Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Wen-tsun W. — Rational Homotopy Type: A Constructive Study Via the Theory of the I*-Measure |
Предметный указатель |
-measure of a complex 60
-measure of a space 89
Adequacy of measures 12
ALG-measure 1
Algebra of differential forms 59
Algebraic category 1
Anticommutative 20
Augmentation 22
Bar construction 180
Calculabiäity 13
Calculable 13
Cancellation lemma 41
Cartan algebra 22 135 137
Cartan — Serre extension of DGA 96
Cartan — Serre extension of space 99
Cartan — Serre tower of space 102
Characteristic element 205
Chern element 205
Compatible 59
Connectedness 29
Constructibility 13
Decomposability 29
Decomposable element 21
Degree 20
deRham — Sullivan algebra 60
Derivation 118
DGA of type n 93
DGA, direct sum of 148
DGA, induced 179
DGA, left, right 178
DGA, minimal 29
DGA, normal form of 95
DGA, normalized 95
DGA, trivial 25
DGA, union of 149
DGA~morphism(s) 24
DGA~morphism(s), homotopic 28
DGA~morphism(s), kernel of 156
Differential 21
Differential graded algebra (DGA) 20
Differential, twisted 25 167
Differentiation 20
Euler element 205
Extension theorem 143
Extension, trivial 25
Exterior algebra 22
Fiber-square construction 191
Fiber-square, simplicial 191
Fibration, differential 166
Fibration, simplicial 165
Fibration, totally transgressive 174
free 22
Geometrical category 1
| Gradation 20
Graded algebra 20
Graded module 20
H-equivalent 40
H-isomorphism 25
H-morphism 25
Homogeneous 20
Homotopic-simplicial space (HCS-space) 18
Homotopically-commutative ( -commutative) 36
Hurewicz number of DGA 96
Hurewicz number of space 96
integral 84
Integration 85
Invariant form 121
Koszul construction 183
Lifting lemma 35
Maurer — Cartan equations 117
Measure 1
Minimal DGA 29
Minimal model 33
Minimal morphism 33
Operate, left, right 178
Polynomial algebra 22
Pontrjagin element 205
Positive element 21
Primitive form 135
Space of finite type 96
Space of type n 97
Spectral sequence, Eilenberg — Moore 182
Symmetric space 126
Symmetry 126
Tensor product 21
Theorem of Borel — Hirsch 173
Theorem of Cartan — Chevalley — Weil 136
Theorem of deRham — Sullivan 60
Theorem of Eilenberg — Moore 182
Theorem of H. Cartan 140
Theorem of Hopf 135
Theorem, extension 143
Theorem, fiber-space 167
Theorem, fiber-square 167
Thom-space construction 211
Tor-product 180
Transgression 136 173
Transgressive form 136
Trivialization 153
Trivializing-morphism 153
Twisted differential 25 167
Twisted product 51
Weil algebra 128
Weil algebra of (G, H) 131
Weil algebra of Lie group 123
Weil chain complex 82
Weil DGA 64
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