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Yang S.C. — 3G CDMA2000 Wireless System Engineering |
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1xEV-DO 7
1xEV-DO as paradigm shift 200
1xEV-DO, air interface 199
1xEV-DO, application layer 204—205
1xEV-DO, base station control 201
1xEV-DO, base stations 200
1xEV-DO, BSC 202
1xEV-DO, connection layer 206—209
1xEV-DO, data application support 201
1xEV-DO, data rate provisions 199
1xEV-DO, dedicated RF carrier 201
1xEV-DO, defined 199
1xEV-DO, latency tolerance 200
1xEV-DO, layer transmission service 203
1xEV-DO, network 201—202
1xEV-DO, physical layer 201 215—226 229—238
1xEV-DO, power resource focus 200
1xEV-DO, protocol architecture 202—211
1xEV-DO, protocol layers 203
1xEV-DO, radio interface (forward link) 213—226
1xEV-DO, radio interface (reverse link) 227—240
1xEV-DO, security layer 210
1xEV-DO, session layer 205—206
1xEV-DO, stream layer 205
1xEV-DO, wireless network support 201—202
2g networks 187—189
2G networks, illustrated 188
2G networks, network elements 187—189
2G networks, protocols 189 (see also “Network architecture”)
3g networks 189—192
3G networks, illustrated 190
3G networks, network elements 190—191
3G networks, protocols 191—192
3G networks, supporting mobile IP 197 (see also “Network architecture”)
Access channel 236—238
Access channel (R-ACH) 42 45 65
Access channel MAC protocol 228—229
Access channel MAC protocol, access probes 229 230
Access channel MAC protocol, capsule 229
Access channel MAC protocol, defined 228
Access channel MAC protocol, packet generation 228—229
Access channel MAC protocol, preamble 229 (see also “MAC layer (1xEV-DO reverse link)”)
Access channel, access probe 237
Access channel, block diagram 238
Access channel, defined 236
Access channel, elements 230
Access channel, physical layer packet 236 237
Access entry handoff 134—135
Access handoff 135—138
Access handoff, active set 136
Access handoff, defined 135
Access handoff, mobile station states 135
Access handoff, neighbor set 136
Access handoff, process 136—138
Access handoff, remaining set 136
Access handoff, substates 137 (see also “Handoffs”)
Access network (AN) 201 205 206
Access probe handoff 138
Access terminal (AT) 201 205 206
Access, attempt 139
Access, subattempt 138
ACK channel 235—236
ACK channel at AT 236
ACK channel, block diagram 235
ACK channel, defined 235 (see also “Reverse traffic channel”)
Active mode 96 97
Active set 124—127
Active set, access handoff 136
Active set, adding pilots to 126—127
Active set, defined 124
Active set, idle handoff 133
Active set, removing pilots from 124—125 (see also “Handoff”)
Addressing sublayer, active 73
Addressing sublayer, address parameters 74
Addressing sublayer, common signaling: reverse link 77
Addressing sublayer, defined 71 (see also “Link access control (LAC)”)
Air link capacity 8
Air link management protocol 206—207
Air link management protocol, defined 206
Air link management protocol, states 206—207
Air link management protocol, transitions 207 (see also “Connection layer (1xEV-DO)”)
Application layer (1xEV-DO) 204—205
Assured delivery 73
Asymmetric data rates 1
Authentication center (AC) 188
Authentication sublayer in common signaling 74
Authentication sublayer, active 73
Authentication sublayer, common signaling: reverse link 77
Authentication sublayer, defined 71 (see also “Link access control (LAC)”)
Authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) 190 191
Automatic repeat request (ARQ) sublayer, acknowledgment fields 74
Automatic repeat request (ARQ) sublayer, common signaling: reverse link 77
Automatic repeat request (ARQ) sublayer, dedicated signaling: forward link 77
Automatic repeat request (ARQ) sublayer, dedicated signaling: reverse link 80
Automatic repeat request (ARQ) sublayer, defined 73
Automatic repeat request (ARQ) sublayer, delivery modes 73
Automatic repeat request (ARQ) sublayer, PDU delivery 73 (see also “Link access control (LAC)”)
Auxiliary pilot channel (F-APICH) 25
Auxiliary transmit diversity pilot channel (F-ATDPICH) 25—26
Average pilot power 161
Base station controller (BSC) 187 188
Base station controller (BSC), 1xEV-DO 202
Base station controller (BSC), defined 187
Base transceiver system (BTS) 187 188
Basic access mode 44 65
Basic access mode, R-EACH probe 65
Basic access mode, R-EACH transmission 46
Binary phase-shift keying (BPSK) 34
Binary phase-shift keying (BPSK), coherent 52
Binary phase-shift keying (BPSK), modulators 52
Binary phase-shift keying (BPSK), signals 52
bit error rate (BER) 162
Broadcast control channel (F-BCCH) 7 20—21
Broadcast control channel (F-BCCH), conceptual block diagram 31
Broadcast control channel (F-BCCH), data rate 21
Broadcast control channel (F-BCCH), defined 19
Broadcast control channel (F-BCCH), frame 21
Broadcast control channel (F-BCCH), monitoring 90—91
Broadcast control channel (F-BCCH), purpose 20
Broadcast control channel (F-BCCH), slot 21
Broadcast control channel (F-BCCH), structure 20 21
Broadcast slots 91
Call processing 87—95
Candidate set 127—128
Candidate set, adding pilots to 127
Candidate set, defined 127
Candidate set, removing pilots from 127—128 (see also “Soft handoff”)
Capacity 171—185
Capacity gain, forward link 34
Capacity gain, reverse link 52—53
Capacity, forward link 178—185
Capacity, introduction 171
Capacity, mathematical definitions 171—174
Capacity, reverse link 174—178
Channel setup 97—104
Channel setup, base station-originated voice call 98—99
Channel setup, mobile station-originated packet data call 100—101
Channel setup, mobile station-originated voice call 99—100
Channel setup, supplemental channel request during packet data call 101—104
Channel structure 31—32 217—218
Channel supervision 141—142
Channel supervision, forward link: common channel 142
Channel supervision, forward link: traffic channel 141—142
Channel supervision, reverse link 142
Channelization 32 51 52
Channelization, codes 164
Channelization, defined 11
Closed-loop power control 8 108
Closed-loop power control, reverse link 117—121
Closed-loop power control, reverse link (1xEV-DO) 240 (see also “Power control”)
| Code channel calculation 113
Code management 142—150
Code management, quasi-orthogonal functions (QOFs) 147
Code management, Walsh code assignment: forward link 144—147
Code management, Walsh code assignment: reverse link 147—150
Code management, Walsh code generation 143—144 (see also “System performance”)
Coding 11 31
Common assignment channel (F-CACH) 7 21—22
Common assignment channel (F-CACH), block diagram 31
Common assignment channel (F-CACH), data rate 22
Common assignment channel (F-CACH), frames 22
Common assignment channel (F-CACH), function 21
Common channel multiplex sublayer 5
Common power control channel (F-CPCCH) 7 22—24
Common power control channel (F-CPCCH), format 23
Common power control channel (F-CPCCH), frames 22
Common power control channel (F-CPCCH), function 22
Common power control channel (F-CPCCH), power control bits 22 24
Common power control channel (F-CPCCH), power control groups 23
Common signaling: forward link 74—76
Common signaling: forward link, addressing sublayer 74
Common signaling: forward link, ARQ sublayer 74
Common signaling: forward link, authentication sublayer 74
Common signaling: forward link, base station 75
Common signaling: forward link, MAC sublayer 74
Common signaling: forward link, mobile station 75
Common signaling: forward link, SAR sublayer 74 76
Common signaling: forward link, utility sublayer 74 76
Common signaling: reverse link 76—77
Common signaling: reverse link, addressing sublayer 77
Common signaling: reverse link, ARQ sublayer 77
Common signaling: reverse link, authentication sublayer 77
Common signaling: reverse link, base station 78
Common signaling: reverse link, MAC sublayer 77
Common signaling: reverse link, mobile station 76
Common signaling: reverse link, SAR sublayer 77
Common signaling: reverse link, utility sublayer 77
Connected state protocol 209
Connection layer (1xEV-DO) 206—209
Connection layer (1xEV-DO), air link management protocol 206—207
Connection layer (1xEV-DO), connected state protocol 209
Connection layer (1xEV-DO), defined 206
Connection layer (1xEV-DO), idle state protocol 209
Connection layer (1xEV-DO), initialization protocol 208—209
Connection layer (1xEV-DO), overhead messages protocol 209
Connection layer (1xEV-DO), packet consolidation protocol 209
Connection layer (1xEV-DO), protocols 206
Connection layer (1xEV-DO), route update protocol 208
Constituent encoders 150
Control channel MAC protocol 215
Control hold mode 96 97
Coverage 159—170
Coverage, F-FCH 162—163
Coverage, F-PICH 161—162
Coverage, F-SCH 163—165
Coverage, interference: reverse link 168
Coverage, interference; forward link 165
Coverage, introduction 159—161
Coverage, R-FCH 165—166
Coverage, R-SCH 167
Coverage, receiver sensitivity and 169
Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) 18 19 31 51
Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) for receipt verification 74
Cyclic redundancy check (CRC), striping 76 78
Data channel 232—233
Data channel, active 233
Data channel, block diagram 233
Data channel, defined 232 (see also “Reverse traffic channel”)
Data rate control (DRC) 214
Data rate control channel 233—234
Data rate control channel, block diagram 233
Data rate control channel, defined 233
Data rate control channel, symbols 234 (see also “Reverse traffic channel”)
Data rates, 1xEV-DO 199
Data rates, asymmetric 1
Data rates, F-BCCH 21
Data rates, F-CACH 22
Data rates, F-CCCH 19
Data rates, F-DCCH 15
Data rates, F-FCH 27
Data rates, F-SCH 28—29
Data rates, forward traffic channel (1xEV-DO) 217
Data rates, R-CCCH 42
Data rates, R-FCH 50
Data rates, R-SCH 50
Data rates, reverse traffic channel (1xEV-DO) 232
Data rates, symmetric 1
Data units 4—5
Dedicated channel multiplex sublayer 5
Dedicated signaling: forward layer 77—80
Dedicated signaling: forward layer, ARQ sublayer 77
Dedicated signaling: forward layer, base station 79
Dedicated signaling: forward layer, MAC sublayer 78
Dedicated signaling: forward layer, mobile station 79
Dedicated signaling: forward layer, SAR sublayer 78
Dedicated signaling: forward layer, utility sublayer 77—78
Dedicated signaling: reverse link 80
Dedicated signaling: reverse link, ARQ sublayer 80
Dedicated signaling: reverse link, base station 81
Dedicated signaling: reverse link, mobile station 80
Dedicated signaling: reverse link, SAR sublayer 80
Dedicated signaling: reverse link, utility layer 80
Demultiplexers 32
Designated access mode 68
Direct spread (DS) 5
Dormant mode 96 97
DRCLock channel 220—221
DRCLock channel, bits, multiplexing 220—221
DRCLock channel, block diagram 222
DRCLock channel, defined 220
DRCLock channel, elements 220
DRCLock channel, quality 221 (see also “MAC channel (1xEV-DO)”)
Early acknowledgment channel assignment message (EACAM) 66—67
Early acknowledgment channel assignment message (EACAM), fields 67
Early acknowledgment channel assignment message (EACAM), length 67
Early acknowledgment channel assignment message (EACAM), transmission 66—67
Early acknowledgment channel assignment message (EACAM), verification 67
Effective radiated power (ERP) 161—162 163
Effective radiated power (ERP), antenna pattern dependence 161
Effective radiated power (ERP), total 165 180
Electronic serial number (ESN) 71
Enhanced access channel (R-EACH) 8 24 42—45
Enhanced access channel (R-EACH), basic access mode 44 46
Enhanced access channel (R-EACH), block diagram 51
Enhanced access channel (R-EACH), closed-loop power control 119
Enhanced access channel (R-EACH), defined 42
Enhanced access channel (R-EACH), frames 43 45
Enhanced access channel (R-EACH), gated transmission 44
Enhanced access channel (R-EACH), header frame 43 45
Enhanced access channel (R-EACH), power control 114—115
Enhanced access channel (R-EACH), power controlled access mode 44 47
Enhanced access channel (R-EACH), preamble 44
Enhanced access channel (R-EACH), probes 44
Enhanced access channel (R-EACH), reservation access mode 44 46
Enhanced access channel (R-EACH), transmission 42
Erasure indicator bits (EIBs) 112 113
Extended supplemental channel assignment message (ESCAM) 101
Extended supplemental channel assignment message (ESCAM), assignment fields 103
Extended supplemental channel assignment message (ESCAM), field specification 101
Extended supplemental channel assignment message (ESCAM), SCCL update 103
Extended supplemental channel assignment message (ESCAM), successful reception of 102
Foreign agent (FA) 194 195 196
Forward common control channel (F-CCCH) 7 19—20 24
Forward common control channel (F-CCCH) for fast acknowledgment 67
Forward common control channel (F-CCCH) in slotted mode 90
Forward common control channel (F-CCCH) with F-QPCH 20
Forward common control channel (F-CCCH), base station acknowledgment order 99
Forward common control channel (F-CCCH), block diagram 31
Forward common control channel (F-CCCH), data rate 19
Forward common control channel (F-CCCH), defined 19
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