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Eddington A.S. — Space Time and Gravitation |
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Refracting medium equivalent to gravitational field 109
Refraction of light in corona 121
Relativity of force 43 76
Relativity of length and duration 34
Relativity of motion 38
Relativity of rotation 152 155
Relativity of size 33
Relativity, Newtonian 40
Relativity, restricted Principle of 20
Relativity, standpoint of 28
Repulsion of light proceeding radially 102 108
Retardation of time 24 55
Retardation of time in centrifugal field 129
Retardation of time in spherical world 160
Ricci 89
Riemann 2 89 167
Riemann — Christoffel tensor 89
Riemannian, or non-Euclidean, geometry 6 73 84 90
Rigid scale, definition of 3
Rotation of a continuous ring 194
Rotation, absolute 152 164 194
Russell 14 197
Semi-Euclidean geometry 4
Simultaneity, J 2 51
Sobral, eclipse expedition to 117
Space, conventional 9
Space, kinds of 81
Space, meaning of 3 8 15
Space, relativity of 34
Space-like intervals 60 187
Space-time 45
Space-time due to Minkowski 212
Space-time, partitions of 54
Spherical space-time 159
st John 130
Standard metre, comparison with 168
| Stresses in continuous matter 103
Structure opposed to content 197 200
Structure, geodesic, absolute character of 155 164
Structure, geodesic, acceleration of 195
Structure, geodesic, behavior at infinity 157
Super-observer Newton's 68
Synthesis of appearances 31 182
Tensors 89 189
Thomson, J.J. 61
Time for moving observer 24
Time, absolute 163
Time, depends on observer's track 38 57
Time, imaginary 48
Time, measurement of 13
Time, past and future 51
Time, “standing still” 26 160
Time-like intervals 60 187
Tracks, natural 70
Vacuum, defined by law of gravitation 190
Vector, non-integrable on Weyl's theory* 174
Velocity of gravitation 94 147
Velocity of light in gravitational field 108
Velocity of light, importance of 60
Velocity of light, system moving with 26 56
Velocity, addition-law 59
Velocity, definition of 193
Velocity, static character 194
Warping of space 8 126
Wave-front, slewing of 108
Weight of light 107 111
Weight of radioactive energy 111
Weight proportional to inertia 137
Weight vanishes inside free projectile 66
Weyl 174
World 186 187
World-line 87
“Elsewhere” 60
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