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Weisfeiler B. — On Construction And Identification Of Graphs |
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Algorithm of canonization R 2.1 R R S
Algorithm of exhaustive search Q3
Algorithm, canonical R 2.1
Algorithm, correct O 2.1
Algorithm, elevation R 4.2 R
Algorithm, invariant O 2.1
Algorithm, semi-invariant R 2.2
Algorithm, splitting R 4.1 R
annex J 4.3
Assemblage of correct graphs R 6.2
Assemblage of direct sums R 6.1
Automorphism C 2.1 E
Basic element C 11.2 D
Basic graph C 11.2 D
Block-design L 18
Block-diagonal form H 1.1 H
Block-triangular form H 1.1 H
Break-down T 3
Canonical algorithm R 2.1
Canonical embedding C 2.4
Canonization algorithm R 2.1 R R S
cell D 1.2
Cell, imprimitive H 1.1
Cell, primitive H 1.1
Cell, three-dimensional L 20
Cellular algebra D 1.1
Cellular algebra, central decomposition of E 2 F
Cellular algebra, considered as algebra L
Cellular algebra, correct J 6.1
Cellular algebra, decomposition of E 2 F
Cellular algebra, degree of D 1.1 E
Cellular algebra, dimension of D 1.1 E
Cellular algebra, fully correct J 6.1
Cellular algebra, generic point of (matrix of) D 1.1
Cellular algebra, homomorphism of E 5.1 J
Cellular algebra, isomorphism of E 5.1 E
Cellular algebra, matrix of D 1.1
Cellular algebra, rank of E 3
Cellular algebra, split Con. 3 C E
Cellular algebra, standard basis of D 1.1
Central decomposition E 2 F
Centralizer ring F 1
Complement of a strongly regular graph V 2
Composition of disjoint Con. 2
Composition of equal Con. 2
Composition of matrices or graphs Con. 2
Connection block E 3
Connection block of normal subcells J 4.1
Constant block C 3 J
Correct cellular algebras J 6.1
Correct cellular algebras, assemblage of R 6.2
Correct cellular algebras, disassemblage of J 6.7 R
Correct cellular algebras, fully J 6.1
Cutoff = reduction of exhaustive search Q 2.7 Q Q
Daughter system O 3.1
Daughter system, invariantly defined O 3.1
Decomposition E 2 F
Decomposition, central E 2 F
Deep constants AD
Deep stabilization O
Degree of cellular algebra C 1 D E
Degree of graph Con. 3 C E
Degree of normal subcell G 1.1
Deletion T 5
Deletion of a row O 3.2
Depth 1 O 4.13
Depth > 1 O 6 AD
Depth of exhaustive search Q 2.4 Q
Depth of stabilization Q 4.13 O
Descendant V 3
Descent V 3
Dimension of cellular algebra C 1 E
Dimension of graph C 1 E
Dimension of matrix Con. 3
Direct sum G 2
Direct sum, assemblage of R 6.1
Direct sum, disassemblage of R 5.4.1
Disassemblage of correct algebras J 6.7 R
Disassemblage of direct sums R 5.4.1
Disjoint composition Con. 2
Edge graph O 6.4 P
Elevation algorithm R 4.2 R
Equivalency C 2 b
Equivalency, natural E 5.1
Equivalency, weak E 5.1
Exhaustion = exhaustive search Q
Exhaustive search = exhaustion Q
Exhaustive search = exhaustion, cutoff of Q 2.7 Q Q
Exhaustive search = exhaustion, depth of Q 2.4
Exhaustive search = exhaustion, forced variant in Q 2.9
Exhaustive search = exhaustion, graph of Q 2.3 Q
Exhaustive search = exhaustion, level of Q 2.4
Exhaustive search = exhaustion, tree of 2.3 Q
Exhaustive search = exhaustion, variant rejection in Q 2.7 Q Q
Extension S 2.2
Extension of graph C 4.3
Factor H 7 I
Factor cell H 7
Factor graph I 4
Families of strongly regular graphs V
fixation T 2.4 T
Forced variant Q 2.10
Frame’s theorem K 9 K
Fully correct J 6.1
Generic point of cellular algebra D 1.1
Generic point of normal subcell H 1.1
Graph Con. 2 C
Graph of exhaustive search Q 2.3 Q
Graph, central decomposition of E 2 P
| Graph, correct J 6.1
Graph, decomposition of E 2 P
Graph, degree of Con. 3 C E
Graph, dimension of Con. 3 C E
Graph, equivalency of C 2.3
Graph, factor of I 4
Graph, fully correct J 6.1
Graph, homomorphism of E 5.1 J
Graph, imbedding of C 2.2
Graph, isomorphism of C 2.1 E
Graph, natural equivalency of E 5.1
Graph, product of C 4.2 M
Graph, split C 3.6 E
Graph, stabilization of C 8 M
Graph, stable with respect to kernel N 4.1
Graph, stationary C 4.4
Graph, stationary of depth 1 O 4.13
Graph, strongly regular L 20 T U V
Graph, superimposition of C 4.1
Graph, weak isomorphism of E 5.1
Group algebra = group ring G 1
Group ring G 1
Heuristic Q 2.10
Homomorphism E 5.1 J
Idempotents E 1
Imbedding C 2.2
Imbedding, canonical C 2.4
Imprimitive H 1.1
Imprimitive cell H 1.1
Imprimitive group H
Imprimitivity H 1.1
Imprimitivity, set of H 1.1
Imprimitivity, system of H 1.1
Invariant, algebraic AE
Invariant, algorithms O 2.1
Invariant, numerical E 6
Invariant, polynomials AE
Isomorphism E 5.1 E
Isomorphism, weak E 5.1
Kernel N 2
Kernel, decomposes N 4.1
Kernel, splits N 4.1
Kernel, stability with respect to N 4.1
Kernel, stabilization with respect to N 3.4
Level of exhaustive search Q 2.4
Manning’s theorem P 4
Matrix of a cellular algebra D 1.1
Matrix, composition of Con. 2
Matrix, disjoint from Con 2
Matrix, equal composition with Con. 2
Maximal form of matrix (graph) S 1
Monotonic form of matrix (graph) S 2
Normal subcell H 1.1
Normal subcell, degree of H 1.1
Normal subcell, generic point of H 1.1
Normal subcell, matrix of H 1.1
Normal subcell, standard basis of H 1.1
Partially ordered set M 2.1
primitive H 1.1
Primitive cell H 1.1 K
Primitive group H
Quotient H 7 I
Rank of cellular algebra E 3
Rank of stationary graph E 3
Reduction of exhaustive search Q 2.7 Q Q
Regular action of a group AA AB
Representation, natural of cellular algebra L
Seidel equivalence V 6
Semi-invariant algorithm R 2.2
Set of D-equivalence T 1
Set of imprimitivity H 1.1
Similar blocks H 4 I
Similar rows I 1.1
Simple graph Con. 2
simplex Con. 3 C E
Simultaneous stabilization N 4.3
Split graph, matrix, cellular algebra Con. 3 C E
Splitting algorithm R 4.1 R
Stabilization C 8 M
Stabilization of depth 1 O 4.1 O O O
Stabilization of depth > 1 O 6
Stabilization with respect to kernel N 3.4
Stabilization, simultaneous M 4.3
Stable with respect to kernel N 4.1
Standard basis of cellular algebra D 1.1
Standard basis of normal subcell H 1.1
Standard basis of underlying space D 1.1
Stationary graph C 4.4 M
Stationary graph of depth 1 O 4.13
Stationary graph of depth > 1 O 6
Steiner triples V 1
Strongly regular graph L 20 T U V
Structure constants D 4 E
Subcell D 1.3
Subcell, normal H 1.1
Superimposition C 4.1
Surgery V 4.2.3
Tensor product G 3
Theorem of Frame L 9 L
Theorem of Kuhn J 5
Theorem of Manning P 4
Theorem of Wielandt P 5
Tree of exhaustive search Q 2.3 Q
Variant rejection Q 2.7 Q Q
Weak equivalency E 5.1
Weak isomorphism E 5.1
Wielandt’s theorem P 5
Wreath product G 4
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