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Eddington A.S. — Space Time and Gravitation |
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Absolute acceleration 68 154 194
Absolute past and future 50
Absolute rotation 152 164 194
Absolute simultaneity 12 61
Absolute time in cylindrical world 163
Absolute, approached through the relative 82
Acceleration, a simpler quality than velocity 195
Acceleration, modifies FitzGerald contraction 75
action 147
Action on Weyl's theory 177
Action, atomicity of 199
Action, principle of least 149 178
Addition of velocities 59
Aether a plenum with geodesic structure 164
Aether identified with the “world” 187
Aether stagnant 210
Aether, non-material nature of 39
Artificial fields of force 64
Atom, vibrating on sun 128
Atomicity of Action 177
Atomicity, law of 199
Aviator, space and time-reckoning of 23
Bending of light effect on star's position 112
Bending of light observational results 118
Bending of light, theory of 107 207
Beta particles 59 145
Brain, constitution of 191
Brazil, eclipse expedition to 117
Causality, law of 156
Causation and free will 51
Centrifugal Force compared with gravitation 41 65
Centrifugal Force debt at infinity 157
Centrifugal Force not caused by stars 153
Centrifugal Force, vibrating atom in field of 129
Chess, analogy of 184
Christoffel 89
Circle in non-Euclidean space 104
Clifford 77 152 192
Cliquishness 188
Clock on sun 74 128
Clock recording proper-time 71
Clock, affected by velocity 58
Clock, perfect 13
Clock-scale 58
Clock-scale geometry, not fundamental 73 131 191
Coincidences 87
Comets, motion through coronal medium 21
Comets, radiation-pressurein 110
Conservation of electric charge 173
Conservation of energy and momentum 139
Conservation of mass 141 196
Content contrasted with structural form 192 200
Continuous matter 91 140
Contraction, FitzGerald 19 54
Convergence of physical approximations 154
Coordinate velocity 107
coordinates 77
Corona, refraction by 121
Cottingham 114
Crommelin 114 122
Curvature of a globe of water 148
Curvature of space and time 158
Curvature on Weyl's theory 176
Curvature, degrees of 91
Curvature, identified with action 148
Curvature, merely illustrative 84
Curvature, perception of 190
Cylinder and plane, indistinguishable in two dimensions 81
Cylindrical world, Einstein's 161 177
Davidson 114
de Sitter 134 159 179
Deflection of light, effect on star's position 112
Deflection of light, observational results 118
Deflection of light, theory of 107 207
Density, effect of motion on 62
Displacement of spectral lines 129
Displacement of spectral lines in nebulae 161
Displacement of spectral lines in stars 135
Displacement of star-images 112 115
Double stars and Einstein effect 133
Duration, not inherent in external world 34
Eclipse, observations during 113
Ehrenfest's paradox 75
Electrical theory of inertia 61
Electricity and gravitation 167
Electromagnetic potentials and forces 172
Electron geometry inside 91
Electron singularity in field 167
Electron, dimensions of 177
Electron, gravitational mass of 178
Electron, inertia of 61
Electron, Kaufmann's experiment on 62 146
Emptiness, perception of 190
Energy identified with mass 146
Energy weight of radio-active 112
Energy, conservation of 139
Energy, inertia of 61 146
entropy 149
Eoetvoes torsion-balance 112
Equivalence, principle of 76 131 212
Euclidean geometry 1 47 73
Euclidean space of five dimensions 84
Event, definition of 46 186
Evershed 130
Extension in four dimensions 37 46
Feeling, elements of 192
Field of velocity 196
Fields of force due to disturbance of observer 69
Fields of force, artificial 64
Fields of force, electromagnetic 171
Fields of force, relativity of 67
Fitzgerald Contraction 19
FitzGerald contraction, consequences of 22
FitzGerald contraction, modified by acceleration 75
FitzGerald contraction, relativity explanation of 54
Flat space in two dimensions 80
Flat space-time 83
Flat space-time at infinity 84
Flat space-time, conditions for 89
Flatfish, analogy of 95
Flatland 57
Force, compared with inertia 137
Force, electromagnetic 172
Force, elementary conception of 63
Force, fields of 64
Force, relativity of 43 67 76
Form contrasted with content 192 200
Formalism of knowledge 175
Foucault's pendulum 152
Four-dimensional order 35 56 186
Four-dimensional space-time, geometry of 45 82
Four-dimensional space-time, reality of 181
Fourth dimension 13
Frame, inertial 156
Frames of reference, “right” and “wrong” 42
Freewill 61
Freundlich 212
Future, absolute 50
Galilean potentials 83
Galilean values 83
Gauge, effect on observations 31
Gauge, provided by radius of space 177
Gauge-system 169
Geodesic in regions at infinity 157
Geodesic structure, absolute character of 155 164
Geodesic structure, acceleration of 195
Geodesic, absolute significance of 70 150
Geodesic, definition of 75
Geodesic, motion of particles in 138 151
Geometrical conception of the world 176 183
| Geometry, Euclidean 1
Geometry, hyperbolic 47
Geometry, Lobatchewskian 1 9
Geometry, natural 2
Geometry, non-Euclidean, or Riemannian 6 73 84 90
Geometry, non-Riemannian 169
Geometry, semi-Euclidean 47
Ghosts of stars 161
Globe of water, limit to size of 148
Gravitation, Einstein's law of, differential formula 90
Gravitation, Einstein's law of, integrated formula for a particle 97
Gravitation, Einstein's law of, macroscopic equations 140 193
Gravitation, Newton's law of, ambiguity of 93
Gravitation, Newton's law of, approximation to Einstein's law 103
Gravitation, Newton's law of, deflection of light 109 111
Gravitation, propagation with velocity of light 94 147
Gravitation, relativity for uniform motion 21 125
Gravitational field of Sun 97
Gravitational field of Sun, deflection of light 107 118 207
Gravitational field of Sun, displacement of spectral lines 129
Gravitational field of Sun, motion of perihelion 122 206
Gravitational field of Sun, Newtonian attraction 102
Gravitational field of Sun, result of observational verification 126
Grebe and Bachem 130
Greenwich, Royal Observatory 114
Gyro-compass 152
Hummock in space-time 97
Hurdles, analogy of counts of 104
Hyperbolic geometry 47
Identities connecting 141
Identity permanent 40 193
Imaginary intervals 150 187
Imaginary time 48 181
Inertia in regions at infinity 157
Inertia of light 110
Inertia, compared with force 137
Inertia, electrical theory of 61
Inertia, infinite 56
Inertia, Mach's views 164
Inertia, relativity theory of 139
Inertia-gravitation 137
Inertial frame 156
Infinity, conditions at 157
Integrability of length and direction 174
interval 46 150 187
Interval, general expression for 82
Interval, practical measurement of 58 75
Interval-length, geometrical significance essential 127
Interval-length, identified with proper time 71
Interval-length, tracks of maximum 70 150
Interval-length, zero for velocity of light 71
Invariant mass 145
Invariant mass of light 148
Jupiter, deflection of light by 133
Kaufmann's experiment 62 146
Kinds of space 81
Laplace's equation 96 140
Larmor 19 211
Le Verrier 124
Length, definition of 2
Length, effect of motion on 19
Length, relativity of 34
Levi — Civita 89
Lift, accelerated 64
Light, bending of 107 112 118 207
Light, coordinate velocity of 107
Light, mass of 62 110 148
Light, velocity of, an absolute velocity 59
Light, velocity of, importance of 60
Light, velocity of, system moving with 26 66
Light, voyage round the world 161
Light, weight of 111
Lobatchewsky 1 9
Lodge 32 125 211
Longest tracks 70
Lorentz 19 211
Mach's philosophy 163
Macroscopic equations 92 139
Macroscopic equations, interval 187
Map of sun's gravitational field 99
Mass of light 62 110 148
Mass, conservation of 141 195
Mass, electrical theory of 61
Mass, gravitational 98
Mass, identified with energy 146
Mass, invariant 145
Mass, variation with velocity 145
Mathematics, Russell's description of 14
Matter, continuous 91
Matter, definition of a particle 98
Matter, extensional relations of 8
Matter, gravitational equations in 141
Matter, perception of 190
Matter, physical and psychological aspects 192
Mercury, perihelion of 123 125
Mesh-systems 77
Mesh-systems, irrelevance to laws of nature 87
Michelson — Morley experiment 18
Minkowski 30 212
Mirror, distortion by moving 22
Momentum of light 111
Momentum, conservation of 141
Momentum, redefinition of 144
Moon, motion of 93 134
Motion, insufficiency of kinematical conception 194
Motion, Newton's first law 136
Natural frame 155
Natural gauge 176
Natural geometry 2
Natural tracks 70
Nebulae, atomic vibrations in 161
Newton, absolute rotation 41
Newton, bending of light 110
Newton, law of gravitation 93
Newton, Law of Motion 136
Newton, relativity for uniform motion 40
Newton, super-observer 68
Non-Euclidean geometry 6 73 84 90
Non-Riemannian geometry 169
Observer and observed 30
Observer, an unsymmetrical object 57
Orbits under Einstein's law 123
Order and dimensions 14 186
Ordering of events in external world 35 54 184
Past, absolute 50
Perceptions, as crude measures 10 15 31
Perihelia of planets, motions of 123
Permanence of matter 196
Permanent identity 40 193
Permanent perceptual world 141 198
Poincare 9
Point-event 45 186
Potentials 80
Potentials, electromagnetic 172
Principe, eclipse expedition to 114
Principle of equivalence 76 131 212
Principle of least action 149 178
Principle of Relativity (restricted) 20
Probability, a pure number 178
Projectile, Jules Verne's 65
Propagation of Gravitation 94 147
Proper-length 11
Proper-time 71
Pucker in space-time 85
Quanta 60 177 182 200
Radiation-pressure 110
Real world of physics 37 181
Receding velocities of B-type stars 135
Receding velocities of spiral nebulae 161
Reflection by moving mirror 22
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