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Eddington A.S. — Mathematical Theory of Relativity |
Предметный указатель |
Number of electrons in the world 167
Numerical value of quantum 237
Operators 64
Operators, 139
Orbits of planets 85
Order, coordinate agreeing with structural 225
Parallel displacement 70 213
Parallelogram-law 214
Parallelogramical property 226
Particle, dynamics of 125
Particle, gravitational field of 82 100
Particle, motion of 36
Particle, symmetry of 125 155
Percipient, determines natural laws by selection 238
Perigee, advance of 99
Perihelion in curved world 100
Perihelion, advance of 88
permanence 115
Permeability, magnetic 195 234
Perpendicularity of vectors 57
Persistence and adjustment 208
Physical quantities 1
Physical quantities, definition of 3
Planetary orbits 85
Point-electron 186
Ponderomotive force see "Mechanical force"
Postulates, list of 104
potential energy 135 148
Potential, electromagnetic 171 175 201
Potential, gravitational 59 124
Poynting’s vector 183
Precession of inertial frame 99
Pressure, hydrostatic 121
Pressure, hydrostatic in homogeneous sphere 169
Principle of dimensions 48 54
Principle of equivalence 41
Principle of identification 119 222
Principle of least action 139 147 209
Principle of measurement 220 238
Problem of homogeneous sphere 168
Problem of rotating disc 112
Problem of two bodies 95
Product, inner and outer 53
Propagation of electromagnetic waves 175
Propagation of gravitational waves 130
Propagation with unit velocity 64
Propagation with unit velocity, solution of equation 178
Proper- (prefix) 34 see "Density"
Proper-coordinates 80
Proper-time 87
Proper-volume 110
Pseudo-energy-tensor 135
Pseudo-vector 179
Quadratic formula for interval 10
Quadratic formula for interval, justification of 224
Quadric of curvature 152
Quantity and intensity 111
Quantum, excluded from coordinate calculations 225
Quantum, numerical value of 237
Quotient law 54
Rapidity 22
Recession of spiral nebulae 157 161
Rectangular coordinates and time 13
Red-shift of spectral lines in nebulae 157 161
Red-shift of spectral lines in sun 91
Relation-structure 224
Relativity of physical quantities 5
Retardation of moving clocks 16 26
Retarded potential 179
Riemann — Christoffel tensor 72
Riemann — Christoffel tensor, generalisation of 204 215
Riemann — Christoffel tensor, importance of 79
Riemann — Christoffel tensor, vanishing of 73 76
Riemannian geometry 11
Rotating axes, quadratic form for 35
Rotating disc 112
Rotation, absolute 99
| scalar 52
Self-perpendicular vector 57
Simultaneity at different places 27
Space, a network of intervals 158
Spacelike intervals 22
Special theory of relativity 16
Spectral lines, displacement in nebulae 157 161
Spectral lines, displacement in sun 91
Sphere, problem of homogeneous 168
Spherical curvature, radius of 151
Spherical world 155 161
Spiral nebulae, velocities of 162
Spur 58
Static coordinates 81
Stationary action, principle of 139 147 209
Stokes’s theorem 67
Stokes’s theorem, application of 214
Stress-system 117
Stress-system, electromagnetic 183
Stress-system, gravitational field due to 104
Stress-system, non-Maxwellian 184
Structure, represented by relations 224
Substitution-operator 51 55
Suffixes, raising and lowering of 56
Summation convention 50
Sun, gravitational mass of 87
Surface-element 66
Surface-element, in-invariant pertaining to 232
Symmetry of a particle 125 155
Symmetry of an electron 192
Symmetry, a relative attribute 155
Temperature 34
Tensor 51
Tensor equations 49
Tensor-density 111
Thing 221
Three-index symbol 58
Three-index symbol, contracted 74
Three-index symbol, generalised 203 218
Time, convention in reckoning 15 29
Time, definition of 14
Time, extended meaning 39
Time, immediate consciousness of 23
Timelike intervals 22
Track of moving particle and light-pulse 36
Transformation of coordinates, general 34 43
Transformation of coordinates, Lorentz 17
Transport of clocks 15 27
Two bodies, problem of 95
Uniform vector-field 73
Uniform vector-field, mesh-system 77
Unit of action 237
Unit, change of 48
Vector 43
Vector, mathematical notion of 44
Vector, physical notion of 47
Velocity of light 19
Velocity of light in moving matter 21
Velocity of light in sun’s gravitational field 93
Velocity, fundamental 19
Velocity-vector 71
Volume, electromagnetic 194
Volume, generalised 206 232
Volume, physical and geometrical 110
Volume-element 109
Wave-equation, solution of 178
Waves, electromagnetic 175
Waves, gravitational 130
Weyl’s theory 198
Weyl’s theory, modified view of 208
World geometry 198
World, mass of 160 166
World, shape of 155
World-invariants, dynamical properties of 228
World-line 125
Zero-length of light tracks 199
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