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Chatfield C. — The Analysis of Time Series: An Introduction |
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Multivariate normal distribution 30
Multivariate time series 216—224
Murray, M.P. 223
Nason, G.P. 232
Naylor, T.H. 81
Neave, H.R. 115 122
Nelson, H.L. 12
Neural nets 206—210
Newbold, P. 62 79 185 225 235
Nicholls, D.F. 200
Noise 90
Non-linear autoregressive model 198
Non-linear models 193—215
Non-stationary series 22 226—228
Normal process 30 31
Normalized spectral density function 98
Nyquist frequency 94 108—109
Observation equation 182
Open-loop system 176
Otomo, T. 178
Outlier 6 24 196 233
Pagano, M. 27
Pankratz, A. 219
Papoulis, A. 27
Parseval's theorem 110 135
Partial autocorrelation function 65
Parzen window 114
Parzen, E. 27 76 232
Pena, D. 218
Percival, D.B. 120 260
Periodogram 109—113
Phase 92 110 158
Phase shift 155
Phase spectrum 142
Physically realizable 150
Pierce, D.A. 81 176
Pocock, S.J. 107
Point process 4
Pole, A. 186
Polynomial curve 13 68
Polyspectra 198
Portmanteau test 62
Prediction 6 90
Prediction interval 68 85 214
Prediction stage 187
Prediction theory 89—90
Prewhitening 129
Priestley, M.B. 8 49 50 59 79 105 119 120 122 140 146 177 195 203 215 222 226—227 230 232
Process control 3
Projection method 67
Prothero, D.L. 87
Purely indeterministic process 45
Purely random process 31 197
Quadrature spectrum 141
Random walk 32
Realization 4 27
Recurrence form 69
Regime-switching model 203
Regression model 76 186
Reid, D.J. 79
Reinsel, G.C. 8 222 224
Residuals 61
Ripley, B.D. 206 208—209 236
Roberts, J.B. 232
Robust methods 6 233
Sampled series 5
Sande, G. 119
Santa Fe competition 209
Scenario analysis 229
Schoemaker, P.J.H. 229
Schuster, A. 105
Schwartz criterion 226
Schwarz, R.J. 157 241
Seasonal adjustment 18
Seasonal model 17 60
Seasonal variation 9 11 17 22
Second-order stationary 29
Semivariogram 232
Serial correlation coefficient 19
signal 90
Signal-to-noise ratio 183
Sinusoidal variation 92 101 106
Slutsky effect 15
Smith, J. 236
Smoothing constant 70
Snodgrass, F.E. 131
Spatial data 232 236
Spectral analysis 105—135
Spectral density function 92 96—102
Spectral density function of an AR process 100 165
Spectral density function of an MA process 99 164
| Spectral density function, estimation of 105—135
Spectral distribution function 92
Spectral representation 94
Spectral window 122
Spectrogram 111
Spectrum 96
Spencer's 15 point moving average 14 16
Spencer, D.E. 222
SPLINE 14 232
Stable system 150 157
State variable 181
State vector 181
State-spacemodel 181—187
Stationary distribution 29
Stationary process 28
Stationary time series 10
Steady model 183
Steady state 156
Step response function 152—154
Stepwise autoregression 75
Stochastic process 27 31
Stochastic series 5
Strang, G. 232
Strictly stationary 28
Structural modelling 76 184—185
Subjective forecasts 66
Sutcliffe, A. 236
System equation 182
Systems approach 68
Tapering 120
Taylor, P.F. 186
Taylor, S.J. 206
Tee, L.H. 14
Teraesvirta, T. 201
Tetley, H. 14
Threshold models 200
Tiao.G.C. 201 222
Time domain 7 49
Time invariance 149
Time plot 11 257—259
Tomasek, O. 87
Tong, H. 195 201 203 210 213—215 231 236
Transfer function 157
Transfer function model 174 176 219
Transformations 11
Transient 156
Transition equation 182
Trend 10 12 13 184
Trend curve 68
Trend-stationary series 235
Truncation point 114
Tukey window 114
Tukey, J.W. 119
Tyssedal, J.S. 227
Unequal intervals 232
Unit root testing 235
Univariate forecast 68
Updating equations 188
V ARM AX model 221
Vandaele, W. 8 71
Variance 28
Variogram 232
VARMA model 221
Vector autoregressive model 219—221
Velleman, P.F. 223
Wald, A. 54
Walker, Sir Gilbert 38
Wallis, K.F. 18
Wavelength 93
Wavelets 231—232
Weakly stationary 30
Wegman, E.J. 14 199
Wei, W.W.S. 8 223
Weigend, A.S. 206 209
West, M. 76 185—186 224
Wetherill, G.B. 4
White noise 32 197
Whittle, P. 87 90
Wiener — Hopf equation 171
Wiener — Khintchine theorem 94
Wiener, N. 89 90 94 230
Winters, P.R. 70
Wold decomposition 44
Wold, H.O. 72
Wright, G. 66
X-11 method 18
Yaglom, A.M. 27 44 48 53 89 90 239
Yao, Q. 212
Young, P.C. 175
Yule — Walker equations 38 55
Yule, G.U. 38 72
Z transform 157 239
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