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Rogers L. — Its ONLY Rocket Science. An Introduction in Plain English (Astronomers Universe) |

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Название: Its ONLY Rocket Science. An Introduction in Plain English (Astronomers Universe)
Автор: Rogers L.
Рубрика: Физика/
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 2008
Количество страниц: 354
Добавлена в каталог: 26.02.2009
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Venera (spacecraft), Venera 8 71
Venera (spacecraft), Venera 9 246
Venus 20
Venus Express 246
Venus, description 16 89 104 240—243 245—247
Venus, life on 245 247
Venus, missions 41—42 45 71 107 108 243 246—247 258
Venus, missions, manned 246—247
Verein fuer Raumschiffahrt (VfR) (German Society for Space Travel) 24—25
Vergeltungswaffe 2 (rocket) 25
Vernal equinox 137 138 305 307 312
Verne, Jules 8 23
Verne, Jules, Autour de la Lune (Around the Moon) 23
Verne, Jules, De la terre a la lune (From the Earth to the Moon) 23
Very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) 158
Vibration, effect on human body 173
Videoconference 167
Viking (Mars spacecraft) 72 252 254
Visibility 63 71 317
Visual Satellite Observers (web site) 231 310
Vitamins see "Food nutrition"
von Braun, Wernher 1 17 24 25
Vostok (spacecraft) 75
Vostok (spacecraft), Vostok 1 43 62 169
Vostok (spacecraft), Vostok 6 191
Voyager (spacecraft) 3 12 38 41 85
Voyager (spacecraft), Voyager 1 106 107 258 260 286
Voyager (spacecraft), Voyager 2 106 107 258 260 263 264
Wakata, Koichi (astronaut) 187 188
Wallops Island (launch site) (Virginia, USA) 58
Wan-Hu (character in Chinese legend) 20—21
War 20 26 209
War, Cold War 164
War, First World War 24 26
War, US War of 1812 19—20
Warp drive 301
Water on other bodies 265 266 267 269 270
| Water on planets 244 247 249 252 257 259 262 263
Water, drinking 180—181 195 300
Water, recycle 174 180 193 194 274
Weapon 19 20 25—26 121 209 277 281
Weather 258
Weather, conditions 62 63 65 67 76 152 164 219
Weather, conditions, wind on Earth 29 31 63 67 130 178 277 281 301
Weather, conditions, wind on other bodies 243 246 254 258 259 264
Weather, mapping 88 108
Weather, space 159 160 183
websites 309—310
Wege zur Raumschiffahrt (The Way to Space Travel) (Oberth) 24
Weightless 22 77 170 178 179 199 201 248 277
Weightless, effects 185—188 189 202 207
Weightless, environment 17 192 195
Westar 6 80
Western Space and Missile Centre 58—59
Whipple shield 185
Whipple, Fred (Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory) 185 270
White dwarf (star type) 240
White Sands (New Mexico, USA) 76
Whittle, Sir Frank 17
Wilkins, Rev. Dr. John 22 23
Wilkins, Rev. Dr. John, Discourse Concerning a New Planet, A 22
Wilkins, Rev. Dr. John, Discovery of a World in the Moon, The 22
Wilkins, Rev. Dr. John, Mathematical Magic 22
Willis, Edward A. (Lewis Research Centre) 246
Wormholes 301
X-Prize 27 34 127 276 277
X-ray 159 160 181 182 288 see
Xichang (launch site) (China) 58
Yaw 38 83—84 141
Yen, Dr. Chen-Wan L. (JPL scientist) 243—244
Zarya (web site) 234 310
Zero Gravity 185 186 see
Znamya 281 see solar"
Zond (Lunar spacecraft) 250
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