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Viardot E. — Successful Marketing Strategies for High-Tech Firms |
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acquisitions 63—64
Action programs 66—67
Action programs, defined 66
Action programs, efficient 67
Administrative agencies 125
Advertising, budget allocation 221—230
Advertising, budgets 218
Advertising, corporate 234
Advertising, direct marketing 225—226
Advertising, magazines/newspapers 227—228
Advertising, media types 221
Advertising, mixes 229—230
Advertising, online marketing 226—227
Advertising, outdoor 229
Advertising, packaging 227
Advertising, radio 228—229
Advertising, sales communication material 225
Advertising, sales/sales management 221—222
Advertising, seminar and presentation 224—225
Advertising, SMS marketing 227
Advertising, television 228
Advertising, trade magazines 222—223
Advertising, trade shows 223—224 (see also “Communication”)
Aerogel 16
After-sales market 211—213
After-sales market, defined 211
After-sales market, distribution channels and 213
After-sales market, key buying factors in 212
After-sales market, pricing errors 212
After-sales market, pricing tactics 213
After-sales market, reliability and 212 (see also “Selling”)
Alliances 60—62
Alliances, B2B 61
Alliances, defined 60
Alliances, market-based 60
Alliances, technology-based 60—62 (see also “External development sources”)
American Marketing Organization (AMA) 2
Anticompetitive activity 107
AOL/Microsoft rivalry 122
B2B, alliances 61
B2B, e-commerce volume 192
B2B, high-tech products and 26
B2B, purchasing factors 79—84
B2C on-line markets 193
B2C, high-tech products and 26
Bargaining strength 113—115
Bargaining strength of buyers 114
Bargaining strength of complementors 114—115
Bargaining strength of suppliers 113—114
Basic technologies 54
Benchmarking 124
Beta-testing 138
Bidding price 252
Bluetooth standard 48
brainstorming 136
brands 163—169
Brands by customer experience 166
Brands, benefits 164
Brands, colors 166
Brands, customer response to 167
Brands, defined 163
Brands, facilitation 163
Brands, identity 164
Brands, logos 165
Brands, major threats to 168—169
Brands, management decisions 168
Brands, meaning levels 164
Brands, recognition 167
Brands, stages 166—167
Brands, tag line 166
Brands, value 166 (see also “Product physical attributes” “Products”)
Break-even point 250—251
Bundling 258
Buyers, bargaining strength 114
Buzz marketing 235—236
Categories 54
Cisco, Distribution Partners (CDPs) 197—198
Cisco, marketing organization case study 267
Cisco, Partner Consultative Support 200
Cisco, Services Management System (SMS) 200
Colors 166
Common marketing plan (CMP) 201
Communication for high-tech products 218—219
Communication networks, GFNs 45—46
Communication networks, many-to-many 45
Communication networks, one-to-many 45
Communication, budget, setting 219—221
Communication, campaign targets 219
Communication, corporate advertising 234
Communication, mixes 229—230
Communication, preannouncement 232—233
Communication, public relations (PR) 234—235
Communication, strategy 217—237
Communication, summary 236—237
Communication, word-of-mouth 235—236 (see also “Advertising”)
Compactness, product 160—161
Compatibility for increased returns generation 44—46
Compatibility in PC industry 45
Competencies, building 58
Competencies, core, managing technology as 55—58
Competencies, developing, through external growth 58—64
Competencies, strategic resource 48—58
Competencies, threat of substitute products 111—112
Competitive analysis 118—121
Competitive analysis, financial data 118—119
Competitive analysis, organizing 127—129
Competitive analysis, performers of 127—128
Competitive analysis, performing 128—129
Competitive analysis, political data 119—120
Competitive analysis, sales data 118
competitive evolution of 38
Competitive forces 112
competitors 107—129
Competitors, bargaining strength of buyers 114
Competitors, bargaining strength of complementors 114—115
Competitors, bargaining strength of suppliers 113—114
Competitors, competitive analysis 118—121
Competitors, external information sources 121—126
Competitors, government influence 115—116
Competitors, identifying 108—116
Competitors, identifying by market 108—111
Competitors, identifying by product 108—111
Competitors, identifying, at industry level 111—116
Competitors, information on 121—127
Competitors, internal information sources 126—127
Competitors, management style 121
Competitors, monitoring of 128
Competitors, pricing and 247—249
Competitors, strategic groupings 117—118
Competitors, strategy analysis 117—121
Competitors, summary 129
Competitors, threat of new entrants 112—113
Competitors, understanding 107—129
Complementors, bargaining strength 114—115
Complementors, defined 114
Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) 147
Computers, car industry role 41
Computers, product/market segments 109
Concentrated marketing 143
Concept tests 94—95
Consulting companies 125
Consumers 85—87
Consumers, followers 86—87
Consumers, forerunners 85—86
Consumers, innovators 85
Consumers, mainstream users 86
Consumers, rebels 87
Consumers, segmentation variables for 140
Consumers, traditionalists 87
Cooperation 270—280
| Cooperation as key success factor 281 285
Cooperation with manufacturing and customer service 275—278
Cooperation with R&D 270—275
Cooperation, organizing 278—280
Corporate advertising 234
Cost of goods sold (COGS) 46
Costs, experience curve 246
Costs, learning curve, estimating 244—246
Costs, pricing below 255—256
Costs, R&D 246
Creativity techniques 136
Customer relationship management (CRM) 88
Customer Relationship Management (CRM), effectiveness 102
Customer Relationship Management (CRM), software 101
Customer Relationship Management (CRM), strategic groups 118
Customer Relationship Management (CRM), technological infrastructure and 102
Customers as referral source 209
Customers in satellite launching business 83
Customers, Beta-test 138
Customers, buying behavior 74—93
Customers, crosschecking 137
Customers, demand estimation 93—101
Customers, demands, response to 286
Customers, face-to-face time with 210
Customers, follow-up 208—209
Customers, grouping of 137 139
Customers, innovations and 73
Customers, knowledge of 73 285
Customers, managing relationship with 101—102
Customers, orientation 5
Customers, perceived value 252—255
Customers, perception 79
Customers, preferences 98
Customers, purchase behavior 98
Customers, qualification checklist 205—206
Customers, qualifying 205
Customers, selective retention 79
Customers, service, cooperation with 275—278
Customers, value, understanding 73
Customization, product 162—163
Data banks 125
Decline stage 184
Delivery 171
Demand estimation 93—101
Demand estimation on-line market research 99—101
Demand estimation, concept tests/prototype tests 94—95
Demand estimation, expert opinion 96
Demand estimation, high-tech products and 93
Demand estimation, quantitative analysis 97—99
Demand estimation, sampling groups 96—97
Demand estimation, test markets 96—97
Differentiated marketing 144
Differentiated products 21
direct marketing 225—226
Discrete choice modeling (DCM) 253
Distribution channels, after-sales market 213
Distribution channels, decisions 189 213
Distribution channels, design decisions (cost of network) 193—195
Distribution channels, design decisions (degree of network control) 196—197
Distribution channels, design decisions (flexibility of network) 197—198
Distribution channels, design decisions (product characteristics) 195—196
Distribution channels, design decisions (size of market) 191—93
Distribution channels, evolution of 194
Distribution channels, impact 201
Distribution channels, profitability analysis 194
Distribution channels, selecting 190—198 214
Distribution channels, selection criteria 191
Distribution channels, summary 213—214
Distribution network, cost of 193—195
Distribution network, degree of control over 196—197
Distribution network, flexibility of 197—198
distributors 190
Distributors as competitor information source 126
Distributors, managing 198—201
Distributors, negative feedback loop 199
Distributors, perfect 202
Distributors, selecting 198
Distributors, training 198—199
Diversity, in high-tech products 20—21
Documentation 171—172
Dynamic random access memory (DRAM) 42 119
E-marketplaces 192
Elasticity of demand 242—244
Elasticity, determining 244
Elasticity, low 243 (see also “Pricing”)
Electronic commerce industry 111
Electronic data interchange (EDI) 192
Emerging technologies 54
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) 34 47
Entrants, new 112—113
Expert opinions 96
External development sources 58—64
External development sources, acquisitions 63—64
External development sources, alliances 60—62
External development sources, hiring from the industry 60
External development sources, illustrated 58
External development sources, joint ventures 62—63
External development sources, licensing 59
External development sources, relabeling 58—59
External development sources, research contracts 59
External information sources (competitors) 121—126
External information sources (competitors), advertising literature 121
External information sources (competitors), benchmarking 124
External information sources (competitors), conferences/conventions 124
External information sources (competitors), distributors 126
External information sources (competitors), Internet tracking 126
External information sources (competitors), list of 123
External information sources (competitors), panels 125
External information sources (competitors), partnerships 124
External information sources (competitors), patents 124
External information sources (competitors), periodicals 126
External information sources (competitors), press 125—126
External information sources (competitors), public/private data banks 125
External information sources (competitors), specialized administrative agencies 125
External information sources (competitors), specialized consulting companies 125
External information sources (competitors), standardization committees 124—125
External information sources (competitors), study trips 125
External information sources (competitors), suppliers 121—122 126
External information sources (competitors), trade shows 124
financial data 118—119
focus groups 94
Followers 86—87
Forecasting methods 98—99
Forerunners, attracting 89
Forerunners, defined 86
Forerunners, needs of 90 (see also “Consumers”)
Global distribution system (GDS) 277
Global System for Mobile communications (GSM) 45
Global, going 47
Go-to-market approach 263
Government, in market creation 115
Government, influence of 115—116
Government, involvement 21—23
Group Forming Networks (GFNs) 45—46
Growth phase 41—48
Growth phase, compatibility 44—46
Growth phase, defined 36
Growth phase, global 47
Growth phase, investment more than competitors 47
Growth phase, managing 183
Growth phase, open architecture and 43—44
Growth phase, production cost minimization 46—47
Growth phase, sales 181—183
Growth phase, supportive network 47—48
Growth phase, sustaining 182 (see also “Life cycles” “Technologies”)
High performance computing (HPC) market 143
High Performance Computing and Communications Initiative (HPCCI) 21 115
High tech as catchall category 6
High tech, defined 1
High-tech companies, abilities, awareness of 285—286
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