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Roe J. — Index Theory, Coarse Geometry and Topology of Manifolds |
Предметный указатель |
-theorem 50 59
-algebra 17 72 89
-algebra of a coarse space see “ ”
-algebra of a group 18
-algebra, crossed product 33
-approximation theorem 67 84
-propagation 20 84
Assembly map 38—44 50 52 64 69 74 80 88
Assembly map, Baum — Connes 43 75
Assembly map, coarse 69
Assembly map, equivariant 43
Baum — Connes conjecture 34
Baum — Connes conjecture, coarse see “Coarse Baum — Connes conjecture”
Bordism 30 31 45 49 56 63 66 67
Bordism, spin 55
Bott periodicity 25 34
Boundary of a cone-like end 58
Boundary of an operator see “Operator”
Boundary of compactification 88
Boundary, Gromov 85
Boundary, Higson 89
Boundary, map 21 28 41 63
Bounded geometry 13 34 61 62 70 84 88
Chopping function 4 20 38
Chopping function, exact 58
Classifying space 13 31 53 71 75
Coarse Baum — Connes conjecture 70 71 80 82
Coarse Baum — Connes conjecture with coefficients 75
Coarse, homology 14—16 69
Coarse, map 9 19 32 34 39 63 80 88
Coarse, structure 10 13 40 87
Coarse, structure bounded 87
Coarse, structure continuously controlled 88
Coarsely equivalent 10
Coarsening 14 69
Coarsening sequence of covers 15
Cobordism see “Bordism”
Compactification 88
Compactification, coarse 88
Compactification, Higson 89 92
Concordant 55 60
Descent principle 71 86 91
Dranishnikov space 70
Eilenberg swindle 79 83
Elliptic regularity 3 20
END 58
Excision 37 89
Excision, strong 80
Excisive, decomposition 77
Excisive, functor 72
Finite propagation speed 20 38
Flasque 78 81
Fredholm module 35
Functional calculus 3 20 62
Grading 4 21 28 38 62
Gromov — Lawson invariant 59
h-cobordism 45 55 65
Higher -genus 32 44
Higher index theorem see “Index higher”
Higher signature 32 53 66
Hilbert — Poincare space 61
Homotopy fixed set 71
Hyperbolic differential equation 20
Hyperbolic space 9 85
INDEX 4 21 29 38 58
Index theorem 6—7
Index theorem for -bounded manifold 34 67
| Index theorem for partitioned manifold 30—32 44
Index theorem, higher 8 27—34 74
Index theorem, relative 23
Index, coarse 21 34
Index, families 74
Index, relative 22
K-homology 15 28 35—38 70 89
K-theory 19 24—26
Kasparov’s lemma 36 59 83 90
Lichnerowicz theorem 6 22 55 58
Lipschitz homotopy 80—83
Lipschitz map 11 79
Mayer — Vietoris sequence 25 72
Mayer — Vietoris sequence for coarsely excisive decomposition 77
Mayer — Vietoris sequence for K-homology 37
Microlocal analysis 67
Module 3 18 58
Module, adequate 19 89
Module, covariant 41
Module, covariant, -adequate 42
Module, Fredholm see “Fredholm module”
Module, Hilbert 75
Multiplier algebra 20 41
Noncommutative geometry 17—18
Normal invariant 47—49
Normal map 48 65
Novikov conjecture 43 51—53 66 71 83
Open cone 11 58 79 83
Operator, boundary of 27—28
Operator, compact 3 25
Operator, Dirac and assembly 40
Operator, Dirac, defines homology class 38 57
Operator, Dirac, generalized 2
Operator, Dirac, spinor 5 27
Operator, finite propagation 19 27 38 39 88
Operator, Fredholm 4
Operator, locally compact 3 18 36
Operator, pseudodifferential 36
Operator, pseudolocal 36
Operator, signature 5 27 61
Operator, supported near a set 22 59 78
Operator, unbounded 1
Partition of a manifold 29
Pimsner — Voiculescu exact sequence 33
Poincare duality 5 38 47 61 62 71 74
Pontrjagin classes 7 52
Pontrjagin classes, topological invariance 66
Positive scalar curvature 6 22 54—61
Proper action 14 41 75
Rough geometry 16 34
s-cobordism theorem 12 46
Scaleable 83
Shrinking 82
Signature 5 32 52 63 67
Signature, higher see “ Higher signature”
Signature, Hilbert — Poincare 62
Signature, operator see “Operator signature”
Structure algebra 43 57
Structure invariant of homotopy equivalence 64
Structure invariant of positive scalar curvature metric 58
Structure set 46 65
Surgery 6 45—56
Surgery, bounded 53 66 69
Surgery, exact sequence, analytic 43 58 72
Surgery, exact sequence, geometric 47
Surgery, exact sequence, transformation from geometric to analytic 65
Surgery, obstruction groups 49—51 54
Trace 28
Uniformly contractible 13 16 70 88
Universal cover 10 14 43 63
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