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Yale P.B. — Geometry and Symmetry |
Предметный указатель |
Orbit 34
Order of a group 7
Order of a projective plane 213
Order of an element in a group 6
Ordered basis 126
Oriented space group 115
Origin for affine coordinates 169
Origin in 160
Orthogonal complements 129
Orthogonal group 79
Orthorhombic crystal system 112
Outer automorphism 25
Paired vector spaces 256
Pappus, theorem of 223
Parabolic projectivity 243
Parallel axiom, the 167
Parallel subspaces 167
Parallelepiped 189
Parallelotope 189
Parker, E. T. 43
Parkhomenko, A. S. 83
Pencil of lines 212
Pencil of planes 62
Permutation 8
Permutation representation 20
Perspectivity from to 212
Perspectivity of a projective space 224
Pickert, Gunter 278
Point group of a crystallographic space group 114
Point group of a group of isometries 77
Point group, crystallographic 103
Points, affine 159 201
Points, ideal 201
Points, projective 201
Pointwise fixed or invariant 11
polar 269
Polarity 269
Pole of a group of isometries 91
Pole with respect to a quadric 269
Polya — Burnside theorem 37
Position vector of a point in 160
Prime edges of a parallelepiped 189
Prime field 122
Primitive cell of a lattice 101 194
Primitive lattice 112
Principle of contractive mappings 50
Principle of duality 212 256
prism 95
Projection 135
Projection of V onto along 135
Projective correlation 261
Projective group on V 235
Projective plane 210
Projective plane over a field 210
Projective transformation 234
Projectivity 234
Projectivity, classical 237
Projectivity, induced by a linear mapping 235
Proper motion 62
Proper quadric 264
Proper root 149
Pyramid 95
Quadric 262
Quadric, degenerate 264
Quadric, induced by a polarity 269
Quadric, proper 264
Range of a function 2
Range of a function, of a linear transformation 132
Rank of a linear transformation 132
Reflection, affine 178
Reflection, euclidean 52
Regular 2-gon 95
Representation of a group 20
Representation of a group, right regular 23
Reversal 62
Rhombohedral system 116
Right coset 31
Rigid motion 62
Rotation 57
Rotatory inversion 58
Rotatory reflection 58
Rotman, J. J. 43
Sampson, J. H. 199 278
Satz von den drei Spiegelungen 64
Scalars 125
| Schiff, L. I. 119
Schoenflies symbols for space groups 116
Schreier, J. 43
Schreier, Otto 279
Screw displacement 58
Segal, I. E. 43
Seidenberg, A. 279
Self-conjugate point with respect to a polarity 269
Semi-bilinear form 259
Semi-bilinear form, noncommutative case 277
Semi-direct product 114
Semi-linear mapping 187
Shaved prism 96
Shear 180
Similar groups 90
Similar matrices 147
Similarities group 46
Similarity 46
Simple group 78
Skew subspaces 168
Snapper, Ernst 199
Space group 114
Spectral values 149
Sperner, Emanuel 279
Spiral similarity 71
Standard n-space, affine 160
Standard n-space, projective 214
Standard n-space, vector 126
Stretching factor of a similarity 49
Strip group 117
Subfield 121
Subgroup 4
Subspace of degeneracy for a quadric 266
Subspace, affine 161
Subspace, projective 202
Subspace, vector 125
Sum of two vector subspaces 128
Swift, J. D. 278
Symmetric group of degree n 9
Symmorphic 114
Symplectic 266
Tangent line to a quadric 274
Tensor product 261
Tetartohedry 112
Tetragonal crystal system 112
Tetrahedral group 93
Thomsen, Gerhard 83
Trace of a matrix 149
Transcendental element over a field 121
Transformation 2
Transitive constituents or sets 34
Transitive group 34
Transitivity axiom for an affine space 159
Translation 57 159
Translation group of an affine space 159
Transpose of a matrix 156
Transvection 180
Triclinic crystal system 112
Trigonal crystal system 112
Trivial cases of parallelism 167
Trivial permutation 8
Twisted q-prism 96
Ulam, S. 43
Unimodular affine group 180
Unimodular matrix 195
Unit cell of a lattice 112 194
Unit point of a projective coordinate system 217
Unit point of an affine coordinate system 170
Unit vectors of an affine coordinate system 170
Valentine, F. A. 199
Veblen, Oswald 279
Vector axiom for an affine space 159
Vector from P to Q 159
Vector space over F, F commutative 125
Vector space over F, F noncommutative 275
Vertices of a projective coordinate system 217
Volume of a box 190
Volume of a lattice 101 194
Von Staudt theory of conies 271
Wedderbum’s theorem on finite fields 275
Welch, L. R. 43
Wesson J. R. 279
Weyl, Hermann 43 83 119 159 199
Wielandt, Helmut 43
Young, J. W. 279
Zuckerman, H. S. 83
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