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Yang S.C. — 3G CDMA2000 Wireless System Engineering
Yang S.C. — 3G CDMA2000 Wireless System Engineering

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Íàçâàíèå: 3G CDMA2000 Wireless System Engineering

Àâòîð: Yang S.C.


Yang (California State University) explains complex technology in terms of its basic concepts and offers advice on the design, optimization, and management of a CDMA2000 wireless network. This book covers the theoretical foundations of the system, its key requirements and features, power control and hand-off functionalities, system performance and design, and network architecture. It also includes a detailed presentation of 1xEV-DO, explaining the differences between 1xEV-DO and CDMA2000 and the ways they work in tandem.

ßçûê: en

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2004

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 280

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 21.05.2005

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Network architecture      187—197
Network architecture, 2G      187—189
Network architecture, 3G      189—192
Network architecture, mobile IP      193—196
Network architecture, simple IP      192—193
Noise power density      160
Nonslotted mode      89
Omnidirectional cells      183
Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Reference Model      3
Open-loop power control      113—117
Open-loop power control of reverse physical channels      114
Open-loop power control, R-CCCH      115
Open-loop power control, R-EACH      114
Open-loop power control, reverse link (1xEV-DO)      239—240
Open-loop power control, reverse traffic channels      116
Origination messages      86 94 99 156
Orthogonal transmit diversity (OTD)      152—154
Orthogonal transmit diversity (OTD), defined      152
Orthogonal transmit diversity (OTD), illustrated      153
Orthogonal transmit diversity (OTD), implementation      153
Orthogonal transmit diversity (OTD), performance      154 (see also “Transmit diversity”)
Overhead messages protocol      209
PACA cancel substate      94
Packet consolidation protocol      209
Packet data calls, mobile station-originated      100—101
Packet data calls, setup      100
Packet data calls, supplemental channel request during      101—104
Packet data serving mode (PDSN)      190 192
Packet data serving mode (PDSN), defined      190
Packet data serving mode (PDSN), foreign      193 194
Packet data serving mode (PDSN), home      193
Packet data transmission      96—97
Packets      204
Packets, access channel MAC layer      228—229
Packets, control channel MAC layer      215
Packets, encapsulation      214 229
Packets, forward channel MAC layer      215
Packets, forward traffic channel physical layer      216
Packets, guaranteed delivery of      61
Packets, IP      193
Packets, physical layer      231 232 236 237
Paging channel (F-PCH)      16 17
Paging channel (F-PCH), base station acknowledgment order on      101
Paging channel (F-PCH), monitoring      89
Paging indicators      17—18
Parallel concatenated convolutional codes (PCCC)      150
Payload data units (PDUs)      4 5
Physical channels      55
Physical channels, categories      11
Physical channels, defined      3—4
Physical channels, designations      4
Physical channels, list of      12—14
Physical channels, mapping      58
Physical channels, signaling      11 15—26
Physical channels, user      11 26—31
Physical layer (1xEV-DO forward link)      215—226
Physical layer (1xEV-DO forward link), packet encapsulation      214
Physical layer (1xEV-DO forward link), pilot channel      215—216
Physical layer (1xEV-DO reverse link)      229—238
Physical layer (1xEV-DO reverse link), access channel      236—238
Physical layer (1xEV-DO reverse link), channels      229—230
Physical layer (1xEV-DO reverse link), packet encapsulation      229
Physical layer (1xEV-DO reverse link), reverse traffic channel      231—236
Physical layer, 1xEV-DO      201
Physical layer, capacity gain      34
Physical layer, channel structure      31—32
Physical layer, channelization function      11
Physical layer, coding functions      11
Physical layer, defined      2
Physical layer, forward link      11—34
Physical layer, introduction      11—14
Physical layer, modulation      32—34
Physical layer, radio configurations      14—15
Physical layer, reverse link      37—53
Physical layer, signaling channels      15—26
Physical layer, user channels      26—31
Pilot channel (1xEV-DO forward link)      215—216
Pilot channel (1xEV-DO forward link), defined      215
Pilot channel (1xEV-DO forward link), multiplexing      216
Pilot channel (1xEV-DO reverse link)      235
Pilot channels      24—26
Pilot channels, acquisition substate      88—89
Pilot channels, F-APICH      25
Pilot channels, F-PICH      24
Pilot channels, F-TDPICH      25
Pilot channels, types of      24
Pilot strength measurement message (PSMM)      125
Pilots, adding, to active set      126—127
Pilots, adding, to candidate set      127
Pilots, adding, to neighbor set      128
Pilots, adding, to remaining set      129
Pilots, average power      161
Pilots, dynamic detection threshold      132
Pilots, energy      161
Pilots, removing, from active set      124—125
Pilots, removing, from candidate set      127—128
Pilots, removing, from neighbor set      128—129
Pilots, removing, from remaining set      129
Pilots, strengths and dynamic thresholds      130
Pilots, transitions between sets      129
PN codes      32 51
PN codes for channelization      142
PN codes, long      51 238
PN codes, short      33
Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)      192
Positive acknowledgment (ACK)      60
Power control      107—121
Power control bits      16 19 22 31 67 108
Power control bits, fast Rayleigh fading and      108
Power control bits, multiplexed      121
Power control bits, R-PICH      48 49
Power control bits, reverse power control channel and      219
Power control groups      16 23 24
Power control groups for primary subchannel      111
Power control groups for secondary subchannel      111
Power control groups, forward traffic channel in      121
Power control groups, R-PICH      48
Power control of multiple forward traffic channels      110—113
Power control subchannels      110—113
Power control subchannels, primary      111
Power control subchannels, secondary      111
Power control subchannels, structure      110—111
Power control, closed loop      8 108
Power control, F-QPCH      19
Power control, forward link      107—113
Power control, introduction      107
Power control, IS-95      107
Power control, open loop      113—117
Power control, reverse      239—240
Power control, reverse link: closed loop      117—121
Power control, reverse link: open loop      113—117
Power control, subchannel      22
Power controlled access mode      44 67—68
Power controlled access mode, base station      67
Power controlled access mode, R-EACH problem      68
Power controlled access mode, R-EACH transmission      47
Primitives      55—57
Primitives, defined      55
Primitives, form      56
Primitives, indication      56 57
Primitives, interaction of      83
Primitives, parts      56—57
Primitives, request      56
Priority access and channel assignment (PACA) cancel substate      91 94
Private neighbor set      134
Probe mobile      159
Probe mobile, omnidirectional cells and      183
Probe mobile, three-sector cells and      184
Processing gain      164
Protocol architecture      2—3
Protocol architecture, 1xEV-DO      202—11
Protocol architecture, illustrated      3
Protocol architecture, layers      2
Protocol architecture, other elements      3—5
Protocol data units (PDUs), assured delivery      73
Protocol data units (PDUs), fragments      74 78
Protocol data units (PDUs), fragments, reassembly      74
Protocol data units (PDUs), Layer 3      74 77
Protocol data units (PDUs), padding      73
Protocol data units (PDUs), unassured delivery      73
Pseudorandom noise codes      see “PN codes”
Quadrature phase-shift keying (QPSK)      8 22 33 34 223
Quality indicator bits (QIBs)      112 113
Quality of service (QoS)      61
Quasi-orthogonal functions (QOFs)      25 147
Quasi-orthogonal functions (QOFs), defined      147
Quasi-orthogonal functions (QOFs), sets of      147
Quick paging channel (F-QPCH)      7 16—19
Quick paging channel (F-QPCH), broadcast/configuration change indicators      18
Quick paging channel (F-QPCH), characteristics      18—19
Quick paging channel (F-QPCH), defined      16 17
Quick paging channel (F-QPCH), format      17
Quick paging channel (F-QPCH), monitoring      90
Quick paging channel (F-QPCH), non-slotted mode      17
Quick paging channel (F-QPCH), paging indicators      17—18
Quick paging channel (F-QPCH), slotted mode      17
Radio configurations      14—15
Radio configurations on forward link      14
Radio configurations, F-FCH      27
Radio configurations, F-SCH      28—29
Radio configurations, R-SCH      50
Radio configurations, reverse link      39—40
Radio environment report      73
Radio Link Protocol (RLP)      4 5 55 60—63
Radio Link Protocol (RLP) as Layer 2 protocol      60 191
Radio Link Protocol (RLP), best effort transport      71 205
Radio Link Protocol (RLP), defined      55 60
Radio Link Protocol (RLP), illustration      61—62
Radio Link Protocol (RLP), specification      191
Radio Link Protocol (RLP), standards family      62
Receive diversity      178
Received signal power      171—173
Received signal power, R-FCH      171
Received signal power, R-SCH      172
Receiver sensitivity      169
Recursive systematic convolutional (RSC) encoder      150
Recursive tree      143 144
Registration access substate      93
Registration request order      93
Release substate      95
Remaining set, access handoff      136
Remaining set, idle handoff      134
Remaining set, soft handoff      129 (see also “Handoffs”)
Reservation access mode      44 65—67
Reservation access mode, access header      66
Reservation access mode, header fields      66
Reservation access mode, R-EACH probe      66
Reservation access mode, R-EACH transmission      46
Retransmission, defined      60
Retransmission, RLP use of      61
Retransmission, use example      61
Reverse activity channel      219
Reverse activity channel, block diagram      222
Reverse activity channel, defined      219
Reverse activity channel, reverse activity bits      219 (see also “MAC channel (1xEV-DO)”)
Reverse common control channel (R-CCCH)      8 21 24 41—42
Reverse common control channel (R-CCCH), block diagram      51
Reverse common control channel (R-CCCH), closed-loop power control      119
Reverse common control channel (R-CCCH), data rate      42
Reverse common control channel (R-CCCH), defined      42
Reverse common control channel (R-CCCH), frames      42 43
Reverse common control channel (R-CCCH), gated transmission      42
Reverse common control channel (R-CCCH), power control      115
Reverse common control channel (R-CCCH), preamble      42
Reverse common control channel (R-CCCH), transmission illustration      44
Reverse common signaling channel (r-csch)      58 77
Reverse dedicated control channel (R-DCCH)      8 21 40—41
Reverse dedicated control channel (R-DCCH), block diagram      51
Reverse dedicated control channel (R-DCCH), defined      40
Reverse dedicated control channel (R-DCCH), frames      40—41
Reverse dedicated control channel (R-DCCH), power control      116
Reverse dedicated control channel (R-DCCH), SDU assembly      59 60
Reverse dedicated signaling channel (r-dsch)      58 80
Reverse dedicated traffic channel (r-dtch)      58
Reverse fundamental channel (R-FCH)      50
Reverse fundamental channel (R-FCH), block diagram      51
Reverse fundamental channel (R-FCH), coverage      165—166
Reverse fundamental channel (R-FCH), frames      50
Reverse fundamental channel (R-FCH), functions      50
Reverse fundamental channel (R-FCH), power control      116
Reverse fundamental channel (R-FCH), received signal power      171—172
Reverse link (1xEV-DO)      227—240
Reverse link (1xEV-DO), access channel      236—238
Reverse link (1xEV-DO), channelization      230
Reverse link (1xEV-DO), channels      229—230
Reverse link (1xEV-DO), characteristics      227
Reverse link (1xEV-DO), introduction      227
Reverse link (1xEV-DO), MAC layer      227—229
Reverse link (1xEV-DO), modulation      238
Reverse link (1xEV-DO), physical layer      229—238
Reverse link (1xEV-DO), power control      239—240
Reverse link (1xEV-DO), reverse power control      239—240
Reverse link (1xEV-DO), reverse traffic channel      231—236
Reverse link (1xEV-DO), slot structure      231 (see also “1xEV-DO”)
Reverse link physical channels, categories      37
Reverse link physical channels, common      37
Reverse link physical channels, dedicated      37
Reverse link physical channels, list of      38—39
Reverse link physical channels, R-CCCH      41—42
Reverse link physical channels, R-DCCH      40—41
Reverse link physical channels, R-EACH      42—45
Reverse link physical channels, R-FCH      50
Reverse link physical channels, R-PICH      45—49
Reverse link physical channels, R-SCCH      49
Reverse link physical channels, R-SCH      50
Reverse link physical channels, signaling      37 40—49
Reverse link physical channels, structure      50—51
Reverse link physical channels, user      37 49—50
Reverse link power control      113—121
Reverse link power control, base station functions      119
Reverse link power control, closed-loop      117—121
Reverse link power control, illustrated      117
Reverse link power control, inner loop      118
Reverse link power control, mobile functions      120
Reverse link power control, multiple reverse channels      113—116 119—121
Reverse link power control, open loop      113—117
Reverse link power control, outer loop      118
Reverse link power control, R-CCCH      115 119
Reverse link power control, R-EACH      114—115 119
Reverse link power control, reverse traffic channel      116 120—121
Reverse link, capacity      174—178
Reverse link, capacity gain      52—53
Reverse link, capacity improvements (IS-2000)      176—177
Reverse link, capacity improvements (system)      177—178
Reverse link, channel supervision      142
Reverse link, common signaling      76—77
Reverse link, dedicated signaling      80
Reverse link, loading factor      173
Reverse link, logical/physical channel mapping      58
Reverse link, modulation      51—52
Reverse link, multiple traffic channels      175
Reverse link, power dimension      177
Reverse link, radio configuration      39—40
Reverse link, rise      166
Reverse link, spatial dimension      177
Reverse link, upper bounds interference      168
Reverse link, Walsh code assignment      147—150 (see also “Forward link”)
Reverse pilot channel (R-PICH)      8 45—49
Reverse pilot channel (R-PICH), defined      45
Reverse pilot channel (R-PICH), format illustration      48
1 2 3 4
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