame, drip frame B-4
Frame, hail frame B-5
Frame, inertial see "Free-float frame"
Frame, rain frame B-4—6
Free-float frame, in curved spacetime 2-4—7 2-31—33
Free-float frame, in special relativity 1-1 1-14—16
Frequency shift B-25 5-34—37
Frozen star 3-23 see
Fuller, Buckminster 2-8
Galilei, Galileo, quote G-21
General relativity 1-1 1-16
General relativity over Chesapeake Bay 2-47—48
General relativity, readings in R-1—4
Geodesic 2-4—5 3-4
Geometric units 1-2 2-13 4-3 F-2 F-31
Geometry determined by "distances" 2-1—3
glossaries GL-1—7
Gravitation 1-14—16 2-5
Gravitational acceleration 2-46—47 3-31—32 B-19—21
Gravitational blue shift 2-13 2-30
Gravitational constant G 2-13
Gravitational radius (not used in this book) 2-21
Gravitational red shift 2-12—13 2-30 2-45 5-34
Hail frame B-5 B-26
Harmonic oscillator, linear C-3—8
Hawking radiation 2-4 5-27
Hawking temperature 5-27 5-37
Hawking, Stephen, quotes 2-24 F-3
Headlight flash B-14—16
Hilbert, David 2-30
Horizon 2-21 F-4—5
Horizon, alarm for spaceship 3-32
Horizon, as a one-way barrier 3-19—23 B-13—16 5-33 F-4—5
Horizon, Cauchy horizon F-5 F-30
Horizon, crossing the 3-19—23 5-33
Horizon, measuring radius inside B-8
Horizon, Newton predicts 2-22
Horizon, one-way motion inside 3-20 B-13—16 F-15
Horizon, origin of term R-2
Horizon, trajectories of particle inside B-21—22
Horizon-to-crunch time for hurled particle 3-25
Horizon-to-crunch time for light B-16—19
Horizon-to-crunch time for particle dropped from rest at infinity 3-21—22
Horizon-to-crunch time for particle dropped from rest on a shell 3-21 3-31
Hurling stone into black hole 3-25
Hurling stone into black hole, shell energy of 3-28—29
Hyperradius of the universe G-4—5
Hypersphere G-4
Iceberg 2-1
Impact parameter b B-23 B-25 4-6 5-6 D-3—5 D-9—10
Inertial frame see "Free-float frame"
Insertion problem B-26
Interferometry, very long baseline (VLBI) D-9
Interval, spacelike 1-4 2-19
Interval, timelike 1-2 2-19
Invariant 1-3
Invariant, mass 1-13
Invariant, proper distance 1-3—5
Invariant, wristwatch time 1-3
Irreducible mass F-24—25
Kepler's laws of planetary motion 4-31
Kerr bookkeeper F-8—11
Kerr — Newman geometry 3-3
Krufe-edge orbit 4-8—10 4-19 5-12—14
Latticework of clocks 1-17 2-38
Light cone, forward B-14—15
Light cone, in rain coordinates B-15
Light cone, radial trajectories of B-16—19
Light sphere 5-15—16 5-33
Light, alternative speeds 5-2—5 5-7—9
Light, effective potential for 5-10—13 5-33
Light, energy of in final view B-24
Light, faster than, inside horizon? B-6—12
Light, forecasting trajectory of 5-9—10
Light, frequency shift 5-34 see "Blue "Cosmic "Doppler
Light, motion of, in Kerr geometry F-10—12
Light, orbiting 5-5—8
Light, pressure of 1-23
Light, radial trajectories of, in Schwarzschild spacetime B-16—18
Light, Schwarzschild maps of motion see "Schwarzschild map"
Light, shell observer measures light speed unity 5-4—5
Linear harmonic oscillator C-3—8
Local free-float frame 1-14—16 2-4—7
Magnitude, stellar G-20
Marx, Groucho, quotes 2-45 4-2
Mass in relativity 1-12—13
Mass in units of length 2-13—15
Mass parameter of the Universe G-8
Mass parameter of the Universe, critical value G-13—15
Mass, irreducible F-24—25
Mass, mass-energy conversion 1-22
Mass, no change with velocity 1-13
Mass, of astronomical objects 2-16
Mass, test particle 1-13
Mass-inflation singularity B-5 F-5
Masses of some astronomical objects 2-16
Massive compact halo objects (MACHOs) D-11
Merciful ending? B-18—21
Metric as micrometer 2-32
Metric for flat spacetime 1-2 1-4
Metric for model Universe G-6—7
Metric for rain frame B-12—14
Metric in polar coordinates 2-17
Metric, Kerr — Newman 3-3
Metric, on spherical shell 2-33
Metric, Reissner — Nordstroem F-30—31
Metric, Schwarzschild 2-19—24
Microlensing D-11—12
Micrometer, metric as 2-32
Misner, Charles, quotes 4-2 G-1
Mixmaster singularity B-5
Momentum in special relativity 1-12
Momentum, derivation 1-23
Moon, distance to E-6
Motion, constants of angular momentum near nonrotating black hole 4-4
Motion, constants of energy and angular momentum near extreme rotating black hole F-13
Motion, constants of energy in special relativity 1-11
Motion, constants of energy near non-rotating black hole 3-9
Motion, constants of momentum in special relativity 1-12
Negative energy F-20—24 F-28—29
Neutron star, acceleration of gravity at surface of 3-32
Neutron star, deflection of light by D-8
Neutron star, kinetic energy hitting 3-28
Neutron star, pulsar F-1
Newcomb, Simon C-2
Newman spacetime 3-3
Newton's apple 2-5
Newton, approximates plunging energy 3-33
Newton, circular orbits 4-30—31
Newton, gravitation theory 2-13
Newton, predicts deflection of starlight by Sun D-1—3
Newton, predicts horizon of black hole 2-22
Newton, quotes 4-2 4-26
Observer, far-away 1-18 2-35 2-38 F-3
Observer, in special relativity 1-16—18
Observer, Schwarzschild 2-35
Occultation D-8
Open Universe G-6 G-12—15
Orbit, circular 4-20 4-25 4-28—32
Orbit, computing 4-9 F-30
Orbit, forecasting 4-8 4-23
Orbit, knife-edge 4-8—10 4-19 5-12—14
Orbit, Newtonian 4-30—31 C-4—6
Orbiting light 5-5—8
Orbiting particles F-30
Oscillator, linear harmonic C-3—8
Ouch time 2-4—6 B-18—21
Paradox, twin 1-5
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