Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Lander E.S. — Symmetric design: an algebraic approach |
Предметный указатель |
Absolute point 16 183
Affine geometry 21
ARC 71
Automorphism 8
Automorphism group 8
Automorphism group, semistandard 98
Automorphism group, standard 98
Automorphism, numerical 128
Baer configuration 105
Bilinear form 250
Bilinear form, alternating 250
Bilinear form, equivalent 252
Bilinear form, isotropic 251
Bilinear form, nondegenerate 251
Bilinear form, nonsingular 251
Bilinear form, orthogonal 250
Bilinear form, symplectic 250
Bilinear form, totally isotropic 251
Biplane 77
Block 1
Block, exterior 71
Block, secant 71
Block, tangent 71
Bruck — Ryser — Chowla theorem 42
Cauchy — Frobenius lemma 79
Chain of code(s) 59
Character, group 274
Character, principal 274
Character, table 276
Character, trivial 274
Characteristic function 13
Closed configuration 105
Code(s) 47
Code(s) of a symmetric design 47
Code(s), quadratic residues 139
Code(s), Reed — Muller 73
Code(s), reversible 137
Code(s), self-dual 47
Code(s), self-orthogonal 47
Complementary design 4
Composition factor 92 271
Contraction 102
Contraction of a difference set 142
Cyclotomic field 284
Degree of a permutation group 246
Dembowski — Wagner Theorem 16 25
Design, affine 21
Design, block 18
Design, complementary 4
Design, derived 20—21
Design, dual 4
Design, Hadamard 5
Design, residual 20—21
Design, symmetric 1
Design, trivial 2
Development of a difference set 120
Difference set 120
Difference set, Abelian 125
Difference set, central 226
Difference set, cyclic 125
Difference set, equivalent 127
Direct sum of representation(s) 268
Dual design 4
Dual of a code(s) 47
Dual of a lattice 60
Extended block 52
Extended Golay code(s) 56
Extension class of Fano planes 55
Extension class of ovals 54
Extension of a representation(s) 268
Feit — Thompson theorem 208
Fisher's Inequality 19
G-code(s) 135
G-matrix 146
G/H-multiplier 143
Generating matrix 59
Group ring 267
H-design 11
Hadamard, (symmetric) design 5
Hadamard, 3-design 18
| Hadamard, matrix 5
Hadamard, matrix of Paley type 8
Hensel's lemma 290
Higman — Sims group 89
Homogeneous 249
Idempotent 276
Incidence matrix 3
Incidence structure 1
Intersection triangle 33
Invariant factors 58 262
Isometry 254
Isomorphism 4
Jacobsthal matrix 6
Lattice 59
Lattice, a-modular 60
Legendre symbol 6
Length of a code(s) 47
Line 15
Maschke's Theorem 271
Mathieu group 56
Matrix representation 265
Multiplier 127
Multiplier, numerical 128
Multiplier, weak 226
Order 3
Order of a design 3
Orthogonal group 257
Oval 51 72
p-Adic field 288
p-adic field, integer 286
p-adic field, unit 287
Partial spread 178
Permutation group 246
Permutation group, homogeneous 249
Permutation group, k-homogeneous 248
Permutation group, k-transitive 249
Permutation group, orbit of a 246
Permutation group, rank of a 248
Permutation group, regular 249
Permutation group, semiregular 249
Permutation group, transitive 247
Perp 251
Polarity 16 183
Projective geometry 11
Projective plane 12
Quadratic form 253
Quadratic form, nondegenerate 253
Quadratic form, singular 253
Quadratic form, totally singular 253
Quadratic space 254
Representation(s) 265
Representation(s), absolutely irreducible 271
Representation(s), contragredient 269
Representation(s), equivalent 268
Representation(s), indecomposable 271
Representation(s), irreducible 270
Representation(s), left regular 266
Representation(s), module 265
Representation(s), permutation 266
Representation(s), reducible 270
Representation(s), self-contragredient 270
Scalar product 250
Schur — Zassenhaus theorem 208
Schutzenberger's Theorem 4
Self-conjugate 161
Semilinear transformation 13
Semiprimitive 147
Singer cycle 125
Stabilizer of a point 246
Stabilizer of a set 246
Sylvester matrix 6
t-design 17
Transitive 247
triangle 29
Triangle, ordered triangle 29
Twist of a representation(s) 269
Unimodular 59
Veblen and Young Theorem 27
Weight 47
Weight, minimum 47
Witt Cancellation Theorem 257—258
Witt Extension Theorem 255
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