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Ahlfors L.V. — Complex analysis
Ahlfors L.V. — Complex analysis

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Название: Complex analysis

Автор: Ahlfors L.V.


A standard source of information of functions of one complex variable, this text has retained its wide popularity in this field by being consistently rigorous without becoming needlessly concerned with advanced or overspecialized material. Difficult points have been clarified, the book has been reviewed for accuracy, and notations and terminology have been modernized. Chapter 2, Complex Functions, features a brief section on the change of length and area under conformal mapping, and much of Chapter 8, Global-Analytic Functions, has been rewritten in order to introduce readers to the terminology of germs and sheaves while still emphasizing that classical concepts are the backbone of the theory. Chapter 4, Complex Integration, now includes a new and simpler proof of the general form of Cauchy's theorem. There is a short section on the Riemann zeta function, showing the use of residues in a more exciting situation than in the computation of definite integrals.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: second edition

Год издания: 1966

Количество страниц: 317

Добавлена в каталог: 18.05.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Point, ordinary      300
Poisson's formula      165—167
Pole      30 127
Polygon      56
Polynomial      28—29
Power series      33—42
Precompact      213
Principal branch      71
Probability integral      204
Purely imaginary, definition      1
Rational function      30—33
Real number      1
Real part      1
Rectifiable arc      104—105
Reflection principle      170—172
Region      57
Region, closed      57
Region, determined by $\gamma$      116
Regular arc      69
Regular function      127
Regular singular point      302—304
Relatively prime      291
Removable singularity      124—126
Residue      147—160
Residue theorem      147—151
Resultant      291—292
Riemann mapping theorem      221—227
Riemann sphere      19
Riemann surface      97—99 277—278
Riemann, В.      25
Rotation      78
Rouche's theorem      152
Schlicht      222
Schwarz triangle function      233
Schwarz — Christoffel formula      228—230
Schwarz, H.A., lemma      135
Schwarz, H.A., theorem proved by      167—168
Schwarzian derivative      184
Sequence, convergent      34
Sequence, divergent      34
Sequence, fundamental      34
Set      50
Sheet      97
Simply connected      139—144
Singular part      31 185
Singular path      280
Singular point      280 302
Singularity, algebraic      290
Singularity, algebraic, ordinary      290
Singularity, essential      129
Singularity, isolated      124
Singularity, removable      124—126
Slit mapping      251—253
Solution      299
Space, complete      59
Space, Hausdorff      67
Space, metric      51—54
Space, separable      58
Space, topological      67—68
Space, totally bounded      61
Sphere      19
Square root      2
Steiner, J.      85
Stereographic projection      19
Straight line      17
Subharmonic functions      237—240
Subset      50
Sup      55
Symmetry      80—83
Symmetry principle      82 170
Tangent      69
Taylor series      177—182
Taylor's theorem      125
Topological mapping      65
Topological property      65
Totally bounded      61
Trace      278
Triangle function      233
Triangle inequality      9
Trigonometric functions      44—45
Uniform continuity      66
Uniform convergence      173—177
Uniformizing variable      290
Unimodular      258
union      50
Unit curve      284
Univalent      222
Value, absolute      6
Variable, uniformizing      290
Vector      12
Weierstrass, K.      63 129
Weierstrass, K., $\wp$-function      264—268
Weierstrass, K., theorem      173—176 194
Winding number      114—118
Zero      29 127
1 2
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