Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Ewald G. — Combinatorial convexity and algebraic geometry |
Предметный указатель |
-parallel body 107
-polytope 276
-module of global sections 263
(n-l)-diagram 85
Action, torus 239
Affine algebraic set 200
Affine algebraic variety 203
Affine combination 4
Affine dependency 49
Affine hull 4
Affine toric morphism 220
Affine toric subvariety, invariant 234
Affine toric variety 215
Affine toric variety, -factorial 232
Affine toric variety, nonsingular 232
Affine toric variety, quasi-smooth 232
Affine toric variety, regular 232
Affine toric variety, smooth 232
Affine transform 52
Affine variety 203
Affinely dependent 4
AIon 96
Alexandrov — Fenchel’s inequality 129
Algebra, monomial 215
Algebraic set. affine 200
Algebraic subset 200 274
Algebraic torus 216
Algebraic variety, affine 203
Algebraic variety, irreducible 203
Ample sheaf 281
Angle, outer 120
Angle, outer (Q,P) 124
Angle, outer Q- 124
Angularr measure 120
Anticanonical divisor of toric variety 303
Apex 6
Associated polytope 174
Barnette sphere 87
Barycentric coordinates 4
Barycentric subdivision 74
Base space 246
Base, of the (n-1)-diagram 85
Big torus 242
Bipyramid with basis Q 41
Blaschke’s selection theorem 112
Blowdown 248
Blowdown equivariant 248
Blowup 248
Blowup equivariant 248
Body, -parallel 107
Body, convex 6
Body, polar 24
Boundary 308
Boundary operation 309
Boundary, complex 34
Boundary, local shadow 124
Boundary, reduced 34
Boundary, sharp local shadow 124
Boundary, sharp M-shadow 122
Bounding chain 309
Bruckner 86
Bruckner sphere 87
Bruggesser — Mani shelling 93
Bundle, fiber 246
Cartier divisor 264
Cartier divisor, invariant 263
Cech cohomology group 319
Cell, complex 66
Cell, k- 65
Cell, spherical 65
Cell, straight 65
Center 23
Centrally symmetric 23
Chain, bounding 309
Chain, complex 311
Chain, group 308
Chain, homologous chains 309
Chain, mapping 311
Characteristic, Euler - of a sheaf 324
Chern class 324
Chow ring 287
Class, Chern 324
Class, Todd 325
Closed star 67
Coboundary operation 311
Cochain group 319
Coface 51
Coface, complex 51
Cohomology group 311
Cohomology group, Cech 319
Collapse process 97
Collapse, elementary (s, m)- 97
Collapse, process 97
Combination, affine 4
Combination, convex 4
Combinatorial, equivalence 34
Combinatorial, isomorphism 34
Combinatorial, Picard group 170
Combinatorial, Picard number 173
Combinatorially, equivalent 34
Combinatorially, isomorphic 34
Combinatorially, isomorphic cones 152
Combinatorially, isomorphic polytopes 34
Compact factor 230
Complete fan 67
Complete fan, polyhedral 186
Complete fan, rational 186
Complete toric variety 251
Complex, boundary 34
Complex, cell 66
Complex, chain 311
Complex, coface 51
Complex, face 51
Complex, isomorphic complexes 66
Complex, quotient 81
Complex, reduced boundary 34
Complex, simplicial 66
Complex, spherical 66
Complex, subcomplex 67
Complex, topology 221
Cone 6
Cone of normals 16
Cone, combinatorially isomorphic cones 152
Cone, dual 16
Cone, lattice 144
Cone, normal cone at x 16
Cone, of normals 16
Cone, polyhedral 6
Cone, quotient 152
Cone, rational polyhedral 144
Cone, regular lattice 146
Cone, simplex 146
Cone, simplicial 146
Cone, with apex 6
Convex 3
Convex, body 6
Convex, combination 4
Convex, function 19
Convex, hull 4 10
Convex, polytope 5
Convex, strictly 27
Coordinate, functions 218
Coordinate, ring 202
Coordinate, transformation 221
Coordinates, barycentric 4
Cospan 146
Critical point 301
Critical point, index of a 301
Crosspolytope, n- 42
Culminate 95
| Curve, moment 42
Cyclic polytope 42 44
De Concini — Procesi’s Theorem 252
Dehn — Sommerville equations 82 83
Del Pezzo, polytope 193
Del Pezzo, variety 304
Dependency, affine 49
Dependency, space of linear dependencies 49
Dependent, affinely 4
Diagram, (n-l) 85
Diagram, Gale 58
Diagram, Schlegel 85
Differentiable convex body 27
Dimension, Krull 211
Direct sum 105
Distance function 21 23
Divisor, anticanonical - of a toric variety 303
Divisor, Carrier 264
Divisor, effective 263
Divisor, invariant 263
Divisor, invariant Cartier 265
Divisor, invariant prime 263
Divisor, locally principal 264
Divisor, prime 263
Divisor, principal 264
Divisors, Weil 263
Dual cone 16
Dual face 152
Dual shelling 95
Effective divisor 263
Ehrhart’s Theorem 137
Element, face element representing a toric subvariety 289
Element, polytope 175
Elementary (s, m)-collapse 97
Elementary subdivision 70
Elementary subdivision, inverse 70
Embeddable 89
Embeddable, polyhedrally 89
Embedded torus 242
Embedding, polyhedral 89
Embedding, star-shaped 90
Embedding, torus 226
Equivalence, combinatorial 34
Equivalent, combinatorially 34
Equivariant line bundle 286
Equivariant morphism 244
Equivariant, blowdown 248
Equivariant, blowup 248
Equivariant, map 244
Equivariantly projective toric variety 276
Euler characteristic of a sheaf 324
Euler — Poincare’s theorem 78
f-vector 35
Face 14
Face elerrisnt representing a toric subvariety 289
Face, complex 51
Face, dual 152
Face, figure 38
Face, free 97
Face, improper 14
Face, k- 14
Face, polar 37
Facet 14
Fan 67
Fan, complete 67
Fan, map of fans 158
Fan, minimal regular complete 187
Fan, of K 17
Fan, perpendicular projection 246
Fan, polyhedral 67
Fan, polyhedral complete 186
Fan, quotient 81
Fan, rational complete 186
Fan, regular 165
Fan, simplicia] 67
Fan, strongly polytopal 159 175
Fan, unimodular equivalent fans 186
Fan-like sphere 91
Fano, polytope 192
Fano, toric-variety 304
Farey’s lemma 180
Fiber bundle 246
Fiber, typical 246
Fibration 246
Fibration, trivial 246
Figure, face 38
Figure, vertex 38
Finitely generated monoid 154
Free face 97
Function, convex 19
Function, distance 22
Function, Morse 301
Function, positive homogeneous 20
Function, rational 208
Function, regular 208
Function, sheaf of rational functions 260
Function, support 18
Gale diagram 58
Gale transform 52
Gale’s evenness condition 44
Generated ideal 200
Generators of a monoid 154
Generators, minimal system of 154
Global section 263
Gluing map 226
Gordan’s Lemma 154
Group, Cech cohomology 319
Group, chain 308
Group, cochain 319
Group, combinatorial Picard 170
Group, homology 310
Group, Picard 271
Group, relative homology 310
h-vector 83
Half-space 6
Half-space, supporting 12
Hausdorff, distance 107
Hausdorff, metric 108
Height 211
Hilbert’s Nullstellensatz 204
Hirzebruch surface 228
Hodge, toric-index theorem 296
Hodge, toric-inequality 295
Homologous chains 309
Homologous relative to a subcomplex 310
Homology group 310
Homology group with respect to a subcomplex 310
Homology group, relative 310
Homomorphism, module 260
Hull, affine 6
Hull, convex 6
Hull, inear 5
Hull, positive 6
Hyperplane, arrangement 139
Hyperplane, supporting 12
Ideal 200
Ideal, generated 200
Ideal, maximal 203
Ideal, prime 203
Ideal, principal 200
Ideal, vanishing 201
Improper faces 14
Independent zonotope 138
Index of a critical point 301
Inner, normal 12
Interior, relative 6
Intersection complex 75
Intersection number 291
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