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Cornell P. — A complete guide to PivotTables: A visual approach
Cornell P. — A complete guide to PivotTables: A visual approach

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Íàçâàíèå: A complete guide to PivotTables: A visual approach

Àâòîð: Cornell P.


Tables are powerful data analysis tools, yet most Excel users don't use them to their fullest potential. This guide shows why Pivot Tables are versatile for data analysis and how you can leverage them to spot trends and make fast business decisions.

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Format Report button      99
Format Report command      111
Format Walls dialog box      209
Formatting PivotCharts      See PivotCharts formatting
Formatting, conditional      See conditional formatting
Formulas command      112
Formulas menu      244
Garbage collection      279
Grand Totals For Columns check box      68
Grand Totals For Rows check box      68
Green triangles      29
Gridlines tab, of Format Chart Area dialog box      192
Gridlines, of PivotCharts      191—192 212—213
Group and Show Detail command      112 196
Grouping items (case studies), Contoso Publishing      169—170
Grouping items (case studies), Tailspin Toys      157—158
Grouping members      260—264
Hide command      112
Hide Detail button      100
Hide Detail command      200
Hide Dimension command      243
Hide item list, PivotTable Field dialog box for page fields      107
Hide Levels command      243
Hide PivotChart Field Buttons command      196
Hiding and showing      128—129
Hiding details      128—129
Hierarchical data      See “Multidimensional data”
Ignore Error option      29
Imports statement      278
Include Hidden Items In Totals button      100
Inner and outer row and column fields      90—91
Insert Calculated Field dialog box      95—96
Insert Calculated Item dialog box      97—98 121
Insert Function dialog box      16
Item filters      92—95
Item property, Workbook collection      274—276
LabelRange property, PivotField object      310
Layout, adding fields to      114 116—117
Layout, defining, using Wizard      74—75
Legends tab, Format Chart Area dialog box      192
Legends, of PivotCharts      183 192 206—207
Levels      238 243 245 260
Line charts      177—178
Lists, analyzing data using      22—25
Lists, defined      48
Lists, dynamic      9
Lists, field list      48—50 85 124—125
Location command      211
Manual data analysis      12 13
Mark Totals With * check box      69
MAX worksheet function      17
Measures, adding      255 256
Measures, defined      239
Members, calculated      242
Members, defined      238
Members, hiding      245
Memory, cleaning up      279 274
Memory, optimizing      70
Menu, PivotTable      111—113 243 246
Merge Labels check box      68
Merged cells      68
Microsoft Query      62 65
Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for the Microsoft Office System (VSTO)      279
min function      24
MIN worksheet function      16—17
Modifying PivotTables      217—218
Module keyword      278
Multidimensional data, adding dimensions and measures      255—256
Multidimensional data, contrasting with other types of data      241—242
Multidimensional data, creating data source      248—252 254
Multidimensional data, creating PivotTables and PivotCharts      254—255
Multidimensional data, filtering data      258—259
Multidimensional data, overview      227—229 230 231—234 236
Multidimensional data, rearranging dimensions      257—258
Multidimensional data, showing and hiding levels      260
Multidimensional data, sorting and showing top members      264—267
Multidimensional data, terminology      236—241
Multidimensional data, working with offline      246 248
Name box, PivotTable Field dialog box for page fields      107
Nondimensional data      230—231
Number formatting, changing      76—77
Number tab, Format Axis dialog box      204
NumberFormat property, Sum of Transactions PivotField object      321
Object model, PivotTable      271 273—279
Office Data Connection files      54
Offline cube files      243 246 248
Offline Cube Wizard      246 248
Offline OLAP command      112 243
OLAP Cube Wizard      248—254
Online analytical processing (OLAP)      228 237;
Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) cube      52
Online Analytical Processing (OLAP), property fields      113
Online Analytical Processing (OLAP), source data, connecting to      112
Open method      276 278
OpenDatabase method      288
Optimize Memory check box      70
Optimizing memory      70
Order command      113
Ordering items (case studies), Contoso Publishing      164—165
Ordering items (case studies), Tailspin Toys      155—156
Outer column field, changing to inner column field      125
Outer row field, changing to inner row field      125
Page areas      84
Page Field Options area, PivotTable Field Advanced Options dialog box      108
Page fields values, creating multiple pages from      153—154
Page fields, grouping data in      260—264
Page Layout list      69
Parameter queries      53
Passwords for accessing external data, saving      70
Patterns command      212
Patterns tab, Format Axis dialog box      202
Patterns tab, Format Chart Area dialog box      189
Patterns tab, Format Data Series dialog box      197
Patterns tab, Format Data Table dialog box      208
Patterns tab, Format Legend dialog box      206
Pie charts      180—181
PivotCache object      271 326 328
PivotCaches collection      271 326
PivotCell object      271 327 328
PivotChart command      112
PivotChart Options command      196
PivotCharts, adding dimensions and measures to      256
PivotCharts, changing formatting      221—225
PivotCharts, changing type      220
PivotCharts, connecting to cube file      254—255
PivotCharts, creating      184—186 216—217 254—255
PivotCharts, designing      217—218
PivotCharts, filtering data in      258—259
PivotCharts, floor      213—214
PivotCharts, formatting axes      202—205
PivotCharts, formatting chart area      188—189 191—195
PivotCharts, formatting data series      197—201
PivotCharts, formatting data table      208—209
PivotCharts, formatting field buttons      196
PivotCharts, formatting legend      206—207
PivotCharts, formatting overview      186
PivotCharts, formatting walls      209—210
PivotCharts, gridlines      212—213
PivotCharts, lost formatting in      214—215
PivotCharts, modifying      219—220
PivotCharts, overview      173—176 178—179 181—182
PivotCharts, plot area      210—211
PivotCharts, rearranging dimensions in      257—258
PivotCharts, selecting      59—60
PivotCharts, showing and hiding levels in      260
PivotCharts, sorting and showing top members in      264—267
PivotCharts, terminology      182—184
PivotCharts, uses for      214
PivotField object      271 326 329
PivotField object, AutoShow method      317
PivotField object, Calculation property      319
PivotField object, LabelRange property      310
PivotFields collection      271
PivotFormula object      271 329
PivotFormulas collection      271
PivotItem object      271 326 329
PivotItemList object      271 327
PivotItems collection      271
PivotLayout object      271 325
PivotTable and PivotChart Wizard, creating PivotTables with      40—47
PivotTable and PivotChart Wizard, creating PivotTables with changing summary function and number formatting      76—77
PivotTable and PivotChart Wizard, creating PivotTables with connecting to source data      70—73
PivotTable and PivotChart Wizard, creating PivotTables with defining initial layout      74—75
PivotTable and PivotChart Wizard, using layout page of      88—89
PivotTable button      99
PivotTable Field Advanced Options dialog      102 105 130 244—245
PivotTable Field Advanced Options dialog box      105—106
PivotTable Field dialog box      77 101 103—104 108
PivotTable Field dialog box for data fields      108—109
PivotTable Field dialog box for page fields      107—108
PivotTable Field dialog box, column and row fields      104—105
PivotTable Field dialog box, customizing PivotTables using      129—133
PivotTable Field dialog box, Format Cells dialog box      110
PivotTable Field dialog box, overview      101 103—104
PivotTable Field Layout dialog box      102 106—107
PivotTable Field List dialog box      74 85
PivotTable menu      111—113 243 246
PivotTable object      271 327 329—330
PivotTable Options dialog box      47 67—68 113 196
PivotTable toolbar      See toolbar PivotTable
PivotTables      See more specific terms
PivotTables collection      271
Placement tab, Format Legend dialog box      206
Plot area      183 210—211
Preserve Formatting check box      68
Print Options area, PivotTable Field Layout dialog box      107
Printing PivotTables      68—69
Programming PivotCharts, adding fields to PivotTable visual layout      294—296
Programming PivotCharts, AutoSort and AutoShow items      314—317
Programming PivotCharts, changing field placement      296—298
Programming PivotCharts, changing field's custom calculation      318—320
Programming PivotCharts, changing field's display format      320—321
Programming PivotCharts, creating calculated field and calculated item      304—308
Programming PivotCharts, creating PivotChart      289—294
Programming PivotCharts, moving field      302—304
Programming PivotCharts, setting and removing field filters      298—302
Programming PivotCharts, showing and hiding field items      308—313
Programming PivotTables, code examples, creating PivotTables      280—288
Programming PivotTables, code examples, overview      279—280
Programming PivotTables, overview      269—270
Programming PivotTables, PivotTable object model      271 273—279
Programming PivotTables, required knowledge      270
Properties tab, Format Chart Area dialog box      190
Property Fields command      113 243
Property fields, defined      241
Property fields, displaying      243
Pyramid charts      180
Queries, parameter      53
Query files      54
Query Wizard      62
Query Wizard, Choose Columns dialog box      63
Query Wizard, Filter Data dialog box      63
Query Wizard, Finish dialog box      64
Query Wizard, Sort Order dialog box      64
Radar charts      178
Range object      271 310
Refresh Data button      100
Refresh Data command      112 196 243
Refresh Every check box      70
Refresh On Open check box      70
Refreshing PivotTable      70
Regions, displaying subtotals by      13
Regions, recreating visitors by region and day crosstab table      29—30
Regions, showing visitor subtotals by      33—34
Relational data      230—232
Removing fields      112 196
Repeat Item Labels On Each Printed Page check box      68
Reports, formatting      66 68—70
Reports, templates for      54
Row fields      90—91
Row fields and PivotTable Field dialog box      104—105
Row fields, grouping data in      260—264
Save Data With Table Layout check box      69
Saving passwords      70
Saving PivotTable      69
Scale command      212
Scale tab, Format Axis dialog box      202—203
Select command      112
Select Database dialog box      61
Select method, Range object      310
Select Workbook dialog box      61
Selection object, Delete method      310
Selection object, ShowDetail property      310 313
Series axis      183
Series Order tab, Format Data Series dialog box      198—200
Series, repositioning      198—200
Set Print Titles check box      69
Shape tab, Format Data Series dialog box      197
Shapes in column charts, changing      197
Show Detail button      100
Show Detail command      200
Show Field List button      101
Show Items With No Data check box, PivotTable Field dialog box for page fields      108
Show Pages command      113 244
ShowDetail property, Selection object      310 313
Sort command      113
Sort Data dialog box (Query Wizard)      64
Sorting items (case studies), Contoso Publishing      164—165
Sorting items (case studies), Tailspin Toys      155—156
Source Data command      190
Source data, connecting to      60—62 64 66 70—73 114
Standard deviation, calculating      159—160
Stock chart      182
Structure Query Language (SQL)      65
Subtotal dialog box      3
Subtotal Hidden Page Items check box      68
Subtotals      2—4 13 15 30—31 33—35
Subtotals area, of PivotTable Field dialog box for page fields      107—108
Subtotals command      113
Sum of Transactions PivotField object, NumberFormat property      321
Sum summary function      92
Summary function, changing      76—77
Surface charts      178
Table Options command      113
Tables, adding to PivotTables      138—139
Tables, cross tab      See “Crosstab tables”
Tailspin Toys case study, adding fields to PivotTable      152—153
Tailspin Toys case study, AutoShow of inner row field top items      156—157
Tailspin Toys case study, calculating standard deviation      159—160
Tailspin Toys case study, creating multiple pages from page field values      153—154
Tailspin Toys case study, creating PivotTable      151—152
Tailspin Toys case study, customizing data      152—153
Tailspin Toys case study, grouping items      157—158
Tailspin Toys case study, overview      150—151
Tailspin Toys case study, sorting and ordering items      155—156
Templates, for reports      54
ThisWorkbook property      274
Tide field      90—92
Titles tab, Chart Options dialog box      195
Titles tab, Format Chart Area dialog box      191
Titles, modifying      190
Toolbar, PivotTable, customizing PivotTables using, adding color      127—128
Toolbar, PivotTable, customizing PivotTables using, hiding and showing details      128—129
Toolbar, PivotTable, customizing PivotTables using, overview      126
Toolbar, PivotTable, overview      99—101
Toolbar, PivotTable, PivotTable Field dialog box, column and row fields      104—105
Toolbar, PivotTable, PivotTable Field dialog box, for data fields      108—109
Toolbar, PivotTable, PivotTable Field dialog box, for page fields      107—108
Toolbar, PivotTable, PivotTable Field dialog box, Format Cells dialog box      110
Toolbar, PivotTable, PivotTable Field dialog box, overview      101 103—104
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