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Bailey N.T.J. — The Elements of Stochastic Processes With Applications to the Natural Sciences. |
Предметный указатель |
Random walk, one-dimensional 25
Random walk, restricted 24
Random walk, symmetric 24
Random walk, three-dimensional 35
Random walk, two-dimensional 34
Random walk, unrestricted 24
Recombination fraction, in genetics 227
Recurrence time 17
Recurrent epidemic, deterministic 177
Recurrent epidemic, stochastic 179
Recurrent event 16 ff 38 43
Recurrent event, delayed 21 45
Recurrent process 223 224
Reed and Frost's chain binomial 183
Reed, L.J. 183
Reflecting barrier 25
Regenerative process 223
Relative removal-rate, in epidemics 170
Renewal process 21 223 224
Renewal theory 224
Renewal theory in chromosome mapping 226
Return to origin in repeated trials 20
Return to origin in three dimensions 36
Return to origin in two dimensions 35
Rosenblatt, M. 4
Rothschild, Lord 100
Ruin, gambler's 25
Saaty, T.L. 137 230
Saddle-point approximations 214
Sagan, H. 203
Service mechanism, of a queue 137
Simple birth process 84 232
Simple birth-and-death process 91 232
Simple death process 90
Simple epidemic 164
Smith, W.L. 137 151 224 226
Snell, L. 38
Soper, H.E. 179
Spectral resolution, of a matrix 48
Spermatozoa, movement of 100
States of Markov chain 39
| States of Markov chain, absorbing 42
States of Markov chain, aperiodic 44
States of Markov chain, ergodic 44
States of Markov chain, null 44
States of Markov chain, periodic 44
States of Markov chain, persistent 44
States of Markov chain, reachable 41
States of Markov chain, transient 44
Stationary distribution, of Markov chain 47
Stationary process 4
Steepest descents, method of 214
Stochastic linearization 219
Stochastic matrix 40
Stochastic model 2
Stochastic process 2
Stochastic Threshold Theorem, in epidemics 176
Struggle for existence 186
Supplementary variables, inclusion of 223
Takacs, L. 4
telephone calls 66
Threshold Theorem in epidemics, deterministic 172
Threshold Theorem in epidemics, stochastic 176
Time series 4
Total size of epidemic 174
Traffic intensity 138
Transient event 18
Transient state 44
Transition 39
Transition probabilities 39
Transition probabilities, conditional 77
Transition probabilities, infinitesimal 78
Transition, matrix 40
Transition, probability of 39
Volterra, V. 186
waiting line 136
Waiting time 17
Waiting time in queueing theory 141
Whittle's Stochastic Threshold Theorem 176
Whittle, P. 177 219
Williams, G.T. 168
Yule — Furry process 87 88
Yule, U. 87
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