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Adler R.J. — Geometry of random fields |
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Measure function 190
Measure space 4
Measures, -dimensional 188 189
Measures, Cauchy sequence of 207
Measures, occupation 221 222
Measures, random 207
Measures, space of 207
Measures, supported on level sets 207 220 223
Mercer's theorem 51
Miller, K.S. 22 28
Mittal, Y. 38 163 166
Modulus of continuity 41—43 148
Modulus of continuity, conditions on 100 106
Modulus of continuity, growth of 58 60 170 171 202 247
Molcan, G.M. 261
Moments 9
Moments of Gaussian determinants 110
Moments of Gaussian variables 108 111
Morse's theorem 87
Morse, M. 85 87
Nayak, P.R. 4
Non-negative definiteness 23 25
Normal derivatives 259
Normal distribution see "Gaussian"
Nosko, V.P. 21 122 156 163
Nowhere dense sets 233
Nuri, K.A. 4
O'Callaghan, M. 4
Occupation measure 221 222
Oceanography 3 4
Okabe, Y. 261
Orey, S. 215 247
Ornstein — Uhlenbeck process 254
Orthogonal increments 28 30 180 236
Panda, D.P. 4
Partition 71
Partition of excursion set 82
Partition, characteristic of 72
Partition, order of 71
Perlis, S. 92
Pickands, J. 166
Piterbarg, V.I. 160 161 162 163 166 261
Pitt, L.D. 221 230 237 239 258 259 261
Point process 146 150
Point process, homogeneous 147
Point process, regular 146 147
Preston, F.W. 4
probability 4
Probability, conditional 7
Probability, density 5
Probability, measure 4 5
Probability, space 41 142
Pruitt, W.E. 247 249
Pseudo-Markov field 257—258 260
Pseudo-Markov field of order p 259—260
Pyke, R. 186 245
Quails, C. 166
Quasi-Markov field 255 256
Rajput, B.S. 199
Random field 13
Random field, measure 207
Random field, set 146
Random field, variable 5 11
Ray, D.B. 250
Realization 14
Regularity conditions 97 184 see
Rice, S.O. 67 107
Riesz, R. 51
Robinson, E.A. 4
Rogers, C.A. 191
Rootzen, H. 69 159 163
Rosenblatt, M. 162 163 165
Rough surface 1 4
Rozanov, Yu.A. 161 261
Saks, S. 222
Sample function 14
Sample function differentiability 26
Sample function, continuity 26
Santalo, L.A. 71
Scale invariance 238
Schachter, B. 4
Schoenberg, L.J. 35
Sea surface 8
Separability 14 15 41 50
| Set indexed fields 28 58
Set parameter (of local time) 227
Sharpe, K. 69 169
Shepp, L.A. 63 159 160 166
Sherman, S. 140
Sirao, J. 198
Skorohod, A.V. 4 22 28
Slepian inequality 166
Slepian, D. 142 159 165 166
Smart, D.R. 101
Spectral density 25 30—31 35
Spectral distribution function 25 30—31 35
Spectral distribution function and continuity 62—65
Spectral distribution function and ergodicity 145—146
Spectral distribution function, real form 179
Spectral distribution function, restricted to annulus 35
Spectral inversion formula 180
Spectral moments 31 131—132
Spectral moments, estimation of 69 117 145
Spectral representation, half of covariance function 22 25 35 178 217
Spectral representation, half of fields 30 32—33 38 178
Spectral representation, half representation 179—180
Spherical harmonics 37
Spivak, M. 138
Splitting fields 257 259
Standard deviation 8
Stationarity see "Homogeneity"
Steenrod, N. 85
Stochastic integral 26—28 38
Stochastic process 13
Stuart, A. 19 20
Submartingale 52 53
Suitable regularity 39—47 80
Suitable regularity, conditions for 47 50
Suitable regularity, definition 40
Suitable regularity, failure of 184 215—216
Svesnikov, A.A. 163
Swerling, P. 21
Sylvester, R. 4
Symmetry condition 13
Sz-Nagy, B. 51
Tail field 12
Tail event 12
Taylor, S.J. 196 197 203 215
Tchebychev's inequality 9
Tran, L.T. 230 249 251
Transformations, and covariance effect on DT characteristic 91—92
Transformations, and covariance measure preserving 143
Transformations, and covariance of probability space 143
Transformations, and covariance structure 112—113 140
Triangular covariance 165 166 255 260
Tsui, E.T. 4
Turbulence 3 4
Type numbers 87 89 162
Type numbers, mean value of 98 100 105—106 136
Upcrossings 17 39 166
Upcrossings and excursion sets 17—18 76—77
Upper function 166
Urbanik, K. 261
Variance 8
Variate 5
Version 14 222
Volkonski, V.A. 147 161
Wallace, A.H. 85
Walsh, J.B. 245 249
Watasnabe, H. 62 166 198
Wavelength 32
Whitehouse, D.J. 4
Whittle, P. 261
Wiener process 184 see
Wiener, N. 144
Williamson, J.B.D. 4
Wong, E. 4 37 245 256
Wschebor, M. 165 166
Yadrenko, M.I. 47 50 250 256 261
Yaglom, A.M. 22 35
Ylvisaker, N.D. 38 67 101 166
Yoder, L. 193 203
Zaanen, A.C. 51
Zakai, M. 245
Zero-one law 12 199—200
Zincenko, N.M. 165
Zinn, J. 203
Zubrzycki, S. 38
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