Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Wright S. — Uniqueness Of The Injective III_1 Factor |
Предметный указатель |
-centralizing sequence 57
Approximately inner automorphism 9 41
Araki — Powers — Stormer inequality 27
Araki — Woods factor 3
Araki, H. 2 28
Arveson Spectrum 94
Arveson, W.B. 3
Asymptotic centralizer 55 57
Asymptotic period 18
Asymptotic ratio set 2
Bicentralizer of a state 4 61
C*-crossed product 66
Centralizer of a positive linear functional 6
Centralizer of a positive linear functional of a weight 6
Centralizing sequence 13
Centrally trivial automorphism 17 18
Choi, M.-D. 3
Cocycle Radon — Nikodym derivative 7
Cocycle, unitary—1 7
Commutation theorem for tensor products 2
Connes, A. 1 3 4 7 11 17 18 19 31 39 42 61
Continuous decomposition 11
Continuous group action 5
Covariant representation 70
Discrete decompositon 19
Dominant weight 11 81
Dual action 6
Dual weight 6
Effros, e. 3
Extension property 3
Exterior equivalence 7
Factor, 1, types of 1 4
Flow of weights 11
Fourier transform 67 94
Fundamental homomorphism 17
Generalized trace 19
Haagerup, U. 1 5 30 82 105
Hakeda, J. 3
Hyperfinite factor 1
| Hyperfinite von Neumann algebra 1
Injective von Neumann algebra 3
Inner automorphism group 9
ITPFI factor 2
Krieger, W. 4
Lance, E.C. 3
McDuff factor 17
Modular automorphism group 2 3
Modular automorphism group of a faithful, normal state 3
Modular automorphism group of a weight 6
Modular conjugation J 2
Modular homomorphism 13 21
Modular operator 2
Modular spectrum 3 4
Modular unitary group 65
Murray, F.J. 1
Outer automorphism group Out(M) 11
Powers factor 2
Powers, R.T. 2
Property 28
Pukansky, L. 2
Schwartz function 67
Schwartz, J.T. 2
Self-dual(natural) cone 25 74 81
Semidiscrete von Neumann algebra 61
Standard form 25
Stormer, E. 31
Takesaki duality 5 6
Takesaki, M. 2 11 17
Tempered distribution 94
Tomita, M. 2
Tomiyama, J. 3
Unimodular circle action 18
Virtual subgroup technique 20 21
von Neumann, J. 1 2
W*-crossed product 5
Weight 6
Weight of infinite multiplicity 82
Woods, E.J. 2
Реклама |