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Stoner E.C. — Magnetism and Atomic Structure with 56 diagrams |
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Royer 277 281
Ruark 255
Rubinowicz 350
Runge 215
Rupp 358
Russell 234 244 300 310 316 317
Rutherford 11 13 94
Saha 298
Saturation, ferromagnetic, variation of, with temperature 77—79 151—153 292
Saturation, paramagnetic, at low temperatures 142 167—168
Saunders 300 310 316 317
Savart 7
Scalar potential 32
Scattering and resonance 250
Scattering, quantum theory of 93 250 350
Schield 158
Schiitz 258
Schroedinger 84
Schuster 10 184 197
Selection rules 192 214—225 223 300 351
Semm 337
Separations of multiplet components see “Intervals”
Separations of Zeeman components see “Splitting factor”
Sequential relationships among elements 309—316
Seve 42 58 121 281
Shapes of molecules, factors determining 334
Shared electrons 261 283 319 343—344
Shearer 344 356
Sidgwick 325 340
Skinner 358
Slater 118 345—349 350 356 358
Smyth 322
Socrates 1
Solid oxygen, magnetic properties of 144 170
Sommer 314 317
Sommerfeld 94 111 118 119 161—162 168 182 192 197 198 211 221—222 224 234—237 243 244 259 281 307 316 350 358 359
Sone 123 126 268—269 280 322 324 340
Sorensen 153—154 158
Sources for spectroscopic work 218—229
Spark in air 218
Spatial quantization see “Quantization spatial”
Specific heat 93
Specific heat, of ferromagnetics 289—293
Spectra, atomic see “Atomic spectra”
Spectroscopic apparatus 220
Spectroscopic magnetic moments 226—232
Splitting factor, Lande 193 215 223—226 237—238 344
Sponer 312 317
Spontaneous magnetization 75—82 289—295 see “Molecular field”
Stability, atomic 341—344
Stability, molecular 343—344
Stability, standards of 298 309 319
Stable configurations, molecular 319
Stark effect 112
Stationary states 13 33 94 109 211 342
Statistical applications of the quantum theory 113—128
Statistical theory of paramagnetism 69—75
Statistical weight 113 223 232—234
Stern 14 198—211 211
Stewart, J.Q. 186 191 197
Stewart, T.D. 295
Stoner 102 118 119 243 359
Stripped atoms 236
Strorig fields, production of 45—47
Strorig fields, Zeeman effect in 224
Structure field in crystals 181
Structure of radiation 349—352
Sucksmith 191 197
Summation rules for intensities 232—234
Susceptibilities, diamagnetic, atomic 263
Susceptibilities, diamagnetic, ionic 122 269—271
Susceptibilities, diamagnetic, molecular 262 268—273
Susceptibilities, diamagnetic, of organic compounds 263—264 331—335
Susceptibilities, early measurements of 47—57
Susceptibilities, low temperature 141—149
Susceptibilities, methods of measuring 37—42 50—53 132—134 145
Susceptibilities, methods of measuring, for gases 122—126 271—274
Susceptibilities, near Curie point 80
Susceptibilities, of crystals 140 147—149
Susceptibilities, of crystals, elements, diamagnetic 264—268
Susceptibilities, of crystals, elements, paramagnetic 13 7—40
Susceptibilities, of crystals, gases, diamagnetic 262 268—277
Susceptibilities, of crystals, gases, paramagnetic 122—126 324
| Susceptibilities, of crystals, oxides and sulphides 136—137
Susceptibilities, of crystals, salts 134—136 145—147 326—328
Susceptibilities, of crystals, solutions 127—132 see “Ferromagnetics” “Moments magnetic and Paramagnetism”
Swinne 297 316
Symmetry of atoms 344
Symmetry rules in Zeeman effect 234
Tamm 231 243
Tartakowsky 358
Taylor 310 312 324 340
Temperature radiation 13 90—92
Temperature radiation, and orientation 210
Tensile strength and magnetic energy 279
Terrestrial magnetism 4
Terry 88 281 296
Thedorides 132 134—135 157 160
Thermodynamic treatment of paramagnetism 70
Thermomagnetic effects 287—288
Thin films, magnetic properties of 87—88 153—154
Thomas 359
Thompson 154 337 340
Thomson 10 58 83
Tnimpler 128
Tolman 286 295 345 356
Townsend 38 49
Transition elements 100—102 105 164—167 227 314—325
Transition processes, quantum 95 250 350—351
Transitions, D-line, in Zeeman effect 223 254
Tscherning 358
Tyndall, E.P.T. 295 296
Tyndall, J. 279
Uhlenbeck 358
Unsoeld 359
Urey 358
Usherwood 281
Vacuum Arc 218—229
Variation in apparent magnetic moments in solutions 128—131 163—164 330
Variation in susceptibility of gases with pressure 274—277
Vector notation 16
Vector potential 27 32
Velocity distribution in atomic rays 199
Verdet 245
Villari effect 282—283
Vinney 154 158 175
Virtual Curie temperatures 79
Vleck, Van 306 358
Voigt 83 221 247 249 259
Waard 358
Wagstaff 38
Walters 314 317
Water, susceptibility of 281
Wave propagation 9 21 349
Weber 9—10 59
Webster 156 158 174 283 358
Weiss 12 43 44 58 75—82 85—88 89 107 127 129 131 136 149—151 154.157 158 175 182 183 291 296 359
Weiss's law see “Molecular field”
Welo 324—326 340
Wentzel 104 244
Westgren 150
Whittaker 15
Wiechert 249
Wiedemann 50 60
Wiedemann effect 283
Wien's Law 91
Williams 295 296
Wills 49 88 123 126 271—273 280 322 347 .
Wilson, H.A. 84
Wi^n 10 91 273
Wold 286
Wood 248 252—259 259 347
Wyckoff 183 338 340
X-ray absorption spectra 106 320
X-ray absorption spectra, doublets and optical doublets 102—104 see “Relativity doublets” “Relativity-magnetic dilemma”
X-ray absorption spectra, emission spectra 11 102—106
X-ray absorption spectra, spark spectra 104
Zeeman 11 243 249 259
Zeeman effect 11 14 110—122 162 198 208 212—244
Zeeman effect, experimental methods for 217—221
Zeeman effect, inverse 250
Zeeman effect, theory of 212—227 221—226 see “Intensities of Zeeman components” “Polarization rules in Zeeman effect” “Splitting factor”
Zeeman patterns, representation of 216—227
Zeeman typss, fundamental 221
Zero-point energy 114
Zschiesche 296
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