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Bird J. — Engineering Mathematics |
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Abscissa 231
Adjoint of matrix 511
Algebra 34 44
Algebraic expression 57
Amplitude 187 190
And-function 483
and-gate 495
Angle of depression 177
Angle of depression, elevation 176
Angles of any magnitude 182
Angles of any magnitude, compound 214
Angles of any magnitude, double 220
Approximations 24
Arc length of sector 140
Arc length of sector of circle 139
Area between curves 454
Area between curves of triangle 198
Area between curves under a curve 448
Area between curves, sector of circle 140
Areas of composite figures 137
Areas of composite figures, irregular figures 161
Areas of composite figures, plane figures 131
Areas of composite figures, similar shapes 138
Argand diagram 292
Argument 296
Arithmetic progression 106
Average value 319
Average value of waveform 164
Base 9 16
Binary to hexadecimal 21
Binomial distribution 334
Binomial distribution, practical problems 120
Binomial distribution, series 114 115
Binomial distribution, theorem 115
Blunder 24
Boolean algebra 483
Boolean algebra, laws and rules of 488
Boyle's law 42
Brackets 38
calculations 24 26
Calculator 26 95 100 178
Calculus 375
cancelling 1
Cartesian axes 231
Cartesian axes, co-ordinates 194
Cartesian axes, complex numbers 291
Centre of gravity 466
Centroids 466
Chain rule 389
Change of limits, integration 416
Charles' law 42
Chord 139
circle 139
Circle, equation of 143 267
Circumference 139
class 312
Class interval 312
Co-ordinates 231
Coefficient of correlation 347
Coefficient of correlation, proportionality 42
Combination of waveforms 287
Combinational logic networks 497
Combinations 112 332
Common difference 106
Common difference, logarithms 89
Common difference, ratio 109
Completing the square 82
Complex conjugate 294
Complex conjugate, equations 295
Complex conjugate, numbers 291
Complex conjugate, numbers, applications of 299
Complex conjugate, numbers, powers of 303
Complex conjugate, numbers, roots of 304
Complex conjugate, waveforms 192
Compound angles 214
Computer numbering systems 16
Cone 145
Confidence, coefficient 360
Confidence, intervals 360
Continuous data 307
Continuous data, functions 273
Conversion of a into 216
Conversion of a into , tables and charts 28
Correlation 347
Cosecant 172
Cosine 172
Cosine, rule 198 289
Cosine, wave production 185
Cotangent 172
Couple 491
Cramer's rule 520
Cubic equations 264 266
cuboid 145
Cumulative frequency distribution 313 316
Cylinder 145
de Moivres theorem 303
De Morgan's laws 490
Deciles 324
Decimal fraction 4
Decimal fraction to binary 17 18
Decimal fraction to hexadecimal 21
Decimal fraction, places 5
Decimal fraction, system 16
Decimals 4
Definite integrals 411
Degrees of freedom 365
Denary number 16
Denominator 1
Dependent event 326
Dependent event, variable 42
derivatives 377
Determinant 508 510
Determinant to solve simultaneous equations 514—520
Determination of law 237 243
Determination of law, involving logarithms 246
Diameter 139
Difference of two squares 81
Differential coefficient 377
Differentiation 375
Differentiation from first principles 377
Differentiation of 379
Differentiation of and 382
Differentiation of product 386
Differentiation of quotient 387
Differentiation of sine and cosine functions 380
Differentiation, applications of 392
Differentiation, function of a function 389
Differentiation, methods of 384
Differentiation, successive 390
Direct proportion 3 42
Discontinuous function 273
Discrete data 307
Dividend 44
Divisor 44
Double angles 220
ellipse 267
Equation of a circle 143
Equations, indicial 92
Equations, quadratic 80
Equations, simple 57
Equations, simultaneous 65
Equations, solving by iterative methods 123
Equations, solving by iterative methods, Newton — Raphson 123
Equations, trigonometric 209
Errors 24
Evaluation of formulae 30
Even function 273
| Expectation 326
Exponential functions 95
Exponential functions, graphs of 98 102 268
Exponential functions, series 96
Extrapolation 237 352
Factor Theorem 46
Factorization 38 80
False axes 238
Finite discontinuities 273
First moment of area 466 475
Formula 30
Formula, quadratic 84
Formulae, transposition of 74
Fractional form of trigonometric ratios 174
Fractions 1
Fractions, partial 51
frequency 190 307
Frequency, distribution 312 315
Frequency, polygon 313 315
Frustum of pyramids and cones 151
Frustum of sphere 155
Function of a function rule 389
Functional notation 375 377
Functions and their curves 266
Fundamental 192
Geometric progression 109
Gradient of a curve 376
Gradient, straight line graph 231
Graphical solution of equations 258
graphs 230
Graphs of cubic equations 264
Graphs with logarithmic scales 251
Graphs, exponential functions 98
Graphs, linear and quadratic equations simultaneously 9
Graphs, logarithmic functions 93
Graphs, quadratic equations 57
Graphs, simultaneous equations 258
Graphs, straight lines 231
Graphs, trigonometric functions 182 185
Grouped data 312
H.C.F. 36
Harmonic analysis 192
Harmonics 192
Heptagon 131
hexadecimal numbers 20
Hexagon 131
histogram 313 316 321
Histogram of probability 335 337
Hooke's law 42
Horizontal bar chart 308
Hyperbola 267
Hyperbola, rectangular 268
Hyperbolic logarithms 89 100
Identity 57
Identity, trigonometric 208
Imaginary number 291
Improper fraction 1
Independent event 326
Independent event, variable 42
indices 9 36
Indices, laws of 9
Indicial equations 92
Integral calculus 407
Integrals, standard 408
Integration 407
Integration by parts 434
Integration using algebraic substitutions 414
Integration using algebraic substitutions, - substitution 430
Integration using algebraic substitutions, partial fractions 426
Integration using algebraic substitutions, trigonometric substitutions 418
Integration, areas under and between curves 448
Integration, Centroids 466
Integration, mean values 457
Integration, r.m.s. values 459
Integration, second moment of area 475
Integration, volumes 461
intercept 232
Interpolation 237 352
Interval estimate 360
Inverse functions 275
Inverse functions, proportion 3 42
Inverse functions, trigonometric functions 276
Inverse matrix 509 511
Invert-gate 495
Karnaugh maps 491
L.C.M. 1
Lagging angles 188 190 287
Lamina 466
Laws of algebra 34
Laws of algebra, growth and decay 102
Laws of algebra, indices 9 36
Laws of algebra, logarithms 89
Laws of algebra, precedence 2 40
Laws of algebra, probability 326
Laws of Boolean algebra 488
Leading angles 188 190 287
Least-squares regression lines 351
Leibniz notation 377
Limiting value 377
Linear and quadratic equations graphically 263
Linear and quadratic equations simultaneously 87
Linear correlation 347
Linear correlation, regression 351
Log-linear graph paper 254
Log-log graph paper 251
Logarithmic graphs 93 268
Logarithmic graphs, scales 251
Logarithms 89
Logarithms, determination of law 246
Logarithms, graphs of 93
Logic circuits 495
Logic circuits, universal 500
Mantissa 13
Matrices 504
Matrices to solve simultaneous equations 514—516
Matrix 504
Matrix, adjoint 511
Matrix, determinant of 508 510
Matrix, inverse 509 511
Matrix, reciprocal 509
Matrix, unit 508
Maximum value 259 396
Maximum value and minimum problems 399
Mean value of waveform 164
Mean values 319 320 457
measures of central tendency 319
Median 319 320
Mensuration 131
Mid-ordinate rule 161 441 451
Minimum value 259 396
Mixed number 1
Modal value 319 320
Modulus 296
multiple-choice questions 127 224 369 522
Nand-gate 495
Napierian logarithms 89 100
Natural logarithms 89 100
Newton — Raphson method 123
Non-terminating decimal 5
Nor-gate 496
Normal curve 340
Normal curve, distribution 340
Normal curve, equations 351
Normal curve, probability paper 344
Normal curve, standard variate 340
Normals 403
Nose-to-tail method 282
Not-function 484
Not-gate 495
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