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Viardot E. — Successful Marketing Strategies for High-Tech Firms
Viardot E. — Successful Marketing Strategies for High-Tech Firms

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Íàçâàíèå: Successful Marketing Strategies for High-Tech Firms

Àâòîð: Viardot E.


This extensively revised third edition of the Artech House bestseller, Successful Marketing Strategies for High-Tech Firms, reflects the ruthless realities of the new high-tech marketplace where effective marketing strategy counts as much as the latest and greatest technology. The multitude of brand new material includes detailed case studies that teach the hard-learn lessons that have enabled such high-tech giants as Yahoo, IBM, Cisco, Nokia, Samsung, and eBay to come out of the tech market meltdown stronger and more competitive. You learn how to develop innovative product offers that connect to actual customer needs so your organization can create new wealth and develop new markets.

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Èçäàíèå: 3rd edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2004

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 324

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 21.05.2005

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Price setting, rate of return      250—251
Price setting, substitute product comparison      252
Price, bidding      252
Price, determinants, integrating      257—259
Price, determining      260
Price, makers      260
Price, managing      259
Price, market      251
Price/earnings ratio (PER)      118
Pricing      239—260
Pricing by competitive force reactions      259
Pricing by product range      257—258
Pricing in marketing strategy      239
Pricing, after-sales market      212 213
Pricing, below costs      255—256
Pricing, bottom price      243
Pricing, bundling and      258
Pricing, ceiling price      243
Pricing, comparisons      240
Pricing, competitors and      247—249
Pricing, complementary products      258—259
Pricing, costs learning curve and      244—246
Pricing, cut decision feedbacks      248
Pricing, decision      242
Pricing, differentiation and      257
Pricing, elasticity of demand      242—244
Pricing, limits, determining      242—249
Pricing, models      241
Pricing, smart      247
Pricing, summary      259—260
Pricing, TCO and      254
Pricing, tie-in offers      258—259
Procurement, in value chain model      50
Product essence      155
Product essence, changes      156
Product essence, defined      155
Product essence, identification      156
Product essence, managing      156—157
Product essence, quality and      157
Product orientation      2
Product physical attributes      155
Product physical attributes, brand name      163—169
Product physical attributes, characteristics      157—159
Product physical attributes, defined      155
Product physical attributes, managing      157—170
Product physical attributes, quality      169—170
Product physical attributes, styles      159—163
Product ranges, evolution      175
Product ranges, extending      174
Product ranges, extending upward      175—176
Product ranges, managing      173—176
Product ranges, pricing according to      257—258
Product ranges, scrutinizing      185
Product shell      155—156
Product shell, defined      155
Product shell, managing      170—173
Product shell, services      171—172
Production, cost minimization      46—47
Production, orientation      2 3
Products, bit rate-distance      40
Products, brand name      163—169
Products, characteristics      157—159
Products, compactness      160—161
Products, competitor identification by      108—111
Products, customization      162—163
Products, declining      184
Products, delivery      171
Products, differentiated      21
Products, dimensions      155—156
Products, dimensions, managing      156—173
Products, documentation      171—172
Products, ease of use      159—160
Products, functional requirements      272
Products, high-tech      6—23
Products, industrial      13
Products, knowledge of      287
Products, lame-duck      184
Products, life cycle      13
Products, maintenance      172
Products, marketing value evaluation      135—136
Products, physical      155
Products, potential      173
Products, quality      169—170
Products, raison d’etre      184
Products, reliability      161—162
Products, security      161—162
Products, simplicity      159—160
Products, standard      21
Products, strategy      155—185
Products, style      159—163
Products, substitute      111—112
Products, substitute, comparison with      252
Products, timely introductions of      286
Products, “champions”      269 270
Professional services      8
Promotional items      225
Promotional tools, efficiency      231
Promotional tools, managing      231—232 (see also “Advertising” “Communication”)
Prospecting      203—206
Prototype tests      95
Purchasing criteria      85—93
Purchasing factors (B2B)      79—84
Purchasing factors (B2B), criteria groups      82
Purchasing factors (B2B), economic situation      82
Purchasing factors (B2B), environmental factors      81—82
Purchasing factors (B2B), organizational factors      83—84
Purchasing factors (B2B), personal factors      84
Purchasing factors (B2B), political situation      82—83
Purchasing factors (B2B), price and      81
Purchasing factors (consumer products)      74—79
Purchasing factors (consumer products), criteria groups      76
Purchasing factors (consumer products), personal factors      77—78
Purchasing factors (consumer products), psychological factors      78—79
Purchasing factors (consumer products), psychosocial factors      77
Purchasing factors (consumer products), sociocultural factors      77
Purchasing factors (consumer products), Wi-Fi example      75—77
Push/pull decision      189
Quality, innovation      12
Quality, product      169—170
Quality, product essence and      157
Quantitative analysis      97—99
Quantitative analysis, based on qualitative information      98
Quantitative analysis, techniques      98
QWERTY keyword      42 90
R&D, aerospace industry      19—20
R&D, automotive industry      19
R&D, biotechnology      18
R&D, costs      246
R&D, cultural differences      270
R&D, electrical equipment industry      19
R&D, expenditures      17
R&D, high investments in      16—20
R&D, intensity evaluation      17
R&D, investment, strategic importance      57
R&D, IT      19
R&D, marketing collaboration with      270—275
R&D, marketing links      273
R&D, nuclear industry      20
R&D, solar industry      20
R&D, spender rankings      16
R&D, symbiosis with      286
R&D, turnover, by industry      18
Radio      228—229
Rate of return      250—251
Rebels      87
Relabeling      58—59
Reliability in after-sales market      212
Reliability, product      161—162
Request for Proposals (RFPs)      84
Research contracts      59
Resources, optimal allocation of      53
Risk, attitudes toward      91—93
Sales, communication material      225
Sales, data      118
Sales, orientation      2 4
Salespeople      202
Salespeople as advisors      208
Salespeople, activities      203
Salespeople, customer confidence and      208
Salespeople, listening skills      204
Salespeople, support activities      209
Salespeople, time management      204
Salespeople, training      211
Salespeople, up-to-date      210 (see also “Selling”)
Sampling groups      96—97
Sampling groups, composition      96
Sampling groups, defined      96
Security, product      161—162
Segmentation, targeting, and positioning (STP)      132
Selective retention      79
Selling      201—213
Selling, activities      203 204
Selling, after-sales market      211—213
Selling, complexity      203
Selling, customer follow-up      208—209
Selling, profitability analysis      194
Selling, prospecting      203—206
Selling, qualification checklist      205—206
Selling, salespeople      202 203 204
Selling, summary      214
Selling, support activities      209—211
Selling, support functions      269
Selling, teamwork approach      206—207 (see also “Sales”)
Semantic Web research      15
Seminars      224—225
Service(s) as market success key      171
Service(s) in value chain model      50
Service(s), delivery      171
Service(s), documentation      171—172
Service(s), maintenance      172
Services Management System (SMS)      200 227
Short message service (SMS)      14
Silicon-on-insulator (SOI)      9—10
Simplicity, product      159—160
Situation analysis      65—66
Situation analysis, defined      65
Situation analysis, life cycle and      65
Situation analysis, technological force      65
Small and medium enterprises (SMEs)      220
Snake charts      144
Standard products      21
Standardization committees      124—125
Study trips      125
Style, product      159—163
Style, product, compactness      160—161
Style, product, customization      162—163
Style, product, reliability      161—162
Style, product, security      161—162
Style, product, simplicity, ease of use      159—160
Style, product, specialization      162—163 (see also “Product physical attributes” “Products”)
Substitute products      111—112
Suppliers as competitor information source      121—123 126
Suppliers, bargaining strength      113—114
Support activities      209—211
Supportive networks      47—48
System integrators      190
Tag lines      166
Targeting, innovators      90 179
Targeting, markets      66
Teamwork      206—207
Teamwork for mainframe computer      207
Teamwork, sales engineer and      207 (see also “Selling”)
Technologies as strategic resource competence      48—58
Technologies, basic      54
Technologies, development, in value chain model      50
Technologies, emergence time      38—39
Technologies, emerging      54
Technologies, evolution and revolution      12
Technologies, growth phase      36 41—48
Technologies, inferior      42
Technologies, introduction phase      35—36 38—41
Technologies, key      54
Technologies, life cycles      13 35—38
Technologies, managing, as core competence      55—58
Technologies, new uses for      16
Technologies, portfolio      53—55
Technologies, positioning of      37—38
Technologies, promising      15
Technologies, quick evolution      33
Technologies, sophisticated      7—10
Technologies, strategic dimensions      34—48
Technologies, succeeding technologies      14
Technologies, use prediction      41
Technology-based alliances      60—62
Technology-based alliances in aircraft manufacturing industry      62
Technology-based alliances, B2B      61
Technology-based alliances, benefits      61
Technology-based alliances, defined      60
Technology-based alliances, motivations      61 (see also “Alliances”)
Technology/product platforms      158
Television      228
Test markets      96—97
Tie-ins      258—259
Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)      254
Trade magazines      222—223
Trade magazines, coverage      223
Trade magazines, credibility      222
Trade magazines, sponsored      223 (see also “Advertising”)
Trade shows as competitor information source      124
Trade shows, advertising      223—224
Trade shows, trends      224
Traditionalists      87
Universal Mobile Telecommunications Service (UMTS)      116
Value chain model      50—53
Value chain model, defined      50
Value chain model, development      51
Value chain model, human resources management      50—51
Value chain model, inbound logistics      50
Value chain model, information treatment      51
Value chain model, infrastructure      51
Value chain model, marketing and sales      50
Value chain model, operations      50
Value chain model, outbound logistics      50
Value chain model, physical analysis with      52
Value chain model, primary activities      50—51
Value chain model, procurement      50
Value chain model, services      50
Value chain model, support activities      50—51
Value chain model, technology development      50
Value-added resellers      190
Vaporware      see “Preannouncement”
Viral marketing      235—236
Wi-Fi      75—77
Wi-Fi, defined      75
Wi-Fi, technology derivation      76
“Wired & Wireless: High-Tech Capitals Now and Next”      80
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