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Taylor E.F. — Exploring Black Holes: Introduction to General Relativity |
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Paradox, Zeno's 2-49
Penrose process F-20—24 F-28—29
Perihelion, defined C-1
Personal far-away clock 2-29
Photon 5-34
Pigeon, clay 3-6
Pitons 2-1
Planck's constant 5-34
Plane, satellite motion in 2-15—16
Planetary motion, Kepler's laws of 4-31
Planets, advance of the perihelia of inner C-10—12
Plunger wink-out time 5-35—37
Plunging view 5-27—30
Pressure of light 1-23
Principle of Extremal Aging in flat spacetime 1-5—7
Principle of Extremal Aging in Kerr spacetime F-13
Principle of Extremal Aging in Schwarzschild spacetime 3-1—5
Proper distance 1-3—5
Proper distance, between spherical shells 2-22 2-45
Proper length 1-5
Proper speed B-11
Proper time 1-2 see
Proper velocity B-11
Pseudo force, centrifugal 4-13
Pulsar F-1
Quantum gravity 2-24 B-5 F-3
quantum mechanics 2-4 2-24 F-3
Quasar, energy production by 5-35 F-4 F-24—27
r-coordinate 2-7—11 F-3 F-6
Radial stretching 2-6 2-28 2-46—47 B-18—21
Radius, measuring inside honzon B-8 see
Railway coach 1-15
Rain frame B-4
Rain frame, light cones in B-15
Rain frame, metric for B-12—14
Rain frame, orbits in B-25—26
Raindrop B-4
Readings in general relativity R-1—4
Readings in special relativity 1-20—21
Red shift 2-12—13 2-30 2-45 5-34
Red shift, cosmic red shift G-18
Reduced circumference r 2-7—11
Reduced circumference r, in Kerr spacetime R F-6 F-9—10 F-19
Reduced circumference r, measuring inside horizon B-8
Reference clock 1-17
Reference frames 1-1 1-14—16 2-3—4
Reissner — Nordstroem metric F-30—31
Relativity, general 1-1 1-16 R-1—4
Relativity, special 1-1 1-14—16 1-20—21
Replay using orbit of light E-6
Residuals C-1 E-5
Rest energy 1-11
Rindler, Wolfgang, quote 4-9
Ring around the sky B-24 5-28—30
Ring riders F-16—20
Ring, Einstein 5-24—25 D-9—11
Rowboat 2-1—2
Satellite motion in a plane 2-15—16
Schwarzschild bookkeeper 2-35
Schwarzschild geometry, picturing the space part 2-24—27
Schwarzschild global coordinate system 2-7 2-19 2-34—37
Schwarzschild horizon 2-21
Schwarzschild lattice 2-38 2-41
Schwarzschild map 2-35—37 4-8
Schwarzschild map of light motion 5-13—19
Schwarzschild map vs. shell view 5-16—19
Schwarzschild metric 2-19—24
Schwarzschild observer 2-35
Schwarzschild radius 2-7—11 2-21—22
Schwarzschild spacetime, effective potential in 4-14—20
Schwarzschild sphere 2-21
Schwarzschild surface 2-21
Schwarzschild, Karl 2-20
Science inside the black hole B-3
Shadow of a black hole 5-33
Shell frame, defined 2-9
Shell frame, energy measured on 3-17—19
Shell frame, gravitational acceleration on 3-31—32
Shell frame, local 2-33
Shell frame, proper distance between 2-22 2-45
Shell frame, stationary rings around Kerr black hole F-13
Shell frame, Unruh radiation 5-27
Shell observer 2-33—35
| Shell view of black hole 5-20
Shell view of stars 5-19—24
Shell view vs. Schwarzschild map 5-16—19
Simultaneous 1-4
Singularity 2-24
Singularity, mass-inflation singularity B-5 F-5
Singularity, Mixmaster B-5
Skeet shooting 3-6
Sky, ring around B-24 5-28—30
Sloppy use of differentials 2-20
Solar constant F-26
Spacelike spacetime interval 1-4 2-17 2-19
Spacetime interval 1-5
Special relativity, defined 1-1
Special relativity, limits of 1-14—16
Special relativity, readings in 1-20—21
Speed of light for fastest stone 3-29
Speed of stone approaching the horizon 3-12—17
Speed, alternative speeds of light 5-2—5 5-7—9
Speed, maximum bookkeeper 3-28
Speed, proper B-11
Sphere, light 5-15—16 5-33
Spherical shell see "Shell entries"
Spinoza, Benedict de G-1
Spiral, straight-in F-13—16
Star, frozen 3-23
Starlight seen inside horizon B-22—25 5-28—30
Stars, final view B-22—25
Stars, outward shell view 5-19—24
Static limit F-7—10
Stellar magnitude G-20
Stretching, astronaut 2-6 2-46 B-18—21
Sun, angular momentum of F-6
Sun, deflection of starlight by D-1—9
Sun, grazing the 2-45
Synchronizing clocks 1-17 2-27 2-29 A-4 G-7 G-10—11
Synchronizing flash 1-17
t-coordinate 2-28
Taffy-pulling machines B-5
Taillight flash B-14—19
Taylor, Abigail, Andrew, Bradley, Crissman, Cynthia, Dana, Job denH, Katherine, Leslie, Lloyd, Meredith, Rasmia K, Samantha, Samuel, Victoria I-5
Temperature of a black hole 5-27 5-37
Test particle 1-13—16 3-10—11
Thome, Kip S., quotes 2-7 2-42 4-2 G-1
Tidal acceleration 1-14—16 2-6—7 2-32 B-18—21 5-2
Time parameter G-9 G-17—19
Time to arrive at the crunch 3-21—22 3-31
Time travel using circular orbits 4-32
Time, far-away 2-19 2-27—30 F-3
Time, frame time 1-2
Time, what then is 4-2
Timelike spacetime interval 1-2 2-19 F-2 F-6
Trapshooting 3-6
Turning around using black hole 4-32—33
Twenty-year black hole B-4
Twin paradox 1-5
Universal gravitational constant G 2-13
Universe, accelerating expansion of G-20
Universe, model, closed G-6 G-6—12
Universe, model, flat G-6 G-12—15
Universe, model, hyperradius of G-4—5
Universe, model, metric for G-6
Universe, model, open G-6 G-12—15
Unruh radiation 5-27
Vampire 5-33
Velocity, proper B-11
Very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) D-9
View from light sphere 5-14—16 5-33
Virtual particles 2-4
Weak field approximation D-1
Weightlessness 4-13—14
Wheeler, John Archibald, opinion on Universe G-11
Wheeler, John Archibald, quotes 2-30 4-2 F-31 G-1 G-21
Will, Clifford, quotes A-1 A-7
Wink-out time, plunger 5-35—37
Worldline 1—9 3-3
Worldline of inevitability B-17
Wristwatch time 1-1—3 2-19 F-2
Wristwatch time from horizon to crunch 3-21—22 3-31
Wristwatch time from the beginning of the Universe G-7 G-10—11 G-20
Wristwatch time, zero value along worldline for light 2-32 5-2 5-6
Zeno's paradox 2-49
Zero angular momentum observers, ZAMOS F-16
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