Авторизация |
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Warshauer M.L. — The Witt Group of Degree K Maps and Asymmetric Inner Product Spaces |
Предметный указатель |
Adjoint map 16
Adjoint operator 31
Anisotropic representatives 42
Annihilator 29
Boundary 137
Boundary, cokernel 17 3
Boundary, exact sequence 141
Boundary, local 147 156
Chinese remainder theorem 222
Class of ramified primes 159
Cohomology groups 81 181
Completion 48
Conductor 20 3
Decomposition theorem 85 99
Dedekind domain 13
Degree k mapping structure 33
Degree k mapping structure, anisotropic 42
Degree k mapping structure, map 33
Degree k mapping structure, metabolic 34
Degree k mapping structure, quotient 42
Determinant 61
Diagonalization 58
Different 183
Discriminant, inner product space 25
Discriminant, map 61
F-part 118
Fundamental ideal J 64
Going up 48
Grothendieck 81
Hasse 51
Hensel's lemma 53
Hermitian 16
Hilbert, reciprocity 54
Hilbert, symbols 51
Hilbert, theorem 90 57
Ideals, equivalence class [P] 215
Ideals, inert 49
Ideals, infinite 49
Ideals, maximal of S 100
Ideals, norm of 216
Ideals, prime 48
Ideals, ramified 49
Ideals, split 48
Ideals, strict equivalence class <P> 215
Inner product space 15
Inner product space, discriminant 25
Inner product space, skew Hermitian 16
Inner product space, symmetric 16
Inner product space, u Hermitian 16
Integrally closed 206
Inverse different 101
| Involution 13 226
Involution, 73 226
Involution, * 227
Irreducible inner product space 88
J fundamental ideal 64
Jacobson's theorem 202
Landherr's theorem 68
Lattice 17
Lattice, dual 136
Lattice, full 135
Lattice, integral 135
Local degree 5 2
Local differential exponent 183
Local ring of integers 13
Local uniformizer 14
Localization homomorphism 87
Localizer 156
Map of degree k 33
Mapping structure 33
Metabolic 34
Metabolizer 34
Module structure of 15
Nakayama's lemma 28
Non-singular map 15
Norm 61
Orthogonal complement 29
Polynomials, characteristic 70
Polynomials, minimal 70
Polynomials, type 74
Prime ideals see “Ideals”
Quotient mapping structure 42
Ramification index 48
Ramified 49
Rank 54
Realization of Hilbert symbols 54
Residue field degree 48
s invariant 27
Scharlau transfer sequence 112
Signature 67
Stably metabolic 36
Strong approximation theorem 20
Symmetry operator s 27
Tensor product 23
Trace 198
Trace, lemma 90
Trace, scaled 97
Transfer, Scharlau 112
Type, of polynomial 74
Type, of ramified prime 181
Uniformizer 14
Valuation 13
Witt equivalence relation 34
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