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Rogers L. — Its ONLY Rocket Science. An Introduction in Plain English (Astronomers Universe)
Rogers L. — Its ONLY Rocket Science. An Introduction in Plain English (Astronomers Universe)

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Название: Its ONLY Rocket Science. An Introduction in Plain English (Astronomers Universe)

Автор: Rogers L.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2008

Количество страниц: 354

Добавлена в каталог: 26.02.2009

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Предметный указатель
A2 (rocket)      25
A3 (rocket)      25
A4 (rocket)      25
Ablation      53 285—287 289
Ablution      194—195 see washing"
abort      75—77
Accelerometer      140
Adams, John Couch (Cambridge, UK)      263 see
Advanced Communications Technology Satellite (ACTS)      158
Aerobraking      42 68 72 284
Aeroshell      42
Agreement on the Rescue of Astronauts      66
Air Force Fence (US)      221—223 235
Air Force Space Command (US)      214
air pressure      11 169 174 175—177 198 281
Air quality      174—175
Airbag      72 254
Airframe      27 28 31
Airship      277 278
Alarm Clock      200 see
Albedo      50 145 245 267
Alcohol      46 165—167 175
Aldebaran (star)      240
Aldrin, Buzz (astronaut)      165 166 274
Allen IV, Joseph P (astronaut)      80
Allen, H. Julian (US scientist)      51
Alternate Space Control Centre      214
Altimeter      163 251
Altitude (definition of space)      2
amateur radio      128 167—168 232—235 309 310
Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS)      168 309
AMSAT (radio amateur satellite corporation)      234 309 312—314
Anomaly at epoch      303 306
Ansari X-Prize      27 34 127 276 277
Ansari, Anousheh (private space tourist)      172
Antenna, helical      156
Antenna, high gain      155—158
Antenna, horn      156 157
Antenna, lens      156—158
Antenna, low gain      155—158
Antenna, parabolic      156 157 224
Antenna, phased array      156—158 163
Antioxidant      183 see nutrition"
Antwerp, Belgium      26
AO 40      128
Aphelion      86 242
Apoapsis      86
Apochron      86
Apogee      86—87 92 98—99 290 295 306
Apojove      86
Apollo (spacecraft)      47 53 69 74 174 180 189 237 249
Apollo (spacecraft), Apollo 10      71
Apollo (spacecraft), Apollo 11      9 70 71 274
Apollo (spacecraft), Apollo 12      192 249 250
Apollo (spacecraft), Apollo 13      69
Apollo (spacecraft), Apollo 8      159 166
Apollo (spacecraft), space capsule      51—53 62 66 159
Apollo Landing Zone (Moon)      70 71
Apolune      86
Apparent magnitude      see "Magnitude"
Apselene      86
Argo Navis (constellation)      144
Argument of periapsis      303 305 313
Ariane (rocket)      275
Ariane (rocket), Ariane 2      32
Ariane (rocket), Ariane 3      32
Ariane (rocket), Ariane 4      142
Ariane (rocket), Ariane 5      58
Ariane (rocket), H-10      212
Aries (constellation)      138
Aries, first point of      137—138 304 305 307 312
ARISS      168 309
Armstrong, Neil (astronaut)      274
Army, British      20
Army, German      24—25
Art of Gunnery (Nye)      19
Artis Magnae Artilleriae pars prima (Great Art of Artillery, the First Part) (Siemienowicz)      19
Asteroid, 433 Eros      73 269 see
Asteroid, belt      14 266 268
Asteroid, Ceres      241 265 266 269
Asteroid, Gaspra      258 268 269 see
Asteroid, Ida      258 268 see
Asteroid, Ida, Dactyl (moon)      268 see
Asteroid, Itokawa      43 73
Asteroid, Vesta      16 266 268 269
Astronaut, Chinese      165 203
Astronaut, Russian      see "Cosmonaut"
Astronavigation      143—145
Astronomical Unit (AU), definition      45 237
Atlantic Ocean      4 76 182
Attitude (definition)      83 133—134
Attitude control      33 34 38 39 292
Aurora      5 238 291
Australia      80 158 168 224 225
Automatic Picture Transmission (APT)      233
Autonav      145—146
Autour de la Lune (Around the Moon) (Verne)      23
Autumnal equinox      138
Auxiliary rocket propulsion system      38 see
Azimuth      135 311
Baikonur (Kazakhstan)      58 65 96 163
Baker Nunn (camera)      217—218
Baker, James G.      217
Ballistic trajectory      11 76 101 283 284
Barycentre      35
battery      37 44 45 46 48—50 131 254
Baudry, Patrick (astronaut)      166
BBC      231
Beacon      195 209 210 222
Beagle 2      72 254
Beanstalk      296 see
Becquerel, Henri      17
Bed      199 see
Belgian Working Group for Satellites      309 318
BepiColombo      244
Berlin Observatory      263 see
Bigelow Aerospace      278
Birmingham (UK)      300
Blackout (loss of vision)      170 207
Blackout (radio)      158—162 238
Blue Steel (missile)      121
Boeing 747, modified      62 63 64
Boles, Tom      215
Boosters      28 32 117 see motor"
Brahe, Tycho      21 87 269
Brightness, measurement      229 230 314—318 see
Brown, Mike      267 see
budget      17 55 56 57 226 see
Buran (Soviet proposed space shuttle)      75
Burj Dubai (Dubai)      296
burnout      29
Bush, George W. (President, USA)      273
Caloris Basin (Mercury)      243
Cambridge (UK)      221 263
Camera      219—220 225 260
Camera, Baker Nunn      217—218
Camera, digital      219 289
Camera, film      164 217 218
Canberra, Australia      158 224 see
Canis Major (constellation)      240
Canopus (star)      144 145
Cape Canaveral (Florida, USA)      58 59
Capsule      51—53 62 65—67 71 74—75 159 164
Carina (constellation)      144
Carrier wave      152 155 234
Cassini      40 41—42 47 72 142 163 258—260 see
Cassini division      259 see ring
Cassini Huygens      107 224 260 see "Huygens"
Catalogue, NORAD      see "Space Catalogue"
Catalogue, space      see "Space Catalogue"
Catalogue, star      144
catalyst      116 121 122 194
CB communication      232 see
CCD imaging      263 see digital"
Celestial bodies, naming      215
Celestial sphere      137 304 312
Celestrak (web site)      232 309
Centaurs      268
Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams      215
Ceres (dwarf planet and asteroid)      241 265 266 269
Cerise      212
Cernan, Gene (astronaut)      251 see
Chaikin, Andrew, Man on the Moon, the Voyages of the Apollo Astronauts, A      166
Chandra X-Ray Observatory      42 43 311
Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Rase (Colorado Springs, USA)      214
China      17 19 20 58 66 203 269
Chiswick (UK)      26
Christmas      159 166
Chryse Planitia (Mars)      72
Clarke belt      90
Clarke, Sir Arthur C.      90 296
Clarke, Sir Arthur C., Extra-Terrestrial Relays      90
Clarke, Sir Arthur C., Fountains of Paradise, The      296
Clementine      250
Climate      57 279 see conditions"
Clothes      178 195—198
Coast period      30
Cognac      165—167 see
Cold War      164
Collimator      148
Colombo, Giuseppe "Bepi"      107 243
Combustion chamber      24 120 122 123 125 126
Comet, 67P Churyumov — Gerasimenko      73—74 271
Comet, composition      14 268 270 280
Comet, description      14 268 269—271
Comet, Giacobini — Zinner      270
Comet, Halley      89 269 270 281
Comet, periodic      215
Comet, Shoemaker — Levy 9      36
Comet, Swift — Tuttle      14
Comet, Tempel 1      43 146 270
Comet, Tempel — Tuttle      14
Comet, Wild 2      67 164 270
Command      151—163
Commercial space flight      274—279
Commode      193—194
Communication      151—169
Communication, architecture      56 89 153
Communication, cultural differences      151 165
Communication, language      151 165
Communication, links      56 61 153 162 167 201 224 225
Communication, radio      42 159—162 167 168
Communication, radiowave      152
Communication, signal to noise ratio      152
Communication, spacecraft      see "Spacecraft communication
Communication, spacecraft, system      33 40 90 149 154 159 165 238
COMSAT (Communications Satellite Corporation)      275
Concept exploration      55 56 78
Concorde      238
Congreve, William      19
Conrad Jr., Charles (astronaut)      249 250
Control centre      59 79 89 158 214 224 225 see
Cooling system      52—53 76 124—125
Coordinate system      133 134—139 307—308
Coordinate system, cartesian      134 135 138 307
Coordinate system, celestial      137 138
Coordinate system, cylindrical      135 136
Coordinate system, geocentric      307 308
Coordinate system, heliocentric      307 308
Coordinate system, perifocal      307
Coordinate system, polar      135 136
Coordinate system, spherical      135 136 137
Copernicanism      21
Copernicus      22
Coplanar      98
Core (solid motor)      117 118 119
Corona      164
Coronal Mass Ejection (CME)      182 238 see
Cosmic ray      181 182 209 239
Cosmic velocity, first      96
Cosmic velocity, second      96 see escape"
Cosmic velocity, third      96
Cosmonaut      43 62 165—167 172 187 191 198 255
Cosmos I (failed solar sail attempt)      281 288—289
Couch liner      171 172 173
Countdown      29 59 61 78
Creighton, John, O. (astronaut)      166
Crew escape system      75 77 see
Crew Operated Alignment Sight (COAS)      147—148
Cross-linked network      153
Crumbs      201 203 see
Damage to spacecraft      59 219—220
Damage to spacecraft, meteoroid strike      15 31 41 184—185 279
Damage to spacecraft, radiation      4 181 243
Dark Sky Station      278
Darwin (planned)      95
Data transfer      67
Davies, J.G. (Jodrell Bank Observatory)      211
Davis, J. (Jodrell Bank Observatory)      211
Dawn (spacecraft)      266 269 see Ceres"
DC-9 (jetliner)      64
de Bergerac, Cyrano      23
de Bergerac, Cyrano, Histoire Comique des Etats et Empires de la Lune et du Soleil (A Comical History of the States and Empire of the Sun)      23
De la terre a la lune (From the Earth to the Moon) (Verne)      23
de-orbit      15 63 148
Dead spacecraft      79 209 212 216
Debris      14—15 65 96 184 185 212
Debris, avoidance      213
Debris, man-made      14—15 30 80 212 214 247 279 287
Debris, natural      14 43 95 249
Debris, tracking      216 217 225
Declination      137 138 305 311 312 315
Deep Impact      43 146 270
Deep Space 1      145—146
Deep Space Communication Complex (DSCC)      224 see
Deep Space Network (DSN)      153 224—225
Degrees of freedom      38 83—84 140 198
Delta II (rocket and launch vehicle)      28 61
Department of Defence (US)      79 164 221
Descartes, Rene      134
Die Rakete zu den Planetenraeumen (By Rocket into planetary Space) (Oberth)      24
Dijon, France      223
Direct Earth link      67
Discourse Concerning a New Planet, A (Wilkins)      22
Discovery of a World in the Moon, The (Wilkins)      22
Distant future      301—302
DNA      182
docking      103 163 see
Dog in space      169
Dornberger, Captain (later Major General) Walter      25—26
Dornberger, Captain (later Major General) Walter, V2 (book)      25—26
Dover (UK)      139
Downlink      151 222 233 see radiowave"
Drag (atmospheric)      2 11 28 29 31 97 98 216 278 300 313
Dream, The (Kepler)      21
Drink      166 167 180 195 197 204—207
DSCS III      157
Dwarf planet      264—267
Eagle      165
Early Bird (INTELSAT 1)      275
Earth (description)      247—248
Earth sensor      145
Eastern Space and Missile Centre      59 see USA)"
Eccentricity      13—14 86 303 305
Echo 1      97
Ecliptic description      137 242 305
Ecliptic, plane of      107 242 251 262 283 298 304 307
Eddington (planned)      95
Edinburgh (Scotland)      139
Edwards Air Force Base (California, USA)      62 63 64 76 218
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