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Eddington A.S. — Mathematical Theory of Relativity |
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(Riemann — Christoffel tensor) 72 226
(electromagnetic energy-tensor) 181
(electromagnetic force) 171 219
(Einstein tensor) 81
(ponderomotive force) 181
(charge-and-current vector) 172
(material energy-tensor) 181
(gauging-tensor) 219
(energy-tensor) 102 116
(Hamiltonian operator) 139
Absolute change 69
Absolute change, physical quantities 5 (footnote)
Absolute change, properties of a region 205
Absolute change, rotation 99
Abstract geometry and natural geometry 37
Acceleration of light-pulse 91
Acceleration of light-pulse of charged particle 189
Acceleration of light-pulse, determined by symmetrical condition 192
Action, material or gravitational 137
Action, material or gravitational, electromagnetic 187
Action, material or gravitational, numerical values of 237
Action, material or gravitational, Weyl’s formula 209 231
Action, principle of stationary 139 147
Addition of velocities 18 21 22
Adjustment and persistence 208
Aether 224
Affine geometry 214
Angle between two vectors 58
Antisymmetrical tensors 67
Antisymmetrical tensors of fourth rank 107
Aspect, relation of 49
Associated tensors 56
Atom, time of vibration of 91
Atom, time of vibration of, in de Sitter’s world 157 164
Atomicity 120 (footnote) 139 146
Bifurcation of geometry and electrodynamics 223
Canonical coordinates 79
Centrifugal force 38
Charge, electric, conservation of 173
Charge, electric, invariance of 174
Charge-and-current vector 172
Charge-and-current vector, general existence of 230
Christoffel’s 3-index symbols 58
Christoffel’s 3-index symbols, generalisation of 203
Clocks, transport of 15 27
Comparability of proximate relations 225
Components, covariant and contra variant 57
Composition of velocities 21 22
Condition of the world 3 47
Configuration of events 10
Conservation of electric charge 173
Conservation of energy 32
Conservation of matter 33
Conservation of momentum and mass 30
Conservation, formal law of 134
Constitutive equations 34 195
Continuity in electric flow 173
Continuity, equation of 117
Continuous matter, gravitation in 101 119
Contracted derivative (divergence) 113
Contracted derivative, second derivative 64
Contraction of tensors 53
Contraction, FitzGerald 25
Contravariant vectors 43 44
Contravariant vectors, derivatives 62
Contravariant vectors, tensors 52
Coordinate-systems, canonical 79
Coordinate-systems, Galilean 38
Coordinate-systems, isotropic 93
Coordinate-systems, natural 80
Coordinate-systems, proper 80
Coordinate-systems, rectangular 13
Coordinate-systems, statical 81
coordinates 9
Coordinates, difficulty in the introduction of 225
Coordinates, general transformation of 34 43
Coordinates, representation of displacement 49
Covariant derivative of invariant 63
Covariant derivative of tensor 62 65
Covariant derivative of vector 60
Covariant derivative, significance of 68
Covariant derivative, utility of 63
Covariant vector 43
Covariant vector, tensor 52
Creation of the physical world 147 230 238
Curl 67
Current, electric 172
Curvature of 4-dimensional manifold 149
Curvature of light-tracks 91
Curvature, Gaussian 82
Curvature, quadric of 152
Curvature, radius of spherical 151
Cylindrical world 155
de Sitter’s spherical world 155 161
Deductive theory and experiment 105
Deflection of light 90
Density, definitions of proper- 121
Density, in-invariant- 205
Density, Lorentz transformation of 33
Density, scalar- and tensor- 111
Derivative, contravariant 62
Derivative, covariant 60 62 65
Derivative, in-covariant 203
Derivative, significance of 68
Determinants, manipulation of 107
Differentiation of summed expression 75
Differentiation, covariant, rules for 65 see
Dimensions, principle of 48 54
Dimensions, reason for four 206
Dimensions, world of 3+1 25
Displacement 49
Displacement of spectral lines to red in nebulae 157 161
Displacement of spectral lines to red in sun 91
Displacement, parallel 70 213
Distance see "Length"
Divergence of a tensor 113
Divergence of energy-tensor 115 119
Divergence of Hamiltonian derivative of an invariant 141
Dummy suffixes 51
Dynamical velocity 120 125
Dynamics of a particle 125
Eclipse Results 91
Einstein’s cylindrical world 155 166
Einstein’s law of gravitation 81
Einstein’s law of gravitation in continuous matter 101 119
Einstein’s law of gravitation, alternatives to 143
Einstein’s law of gravitation, equivalent to the gauging-equation 221
Einstein’s law of gravitation, interpretation of 154
Electric charge, conservation of 173
Electric charge, invariance of 174
Electromagnetic action 187
Electromagnetic action, energy-tensor 182
Electromagnetic action, force 171
Electromagnetic action, potential 171
Electromagnetic action, signals 28
Electromagnetic action, volume 194
Electromagnetic action, waves, propagation of 175
Electron, acceleration in electromagnetic field 189
Electron, gravitational field of 185
Electron, magnetic constitution of 211
Electron, non-Maxwellian stresses in 183
Electron, size of 192
Elements of inner planets 89
Elliptical space 157
empty space 221
Energy, identified with mass 32
Energy, potential 135
Energy-tensor of electromagnetic field 182
Energy-tensor of matter 116 141
Energy-tensor, obtained by Hamiltonian differentiation 147 229
| entropy 34
Equivalence of displacements 213 226
Equivalence, principle of 41
Experiment and deductive theory 105
Explanation of phenomena, ideal 106
Extension and location 9
Fields of force 37
Finiteness of space 156
Fitzgerald Contraction 25
Fizeau’s experiment 21
Flat space-time 16
Flat space-time, condition for 76
Flux 67
Flux, electromagnetic 192 232
Flux, gravitational 144
Force, covariant and contravariant components 50
Force, electromagnetic 171
Force, expressed by 3-index symbols 122
Force, Lorentz transformation of 179
Force, mechanical force due to 180 189 229
Foucault’s pendulum 99
Four dimensions of world 206
Fraunhofer lines, displacement of 91
Fresnel’s convection-coefficient 21
Fundamental theorem of mechanics 115
Fundamental velocity 19
Fundamental velocity, invariants 141
Fundamental velocity, tensors 55 79
Galilean coordinates 38
Gauge-system 200 217
Gauging-equation 219
Gaussian curvature 82 151
Generalisation of Weyl’s theory 213
Generalised volume 206 232
Geodesic curvature 91
Geodesic, equations of 60
Geodesic, produced by parallel displacement 71
Geometry, abstract and natural 37
Geometry, affine geometry 214
Geometry, Riemannian 11
Geometry, world geometry 198
German letters, denoting tensor-densities 111
Graphical representation 196
Gravitation 38 see
Gravitation, Newtonian constant of 128
Gravitational field of a particle 82
Gravitational field of an electron 185
Gravitational flux 144
Gravitational mass of sun 87
Gravitational mass of sun, equality with inertial mass 130 145
Group 47
Hamiltonian derivative 139
Hamiltonian derivative of electromagnetic action 187
Hamiltonian derivative of fundamental invariants 141
Hamiltonian derivative of general world-invariants 228
Hamiltonian derivative, creative aspect of 147 230 238
Homogeneous sphere, problem of 168
Horizon of world 101 157 165
Hydrodynamics, equations of 117 118
Hydrostatic pressure 121
Identification, Principle of 119 222
Identities satisfied by 95 115
Ignoration of coordinates 233
Imaginary intervals 12
In- (prefix) 202
In-covariant derivative 203
In-invariants 205 232
In-tensors 202
In-tensors, fundamental 215
Incompressibility 112 122
Indicatrix 150
Inductive Theory 105
Inertia, electromagnetic origin of 183
Inertia, elementary treatment 29
Inertial frame, precession of 99
Inertial mass 128
Inertial mass, equal to gravitational mass 130 145
Inner multiplication 53
Integrability of length and direction 198
Integrability of parallel displacement 73
Intensity and quantity 111
interval 10
Invariant 30
Invariant density (proper-density) 121
Invariant mass 30 183
Invariant, formation of 58
Invariant-density (scalar-density) 111
Isotropic coordinates 93
Jacobian 108
Kepler’s third law 89
Kinematical velocity 120 125
Lagrange’s equations 132
Lagrangian function 131 233
Length of a vector 57
Length, definition of 1 217
Length, measurement of 11
Length, non-integrability of 198
Light, deflection in gravitational field 90
Light, propagation of 175
Light, velocity of 19 23
Light-pulse in curved world 163
Light-pulse in-invariant equation 220
Light-pulse, equation of track 37
Location and extension 9
Longitudinal mass 31
Lorentz transformation 17 25
Lorentz transformation for electromagnetic force 179
Macroscopic electromagnetic equations 194
Magnetic constitution of electron 211
Manufacture of physical quantities 1
Mass of the world, total 166
Mass, electromagnetic 193
Mass, gravitational and inertial 128 130 145
Mass, invariant and relative 30 183
Mass, variation with velocity 30
Mass, variation with velocity of electromagnetic field 183
Mass, variation with velocity, identified with energy 32
Mass-horizon of world 165
Mathematics contrasted with physics 1
Matter, conservation of 33
Matter, identification of 119 146
Maxwell’s equations 172
Maxwell’s equations, second order corrections to 234
Measure of interval 11
Measure-code 2 48
Measurement, principle of 220 238
Mechanical force of electromagnetic field 180
Mechanical force, explanation of 189
Mechanical force, general theory of 229
Mercury, perihelion of 89
Mesh-system 9
Metric, introduction of 216
Metric, sole character of space and time 221
Michelson — Morley experiment 19
Mixed tensors 52
Momentum, conservation of 118
Momentum, electromagnetic 183
Momentum, elementary treatment 29
Moon, motion of 95
Multiplication, Inner and Outer 53
Natural coordinates 80
Natural coordinates, gauge 206 219
Natural coordinates, geometry 38 196
Natural coordinates, measure 80
Nebulae, velocities of 162
Non-integrability of length and direction 198
Non-Maxwellian stresses 182 184
Non-Riemannian geometry 197
Normal 6-dimensional 151
Null-cone 22
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