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Cody R.P., Smith J.K. — Applied Statistics and the SAS Programming Language |
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Options, SAS syntax for 24
Options, system 105 217 310 316
Options, with PROC MEANS 25—26
Options, with PROC UNIVARIATE 26—27
OR see “Odds ratio”
Ordinal scales 88 143
Orthogonal designs 160
OUTEST=, options with PROC REG 133—135
OUTPUT statement with PROC MEANS 45—54
OVERLAY option 125
PAGESIZE (PS), system option 271
Paired t-test 146—148
Parsing a string 373
Partial correlation 120—121
Partitioning the total SS, with analysis of variance 151—153
Partitioning the total SS, with regression 124
PDV see “Program Data Vector”
Pearson correlation 115—118
Pedhazur, Elazar J. 18
Period as a missing value 8
Permanent S AS data set 305—308
Pillai’s trace 192
PLOT procedure see “PROC PLOT”
PLOT statement, with PROC PLOT 42—44
PLOT statement, with PROC REG 125—128
Plotting symbol 43—44
Pointer, see ““Pound” sign”
Pointer, @ see ““At” sign @”
Pointer, @@ see ““At” sign @@”
Post hoc tests 155—156
Pre/post designs 189—197
PREDICTED., with PROC REG 125—127
Principal components 251—258
Print procedure see “PROC PRINT”
PROC, ANOVA 153—156 160—164 168 170—171 396
PROC, APPEND 316—317 396
PROC, CHART 35—41 396—397
PROC, CONTENTS 308—309 397
PROC, CORR 116—118 120—121 397
PROC, FACTOR 250—264 398
PROC, FORMAT 66—70 73—75 398
PROC, FREQ 34—35 75—92 398
PROC, GLM 158—159 168—174 177—178 399
PROC, LOGISTIC 235—247 400
PROC, MEANS 23—26 32—34 45—54 400
PROC, NPAR1 WAY 144—145 401
PROC, PLOT 42—44 401
PROC, PRINT 7 11 142 401—402
PROC, RANK 141—142 402
PROC, REG 121—124 127—135 223—233 403
PROC, RSQUARE (obsolete) see “PROC REG”
PROC, SORT 33 54 312 403
PROC, STEPWISE (obsolete) see “PROC REG”
PROC, SUMMARY (obsolete) see “PROC MEANS”
PROC, TABULATE 270—272 275
PROC, TTEST 140—141 403
PROC, UNIVARIATE 27—32 54 403
PROC, with paired t-test 146—148 400
Procedure options 13—15
Program Data Vector (PDV) 13 95 312 383
Promax rotation 258—259
put function 358—360
Put statement 369—394
Quantiles 28 31
Questionnaire design 59—63
R-squared 119—120
Random assignment of subjects 141—143
Random number functions 141—142 355—356
RANK procedure see “PROC RANK”
RANNOR function 356
RANUNI function 141—142 355—356
Receiver operator characterestic (ROC) curve 244—246
Recoding data, using formats 73—75
Recoding data, using IF statements 70—73
REG procedure see “PROC REG”
Regression, line, plotting 125—128
Regression, linear 121—124
Regression, multiple 221—247
Relative risk 86—88
Reliability 276—277 393—394
Reliability of test 276—277
RENAME, data set option 324 388
REPEAT function 365—367
Repeated measures ANOVA, one-factor 181—189
Repeated measures ANOVA, three-factor, repeated measure on the last factor 202—209
Repeated measures ANOVA, three-factor, repeated measures on two factors 209—217
Repeated measures ANOVA, two-way, one repeated factor 189—197
Repeated measures ANOVA, two-way, repeated measures on both factors 197—202
REPEATED statement, with PROC ANOVA 186—188 190—193 202—203 211—213
Residual 121
RETAIN statement 266—267 291—292 349—350 360
Reversing item scores 72—73
Right justified 4
Risk Ratio see “Relative risk”
ROC curve 244—246
ROUND function 354
Roy’s greatest root 192
RR see “Relative risk”
SAS log 5
SAS output 6
SCAN function 373
Scatterplots see “PROC PLOT”
Scheffe multiple comparison 156
| Scree plot 252—253
semicolon (;) 4
Sensitivity 246
set statement 319—321
Significance of correlation 118—119
skewness 26—28
slash (/) 14
slope 123
Social Security format 267 359
SORT procedure see “PROC SORT”
SOUNDEX function 378
Spearman correlation coefficient 117
Specificity 246
Square root function 354
SSN11. format 267 359
Standard deviation 23—24
Standard error 25—26
Stem and leaf plot 27—28
Stepwise regression 227—231
String 364
string functions see “Character functions”
Student — Newman — Keuls test 156
SUBGROUP=, option with PROC CHART 40—41
Subsetting 110 313 319—320
SUBSTR function 369—371
Subtraction 9
Sum function 365
Sum of squares 124 152
SUMVAR=, option with PROC CHART 40
Suppressing error messages 288—289
SURVEY data 59—63
T-test, assumptions for 139
T-test, independent samples 138—141
T-test, regression coefficients 123
T-test, related samples 146—148
Table look up 324—326
TABLES statement 62
Temporary arrays 334—339
Test of normality 27—32
Test scoring 265—270
TEST statement, with ANOVA 194
Title statement 11
TITLEn 174
Trailing @ 144 199 287—288
Trailing @@ 153—154 287—288
Transforming data 129—133
TRANSLATE function 375—376
TRANWORD function 376—377
Trend, Chi-square test 88—90
Trigonometric functions, ARCOS 354
Trigonometric functions, ARSIN 354
Trigonometric functions, ARTAN 354
Trigonometric functions, Cos 354
Trigonometric functions, Sin 354
Trigonometric functions, Tan 354
Trim function 371—372
Truncatation functions 354
TTEST procedure see “PROC TTEST”
Tukey’s honestly significant difference 156
Two-level data set name 305—308
Two-tailed test 145—146
Two-way frequency table 75—78
Type I, II, III, IV SS 174
TYPE=, option with PROC CHART 40
U95 126—127
U95M 126—127
Unbalanced designs 171—174
UPCASE function 374—375
UPDATE statement 326—327
Value labels see “Format”
VAR statement with PROC MEANS 11
Variable 3
Variable labels 63—65
variable names 3
Variance 25
Varimax rotation 253
VBAR 35—40
VERIFY function 368—369
Weekday function 357
WEIGHT statement with PROC FREQ 79—80
WHERE data set option 313—314 403
WHERE statement 313—314 320
Wilcoxon rank-sum test 143—145
Wilcoxon signed rank test 28 31
Wilk’s Lambda 193
Winer, B.J. 18 181
Within-subject slopes 133—135
Writing external files see “Files”
Yates’ correction 78
YE ARCUTOFF, system option 105
Year 2000 problem see “YEARCUTOFF”
Year function 357
_ALL_, with Libname 309 397
_CHARACTER_ 331 375
_FREQ_ 47 51—52
_NULL_ 316 338 369 394
_N_ 266—267 337 369 383 391
_TYPE_ 47 50—52
|| (concatenation operator) 168 371—372 377
“At” sign (@), single trailing 144 199 287—288
“At” sign (@@), double trailing 153—154 287—288
“Check All That Apply” questions 92—96
“Hidden” observations 44
“Holding the line” 287—288
“Pound” sign 106—107 285
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