Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Katznelson Y. — Introduction to Harmonic Analysis |
Предметный указатель |
Almost-periodic functions 155 191
Almost-periodic pseudo-measure 166
Analytic measures 88
Banach algebra 194
Banach algebra, regular 223
Basis (for T) 8
Bernstein's inequality 17 154
Bernstein's theorem 32
Bessel's inequality 28
Beurling — Helson 217
Blaschke product 84
Bochner 97 137
Bohr 167
Bohr compactification 192
Bohr group 192
Canonical factorization 85
Cantor set 188 231
Carleson 59
Complete direct sum 187
Conjugate Fourier series 3
Conjugate function 48 64
Conjugate, of a trigonometric series 3
Consistent norms 94
Convolution 5 40 122 150
de la Vallee Poussin's kernel 15 126
Denjoy — Caxleman 113
Dini's test 54
Dirichlet kernel 13
Distribution function 65
Distribution, on T 43
Distribution, on T, support of 44 149
Distribution, on T, tempered, on R 147
Ditkin — Shilov 225
Divergence, set of 55
Dual group 189
Fatou 21
Fejer's kernel 12 124
Fejer's lemma 17
Fejer's theorem 18
Fourier coefficients 3 34
Fourier series, a 3
Fourier series, a, of a function 3
Fourier series, a, of a functional 34
Fourier series, a, of an almost-periodic function 164
Fourier transform, for 120 190
Fourier transform, for , 139
Fourier — Carleman transform 179
Fourier — Gelfand transform 207
Fourier — Stieltjes coefficients 37
Fourier — Stieltjes series 37
Fourier — Stieltjes transform 131 191
Function algebra 203
Function algebra, normal 221
Function algebra, regular 221
Gauss' kernel 127
Gelfand representation 207
Gelfand — Mazur 200
Gleason parts 212
Haar measure 187
Hardy 52 91
Hardy — Littlewood series 32
Hausdorff-Young 98 142
Herglotz 38
Homogeneous Banach space, on R 127
Homogeneous Banach space, on T 14
Hull 222
Ideal, primary 224
Ideal, regular 200
Inverse dosed 204
Jensen's inequality 82
Kernel (of a set) 223 see
Kolmogorov 59
Kronecker set 184
Kronecker's theorem 60 181
Lacunary (Hadamard) 104
| LCA groups 186
Lebesgue's constants 47
Lebesgue's theorem 20
Localization, principle of 54
Log convex 112
Lusin conjecture 59
Malliavin 231
Marcinkiewicz 93
Maximal function 73
Maximal ideal space 205
Mean value 160
Modulus of continuity 25
Multiplicative linear functional 201
Multiplicative norm 198
Normed algebra 196
Orthonormal system 27
Orthonormal system, complete 28
Paley — Wiener 173
Parseval's formula 29 35 132
Partition of unity 222
Plancherel's Theorem 140 191
Poisson integral 62
Poisson — Jensen 82
Poisson's kernel 15
Poisson's summation formula 129
Pontryagin duality theorem 189
Positive def'mite function 137 191
Positive definite sequence 38
Principle value 79
Pseudo-function 154
Pseudo-measure 150
Quasi-analytic 113
Radical 207
Resolvent set 199
Riemann — Lebesgue lemma 13 123
Riesz product 107
Riesz — Thorin 97
Riesz, F. 89
Riesz, M. 68 89
Rudin — Shapixo polynomials 33
Self-adjoint Banach algebra 209
Self-adjoint function algebra 204
Semisimpie 207
Sidon set 109
Spectral analysis, weak-star 170
Spectral norm 207
Spectral synthesis, in regular algebras 229—235
Spectral synthesis, set of 230
Spectrum, norm 159
Spectrum, weak-star 170
Summability kernel 9 124 188
Summability kernel, positive 10
Support, of a distribution 44
Support, of a function 17
Support, of a functional 230
Symbolic calculus 242
Tensor product 249
Titchmarsh's convolution theorem 17 8
Translation invariance, of measures 1
Translation invariance, of spaces 9 144
Trigonometric polynomial, degree of 2
Trigonometric polynomial, frequencies of 2 159
Trigonometric polynomial, on R 159
Trigonometric polynomial, on T 2
Trigonometric series 3
Uniqueness theorem 13 125 163
van der Corput's lemma 220
Weak type 65
Weierstrass approximation theorem 15
Weierstrass function 106
Wiener 42 202
Wiener — Levy 210
Wiener — Pitt phenomenon 246
Wiener's general Tauberian theorem 228
Wiener's lemma 228
Zygmund 33
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