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Cornell P. — A complete guide to PivotTables: A visual approach
Cornell P. — A complete guide to PivotTables: A visual approach

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Íàçâàíèå: A complete guide to PivotTables: A visual approach

Àâòîð: Cornell P.


Tables are powerful data analysis tools, yet most Excel users don't use them to their fullest potential. This guide shows why Pivot Tables are versatile for data analysis and how you can leverage them to spot trends and make fast business decisions.

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 18.05.2005

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.odc extension      54
3-D PivotCharts, floor of      213—214
3-D View command      209 211 213
3-D View dialog box      194
ActiveWorkbook property      273
Add method      276
Add method, Chart collection      290
Add method, Workbook collection      274
Add Trendline command      200
AddDataField method      288
AddFields method, PivotTable object      296
Alignment tab, Format Axis dialog box      204
Alternatives to PivotTables, crosstab tables      9—10
Alternatives to PivotTables, data validation and conditional formatting      7—8
Alternatives to PivotTables, dynamic lists      9
Alternatives to PivotTables, filters      6—7
Alternatives to PivotTables, overview      2
Alternatives to PivotTables, subtotals      2—4
Alternatives to PivotTables, worksheet formulas      4—6
Always Display Items button      100
Analyzing data, manually      12—13
Analyzing data, using AutoFilter      17—19
Analyzing data, using conditional formatting      19—20 22
Analyzing data, using crosstab tables, creating Totals row      28—29
Analyzing data, using crosstab tables, crosstab reports' drawbacks      31—32
Analyzing data, using crosstab tables, crosstab reports' subtotals      30—31
Analyzing data, using crosstab tables, overview      26—27
Analyzing data, using crosstab tables, recreating visitors by region and day crosstab table      29—30
Analyzing data, using crosstab tables, resorting numbers on data worksheet      27—28
Analyzing data, using lists      22—25
Analyzing data, using subtotals      13 15
Analyzing data, using worksheet functions      16—17
Apress Web site      70
Area charts      176—177
AutoFilter, analyzing data using      17—19
AutoFilter, using in lists      25
AutoFilter, using in PivotTables      36—37
AutoFormat dialog box      111
AutoFormat Table check box      68
AutoShow area, PivotTable Field Advanced Options dialog box      106
AutoShow items      314—317
AutoShow method, PivotField object      317
AutoShow of inner row field top items(case study)      156—157
AutoSort items      314—317
AutoSort method      315
AutoSort Options area, of PivotTable Field Advanced Options dialog box      106
Axes tab, Format Chart Area dialog box      191
Axes, PivotCharts      198 202—205
Axes, PivotTables      190—191
Axis tab, Format Data Series dialog box      198
Background Query check box      70
Bar charts      178—179
Borders, gridlines      212
Borders, legends      206
Browse Data Source dialog box      66
Bubble chart      182
Calculated fields      95—99 120—122 304—308
Calculated items      122—124 304—308
Calculated members      242
CalculatedFields collection      271
CalculatedItems collection      271
CalculatedMember object      271 327 328
CalculatedMembers collection      271 327
Calculation property, PivotField object      319
Case studies, Contoso Publishing, adding fields to PivotTable      164
Case studies, Contoso Publishing, changing data format display      165—166
Case studies, Contoso Publishing, comparison of sales as percentage difference from base data      167—168
Case studies, Contoso Publishing, conditional formatting      169
Case studies, Contoso Publishing, creating PivotTable      163
Case studies, Contoso Publishing, grouping items      169—170
Case studies, Contoso Publishing, overview      161—162
Case studies, Contoso Publishing, sorting and ordering items      164—165
Case studies, Fabrikam Interiors, adding fields to PivotTable      138—139
Case studies, Fabrikam Interiors, changing field orientations      139—140
Case studies, Fabrikam Interiors, creating calculated field      148—149
Case studies, Fabrikam Interiors, creating PivotTable      137 145—147
Case studies, Fabrikam Interiors, displaying data by category      140—141 143—145
Case studies, Fabrikam Interiors, grouping and ungrouping items      141—143
Case studies, Fabrikam Interiors, overview      136—137
Case studies, Tailspin Toys, adding fields to PivotTable      152—153
Case studies, Tailspin Toys, AutoShow of inner row field top items      156—157
Case studies, Tailspin Toys, calculating standard deviation      159—160
Case studies, Tailspin Toys, creating multiple pages from page field values      153—154
Case studies, Tailspin Toys, creating PivotTable      151—152
Case studies, Tailspin Toys, customizing data      152—153
Case studies, Tailspin Toys, grouping items      157—158
Case studies, Tailspin Toys, overview      150—151
Case studies, Tailspin Toys, sorting and ordering items      155—156
Category axis      182 204—205
Cells, merged      68
Chart area      182
Chart object      271 325
Chart Options command      210
Chart Options dialog box, Axes tab      191
Chart Options dialog box, Data Labels tab      193
Chart Options dialog box, Data Table tab      193
Chart Options dialog box, displaying      210
Chart Options dialog box, Gridlines tab      192
Chart Options dialog box, Legends tab      192
Chart Options dialog box, Titles tab      191 195
Chart Type command      190 200 210
Chart Window command      211
Chart Wizard button      100
Choose Columns dialog box (Query Wizard)      63
Choose Data Source dialog box      51—52 60
Clear command      209 211—213
Colors, adding to PivotTables      127—128
Column areas      84
Column charts      178
Columns      90—91
Columns and PivotTable Field dialog box      104—105
Columns, displaying grand totals for      68
Columns, grouping data in      260—264
CommandText property      285
components      See also “Menu PivotTable”; PivotTable”
Components, calculated fields and items      95—99
Components, drop areas      83—85
Components, field buttons      89
Components, field items      92
Components, field list      85—89
Components, field placement restrictions      91
Components, inner and outer row and column fields      90—91
Components, item filters      92—95
Components, overview      81
Computer memory, optimizing      70
Conditional formatting      7—8
Conditional Formatting dialog box      21
Conditional formatting, analyzing data using      19—20 22
Cone charts      180
Connecting to source data      60—62 64 66 70—73 114
Connection Property      285
Consolidation ranges, defined      48
Consolidation ranges, selecting      54—57 59
Contoso Publishing case study      169
Contoso Publishing case study, adding fields to PivotTable      164
Contoso Publishing case study, changing data format display      165—166
Contoso Publishing case study, comparison of sales as percentage difference from base data      167—168
Contoso Publishing case study, conditional formatting      169
Contoso Publishing case study, creating PivotTable      163
Contoso Publishing case study, grouping items      169—170
Contoso Publishing case study, overview      161—162
Contoso Publishing case study, sorting and ordering items      164—165
Corners      182
Count summary function      92
CreatePivotTable method      286
Creating PivotCharts      184—186 216—217 289—294
Creating PivotTables      See also “Customizing PivotTables”
Creating PivotTables, adding fields to layout      114 116—117
Creating PivotTables, based on another PivotTable's source data      145—147
Creating PivotTables, case studies, Contoso Publishing      163
Creating PivotTables, case studies, Fabrikam Interiors      137
Creating PivotTables, case studies, Tailspin Toys      151—152
Creating PivotTables, connecting to source data      114
Creating PivotTables, creating calculated fields      120—122
Creating PivotTables, creating calculated items      122—124
Creating PivotTables, creating new data source connection      60—62 64 66
Creating PivotTables, example code      280—288
Creating PivotTables, moving fields to different drop area      118
Creating PivotTables, overview      39
Creating PivotTables, selecting consolidation range      54—57 59
Creating PivotTables, selecting Excel list or database      48—50
Creating PivotTables, selecting existing PivotTable or PivotChart      59—60
Creating PivotTables, selecting existing source data      48
Creating PivotTables, selecting external source data      51—52
Creating PivotTables, setting report formatting and data presentation options      66 68—70
Creating PivotTables, using Wizard      40—47
Creating PivotTables, using Wizard, changing summary function and number formatting      76—77
Creating PivotTables, using Wizard, connecting to source data      70—73
Creating PivotTables, using Wizard, defining initial layout      74—75
Creating PivotTables, using Wizard, filtering data      77—79
Crosstab tables      9—10 26—27 29
Crosstab tables, creating Totals row      28—29
Crosstab tables, crosstab reports' drawbacks      31—32
Crosstab tables, crosstab reports' subtotals      30—31
Crosstab tables, overview      26—27
Crosstab tables, recreating visitors by region and day crosstab table      29—30
Crosstab tables, resorting numbers on data worksheet      27—28
CType method      278
Cube files      246 248 254—255
CubeField object      271 325 328
CubeFields collection      271 325
Custom calculation of field, changing      318—320
Customizing PivotTables, adding fields to layout      114 116—117
Customizing PivotTables, creating calculated fields      120—122
Customizing PivotTables, creating calculated items      122—124
Customizing PivotTables, filtering PivotTables      118—119
Customizing PivotTables, moving fields to different drop area      118
Customizing PivotTables, using PivotTable Field dialog box      129—133
Customizing PivotTables, using PivotTable Field list      124—125
Customizing PivotTables, using PivotTable toolbar, adding color      127—128
Customizing PivotTables, using PivotTable toolbar, hiding and showing details      128—129
Customizing PivotTables, using PivotTable toolbar, overview      126
Cylinder charts      180
Data analysis      See “Analyzing data”
Data areas      84
Data Labels tab, Format Chart Area dialog box      193
Data Labels tab, Format Data Series dialog box      198
Data Options area      69—70
Data presentation, setting options      66 68—70
Data series, of PivotCharts      197—201
Data source, creating new      60—62 64 66
Data source, selecting external      52
Data Table tab, of Format Chart Area dialog box      193
Data table, of PivotCharts      182 193 208—209
Data validation      7—8
Data warehouses      236 240 241 243
Databases, selecting      48—50
Days, displaying subtotals by      14—15
Days, recreating visitors by region and day crosstab table      29—30
Days, showing visitor subtotals by      34—35
Delete method, Selection object      310
Designing PivotTables      219—220
Details, drilling down to      70
Dimensions, adding      255—256
Dimensions, defined      238
Dimensions, rearranging      257—258
Dimensions, removing      243
Display Options area, of PivotTable Field Layout dialog box      107
Doughnut charts      181—182
dqy extension      54
Dragging and dropping fields      86 88
Drilling down to detailed data      70
Drop areas      83—85 118
Dynamic lists      9
Empty values, clearing/displaying text in cells with      69
Enable Drill To Details check box      70
Errors, clearing/displaying text in cells with      69
Excel, PivotTable and PivotChart features      324 325—327
External source data, selecting      51—52
Fabrikam Interiors case study, adding fields to PivotTable      138—139
Fabrikam Interiors case study, changing field orientations      139—140
Fabrikam Interiors case study, creating calculated field      148—149
Fabrikam Interiors case study, creating PivotTable      137 145—147
Fabrikam Interiors case study, displaying data      140—141 143—145
Fabrikam Interiors case study, grouping and ungrouping items      141—143
Fabrikam Interiors case study, overview      136—137
Field buttons, of PivotCharts      89 182 196
Field drop—down list      92
Field items      92
Field list      85—89
Field Options dialog box      196
Field Settings command      100 113
Fields Per Column list      69
Fields, adding to layout      114 116—117 294—296
Fields, adding to PivotTable (case studies)      164 152—153
Fields, changing custom calculation      318—320
Fields, changing display format      320—321
Fields, creating calculated fields      120—122
Fields, creating calculated items      122—124
Fields, dragging and dropping      86 88
Fields, moving      118 302—304
Fields, placement of changing      296—298
Fields, placement of restrictions      91
Fields, removing      112 196
Fields, setting and removing filters      298—302
Fields, showing and hiding items      308—313
Fill color of legend, changing      206
Filter Data dialog box (Query Wizard)      63
Filtering data      118—119
Filtering data by selecting combination of members      258—259
Filtering data, item filters      92—95
Filtering data, setting and removing field filters      298—302
Filtering data, using Wizard      77—79
Finish dialog box (Query Wizard)      64
floor, of 3—D PivotCharts      183 213—214
Font style of data table      208
Font style of legend      206
Font tab, Format Axis dialog box      202
Font tab, Format Chart Area dialog box      189
Font tab, Format Data Table dialog box      208
Font tab, Format Legend dialog box      206
For Empty Values Show check box      69
For Error Values Show check box      69
Format Axis command      202
Format Axis dialog box, Alignment tab      204
Format Axis dialog box, displaying      202
Format Axis dialog box, Font tab      202
Format Axis dialog box, Number tab      204
Format Axis dialog box, Patterns tab      202
Format Axis dialog box, Scale tab      203
Format Cells dialog box      76 104 110
Format Chart Area command      188—189
Format Chart Area dialog box, Font tab      189
Format Chart Area dialog box, Patterns tab      189
Format Chart Area dialog box, Properties tab      190
Format Data Series command      197
Format Data Series dialog box, Axis tab      198
Format Data Series dialog box, Data Labels tab      198
Format Data Series dialog box, displaying      197
Format Data Series dialog box, Patterns tab      197
Format Data Series dialog box, Series Order tab      198—200
Format Data Series dialog box, Shape tab      197
Format Data Series dialog box, Y Error Bars tab      198
Format Data Table dialog box      208
Format Floor dialog box      213
Format Gridlines dialog box      212
Format Legend dialog box      206 207
Format Options area      68—69
Format PivotChart Field command      196
Format Plot Area dialog box      210
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