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Fishman G.S. — Monte Carlo: concepts, algorithms, and applications
Fishman G.S. — Monte Carlo: concepts, algorithms, and applications

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Название: Monte Carlo: concepts, algorithms, and applications

Автор: Fishman G.S.


This volume presents a comprehensive first course in the Monte Carlo method which will be suitable for graduate and undergraduate students in the mathematical sciences and engineering, principally in operations research, statistics, mathematics, and computer science. The reader is assumed to have a sound understanding of calculus, introductory matrix analysis, probability, and intermediate statistics, but otherwise the book is self-contained. As well as a thorough exploration of the important concepts of the Monte Carlo method, the volume includes over 90 algorithms which allow the reader to move rapidly from the concepts to putting them into practice. The book also contains numerous exercises, many of them hands-on implementations of selected algorithms to demonstrate the application of these ideas in realistic settings. Software, freely available via ftp and portable across computing platforms, provides programs for pseudorandom number generation and statistical sample path data analysis. The software is suitable for use with the exercises as well as for more general applications. For professional mathematical scientists and engineers this book provides a ready reference to the Monte Carlo method, especially to implementatable algorithms for performing sampling experiments on a computer and for analyzing their results.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/Вероятность/Статистика и приложения/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1996

Количество страниц: 698

Добавлена в каталог: 29.05.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Ratio estimation      108—117 141
Ratio estimators      369
Ratio-of-uniforms method      149 179—185 209—211 215 218 245
Reachable      405
README file      565
Realization      493 522
Rectangle-wedge-tail method      162
Recurrence      589
Reducible      405
Reducing the sampling dimension      137
Regenerative process      495 572—578
Regional bounds      34 127 131
Relative error      51—53 69 71 74 75 506
Relative pointwise distance      421
Reliability      63 95
Repair rates      517
Replications, optimal number      525—530
Reproducibility      591
Restricted sampling      152 158
Reversibility      340 385 415
Reversible      497
Reversible Markov chain      504
Riemann integrable functions      65
Riemannian manifold      432
Right eigenvectors      415
RND subroutine      667
Rook's moves      437
Roundoff error      155
Routing algorithm      515
Sample path      6 493 583
Sample path approach      584
Sample path length      525 531 557—559 580—581
Sample path length, optimal choice      525—530
Sample record      522
Sample size, absolute error criterion approximating normal      24
Sample size, absolute error criterion, best-case      36 47
Sample size, absolute error criterion, best-case, distribution-free      37
Sample size, absolute error criterion, best-case, normal      36
Sample size, absolute error criterion, distribution-free      21 46
Sample size, absolute error criterion, worst-case      36
Sample size, absolute error criterion, worst-case, distribution-free      38 46
Sample size, absolute error criterion, worst-case, normal      36 41
Sample size, exponential      55
Sample size, relative error criterion, approximating normal      51
Sample size, relative error criterion, best-case, distribution-free      53
Sample size, relative error criterion, worst-case, distribution-free      52 74
Sample size, relative error criterion, worst-case, normal      52 74
Sample size, single sample path      531—532
Sampling coordinates, contingency tables      392—394
Sampling coordinates, Gibbs sampling      402—403
Sampling coordinates, Metropolis sampling      392
Sampling coordinates, one at a time      388—396
Sampling coordinates, randomly selected coordinates      389—391
Sampling coordinates, selecting coordinates in a fixed order      394—396
Sampling from changing probability table      236—241
Sampling from distributions, Bernoulli      235—236
Sampling from distributions, Beta      15 200—206 248 251
Sampling from distributions, binomial      153 210 215—218 248
Sampling from distributions, Cauchy      187 192—193 246
Sampling from distributions, chi-squared      193
Sampling from distributions, exponential      151 188—189 193 246
Sampling from distributions, Gamma      181 193—201 246 250
Sampling from distributions, geometric      153 221—222
Sampling from distributions, half-normal      172 182—183
Sampling from distributions, hypergeometric      153 200 218 221
Sampling from distributions, lognormal      192
Sampling from distributions, multinomial      224—225
Sampling from distributions, multivariate      223—224
Sampling from distributions, negative binomial      153 222—223 249
Sampling from distributions, noncentral Cauchy      151 192
Sampling from distributions, normal      151 189—191 193 246
Sampling from distributions, Pareto      151
Sampling from distributions, Poisson      153 155 210—214 248 251
Sampling from distributions, Snedecor's F      208
Sampling from distributions, Student's t      207 209 248
Sampling from distributions, uniform      151
Sampling from distributions, Weibull      151
Sampling method, acceptance-rejection      149 171—179 181 201 207 243
Sampling method, alias      165—170 243
Sampling method, composition      149 160—165
Sampling method, cutpoint      156—161 243 250
Sampling method, exact-approximation      149
Sampling method, inverse-transform      149—160 162 201 242
Sampling method, ratio-of-uniforms      149 179—185 209—211 215 218
Sampling order statistics      226—230 249
Sampling plan      493
Sampling points in and on a hyperellipsoid      234—235 249
Sampling points in and on a simplex      232 249
Sampling spanning trees      96 241—242
Sampling without replacement      230—232
Schur convexity      635
Score process      347 361
Second largest eigenvalue      431
Seed      592
Selecting coordinates in a fixed order      477
Sensitivity analysis      82
Separation      419
Sequential estimation      117
Sessions      515
Shift operator      666
Shift register generators      588
Shifted processes      429 478
Shifted transition matrix      429
Shuffling      634 637
Significant figures      131
SIMAN      356
Similarity transformation      416
simplex      5 232 249 519
SIMSCRIPT II.5      356—357 613
Simulated annealing      403—406
Simulation      511
Simultaneous confidence intervals      103—108 479 583—584
Single replication      496
skewness      63 563
SLAM II      356
Smoothed estimate      507
Snedecor's F distribution      28 208
Software      9—11
SOURCE subdirectory      565
Spanning tree      5 96 241—242 483—484 486
Spectral density function      536
Spectral structure      415—418 477
Spectral test      606 611—617 677
Spectral window      541
Spectrum      506 538 540 536 538—540
SQRT rule      548—572 582
Squeeze method      174—177 245 405
Standard Brownian motion      346 502 532
Standard error      20
Standard Monte Carlo      63 67
Standard normal distribution      63 76
Stationary dual Markov chain      414
Stationary p.m.f.      339
Statistical inference      493
Steady state      512
Steady-state distribution      340
Steady-state problems      336
Stopping rule      337 47
Stopping time      481
Stratified sampling      5 296—310 482
Strictly stationary      534 546
Strictly stationary stochastic processes      520—525
Strong Law of Large Numbers      110
Strong Markov time      464—467 479
Strong stationary dual      468
Strong stationary dual process      338 479
Strong stationary time      464 467
Strongly consistent estimator      20 68
Strongly mixing      546
Strongly mixing sequences      534
Student's t distribution      207—209 248 502 508 544
Summing pseudorandom numbers      638—645 677
SUN SPARCstation2      565 567
Surface area      18
Symmetric norms      635
System reliability      55
s—t connectedness problem      83
s—t cutset      57
Tausworthe sequence      654 664
Telecommunication network      511
Temperature cooling schedule      404
Test S      179 251
Think times      515
Threshold      338 472 479
Time average      6
Time complexity      59
Time homogeneous      338
Time to stationarity      413—414
Topological transitivity      589
Total variation      66 419 474
Totient function      594 647
Traversal times      517
TREE      378
Trinomial      656 666
Trivariate uniformity      632
Truth statements      79
Two's complement      600
Uniform deviates      146
Uniform distribution      151 153
Uniform distribution in a convex poly tope      384
Uniformly distributed point on a finite set      378—380
union      80
Unix machines      10
Variance reducing      3 5 14
Variance reduction      76
Variance-reducing techniques      255—334 337
Varying initial conditions      423—424
VAX 6620      565
Virtual circuit      515
Volume      5 13
Volume of a convex body      438 442—452 478
Volume, estimation for a convex body      3 55
von Neumann ratio test      562
Wait-for-response times      517
Warm-up analysis      505
Warm-up error      337
Warm-up interval      493 497 508 510
wave number      613
Weak law of large numbers      8
Weak reversibility      405
Weibull distribution      151
Weighted sampling without replacement      5
With probability one (w.p.l)      1 20
Within-path dependence      494
Within-path sample means      494
Wolff algorithm      588
World War II      2 146
Worst-case, absolute error      18
Worst-case, bound      25 53
Worst-case, normal error      40
Worst-case, ratio of variances      61
Write_Tableau_File subroutines      567
1 2 3
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