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Stoner E.C. — Magnetism and Atomic Structure with 56 diagrams
Stoner E.C. — Magnetism and Atomic Structure with 56 diagrams

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Íàçâàíèå: Magnetism and Atomic Structure with 56 diagrams

Àâòîð: Stoner E.C.

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 14.11.2008

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Ingersoll      154 158 175 259
Ingold      281
Inner quantum number      see “Quantum number inner”
Intensities of Zeeman components      216 234 254—258
Intensity of magnetization      22
Intensity rules for multiple ts      232—234
Interference      349
Interruption period for quantized motions      345—348
Intervals, multiplet, relativity and magnetic theories of      239—242
Intervals, rules for      234—237
Intrinsic fields in crystals      175—179
Inverse processes      90
Inverse square law      5 22
Inverse Zeeman effect      250
Inverted terms      242
Ionic moments      see “Moments ionic”
Ionic moments, susceptibilities      see “Susceptibilities ionic”
Ionizing potentials and orbital radii      304—306 322
Ions in solid salts      164
Ions, complex      324—331
Iron crystals      82 156—157 174 183
Ishiwara      132 134—136 157
Isomeric compounds, susceptibilities of      330
Isomers, electronic      297—298
Isothermals, magnetic      292
Jackson      132 145—149 158 160 325 340
Jacobson      130
Jacques      48
Jeans      36 92 118 346
Joos      254 257 260 269—271 280 302—303 316 358
JORDAN      357 358
Joule      282
Joule effect      282—284
K-shell, moment of      307
Kapitza      45—47 58 358
Karman      93
Karrer      295
Kaufmann      153 158
Kayser      316
Kelvin      6
Kemble      306
Kerr      11 246
Kerr effect      11 246
Kiess      313 317
King      317
Kopp      139 150
Kossel      163
Kramers      118 306 350
Kronig      234 244 359
Kroo      83
Kundt      245
Kunz      88 158 182
Ladenburg      109 358
Lande      58 193—194 197 211 221—226 235—236 239 241 243 244 284
Lande splitting factor      see “Splitting factor”
Landolt      157 281
Langevin      12 64—75 89 114
Langevin function curve      72
Langmuir      318—319 322—323
Laporte      317
Larmor      68
Larmor precession      see “Precession”
Latent heat and susceptibility change      279
Law of force in molecular field      87
Leeuwen, van      84 89
Lenard      10
Lenz      116
Lertes      296
Levels, atomic      see “Atomic structure”
Lewis      169 182 310 312 318 324 340
Lewis — Langmuir theory      100 280 318—320
Life of excited atom      251 259 347—348
Light darts      13 93 see
Lindemann      13 93
Lindh      150
Livens      286 295
Lorentz      10—11 36 64 84 212 243 259
Low temperature magnetic investigations      141—149
Lowry      320
Lucretius      1—2 15
MacNair      359
Magnetic deviation of atomic rays      198—192
Magnetic field, influence of, on polarization of resonance radiation      251—259
Magnetic fields, measurement of      44 203—204 219
Magnetic fields, production of      43—47
Magnetic fields, strong      45—47
Magnetic freedom of ions      163 170 179—182
Magnetic plane of crystals      155
magnetic quantum number      see “Quantum number magnetic”
Magnetic saturation      77—78 151—153 291—292
Magnetic shell      7 22—23
Magnetic, fields due to orbital electrons      65—66 107—108
Magneto-caloric effects      289—295
Magneton, axial      84
Magneton, Bohr      14 106—107 160 204—206
Magneton, Bohr and Weiss, comparison      159—163
Magneton, Bohr, absolute determination of      204—206
Magneton, hypothetical      34
Magneton, Weiss      107 152
Magneton, Weiss, as empirical unit      107 120 159—160
Magnetostriction      30 282—284
Main — Smith      102 119 319—320 340
Maurain      86—88 153 158
Maxwell      8—9 19 59 190
McCurdy      359
Mechanism of orientation      70 83 118 195 209—211 349
Meggers      243 317
Menzies      236 244
Meyer, St.      166 182
Meyer, W.      153 158
mg values in weak and strong fields      225—226
Millikan      10 15 103 236 244 300 317
Mitchell      4—5
Model of ferromagnetic induction      60—64
Models for Zeeman effect      237—239
Mohler      255
Molecular currents      9 59 247
Molecular electronic configurations      319—320 334
Molecular electronic precession      276
Molecular field, and Joule effect      283—284
Molecular field, and Joule effect, Kerr effect      246
Molecular field, and Joule effect, magneto-caloric effects      289—295
Molecular field, discussion of      172—175
Molecular field, in diamagnetic crystals      86 278—280
Molecular field, in diamagnetic crystals, ferromagnetic alloys      86—87
Molecular field, in diamagnetic crystals, ferromagnetic crystals      80 155—157 173—175
Molecular field, in liquid oxygen      144
Molecular field, in liquid oxygen, paramagnetic crystals      175—179
Molecular field, in liquid oxygen, paramagnetic salts      136
Molecular field, in liquid oxygen, solutions      130—131
Molecular field, magnitude of      86 173
Molecular field, nature of      86—88
Molecular field, possible origin of      181
Molecular field, reverse      250
Molecular field, theory of      75—82
Molecular orbital dimensions      321—322
Molecular stability      343—344
Molecular structure of ${O}_{2}$ and NO      168—170
Molecular susceptibilities      see “Susceptibilities and Moments”
Molecules, simple      320—324
Moles      129
Moments, magnetic, atomic, direct determination of resolved      198—211
Moments, magnetic, atomic, of elements      139—140
Moments, magnetic, atomic, of ferromagnetics      152
Moments, magnetic, calculation of      120—122 127
Moments, magnetic, discussion of      163—172
Moments, magnetic, ionic      128—131 135 146 163—166 326—330
Moments, magnetic, ionic, dependence on number of electrons      163
Moments, magnetic, molecular, of paramagnetic gases      126 168—170 324
Moments, magnetic, spectroscopic      226—232 299
Momentum, angular, associated with radiation      214—225
Morgan      320
Mottelay      15
Mouton      249
Mulliken      359
Multiplicities, spectral term      208 222—227 299
Nagaoka      283
Neckam      2
Nematic state, diamagnetism in      277
Nernst      13 93
Nernst effect      287
Neutrality, electric and magnetic      343
Nickel, non-ferromagnetic films of      154 175 308
Nitric oxide, magnetic properties of      121—126 168—169 232—234
Normal Zeeman triplet      212 217 224
Nucleus, quantized motion of      193
Numerical data for atomic systems      95—98
Odd molecules      168 324
Oersted      6—7 19
Okubo      85
Onnes      122 126 140 141—145 151 158 287
Oosterhuis      114 119 122 126 140
Orbit, electronic, change of form of, in a magnetic field      69
Orbital diamagnetism      303
Orbital diamagnetism, dependence of, on orientation      275—277
Orbital electrons, magnetic properties of      34—36 65—66 109
Organic compounds, susceptibilities of      263—264 278—279 331—335
Orientation, discrete      see “Quantization spatial”
Orientation, distribution functions for      116—127
Orientation, mechanism of      70 83 118 195 209—211 349
Orientation, of diamagnetic carriers      273—277 321—322 346
Orientation, of paramagnetic carriers      346—347 see “Mechanism of orientation”
Orientation, symmetry conditions and      180
Orientation, time required for      346—348
Orientation, weak quantization and      345—349
Ornstein      232—234 244 358
Oseen      308
Outer electrons in molecules      see “Shared electrons”
Owen      132 137—139 158 264—265 280
Oxides, magnetic properties of      136
Oxley      86 278—280 281
Oxygen in combination      263—264 333—334
Oxygen, magnetic properties of      50 54 122—126 142—145 168—170 323—324
Paramagnetic crystals, theory of      175—179
Paramagnetism      9 54—55 69—75 120—149 324 326—330
Paramagnetism, anomalous      see “Residual paramagnetism”
Paramagnetism, conditions for      83—84
Paramagnetism, incomplete electron groups and      108—109
Paramagnetism, Langevin's theory of      69—75 (See Moments magnetic And Susceptibility)
Pascal      121 262—264 267 280 326—327 331—335 340
Paschen      215 312 316 317
Paschen — Back effect      217 220 224 239
Pauer      259
Pauli      104 119 161—162 165 168 182 224 240 243 244 269 280 307 311 316 323 342 355
Peregrinus      3
Periodic curve for susceptibilities      266
Periodic system of elements      98—106 309—316
Periodicity of a system, degree of      110
Permalloy      337—338
Permanence of g sums      224—225
Permanence of quantum numbers      342
Permanent multiplicity of terms      222
Perrier      142
Perry      190
Peschard      152 158
Phase of quants      349
photoelectric effect      13 92
Piccard      121 123—126 127 130 157 281 296 347
Planck      13 92
Planck's constant      92
Plessner      50
Pliny      1
Pluecker      48 51
poisson      6 23
Poisson's transformation      23 75
Pol, van der      295 296
Polar compounds      318—319
Polarity theory of magnetism      9
Polarization and angular momentum      350—351
Polarization and angular momentum, of resonance radiation      251—259 347—348
Polarization and angular momentum, of Zeeman components      215
Polarization and angular momentum, rules in Zeeman effect      234
Pole pieces for magnets      43
Poles, magnetic      3
Postulates, Langmuir's      319—320
Postulates, quantum theory      94—95 213
Potential energy of orientation in crystals      176—179
Potential, electromagnetic, scalar and vector      32
Potential, magnetic      22
Poynting      33 58
Poynting's theorem      33
Precession, Larmor      68 111 85 212—224 258 261 345—348
Precession, molecular electronic      276
Preston      215
Preuss      152
Pringsheim      254 258 260
Protons      11
Pyrrhotite, magnetic properties of      80 155 174
Quantization, spatial      109—113 116—127 160—163 213 345
Quantization, weak and strong      345—349
Quants, linearly directed, spatially localized      93 349—352
Quantum considerations on intrinsic fields      179—181
Quantum forces      349
Quantum numbers, azimuthal      95 222
Quantum numbers, effective      236
Quantum numbers, group      301
Quantum numbers, inner      99 103—106 222—226
Quantum numbers, inner, and angular momentum      192
Quantum numbers, inner, and angular momentum, statistical weight      223
Quantum numbers, inner, and angular momentum, Weiss magneton numbers      162 231
Quantum numbers, magnetic      104 222—226 223—226
Quantum numbers, principal      95 222
Quantum theory, origin and development of      12—15 90—98
Quimby      88 295
Quincke      40
Radiation from an accelerated electron      33 83
Radiation, structure of      349—352
Radii, atomic      303
Radioactivity      108
Radius of electronic orbits from diamagnetism      267 269—272 303—306
Rankine      303
Rare earth elements      105
Rare earth elements, magnetic properties of      166—167 301—302 315
Reciprocal gyromagnetic effects      197
Reciprocal, relations, magnetomechanical      283
Reciprocity law for electron groups      104 165 313
Reiche      115 119
Relativity doublets      235—237
Relativity-magnetic dilemma      236 241—242 310
Renker      150
Reorganization of electron groups      102 105
Residual paramagnetism      131 136 267—268 311—322 327 329 338
Resistance change in a magnetic field      288
Resolving power for Zeeman effect      217
Resonance and scattering      250
Resonance radiation, polarization of      251—259 347—348
Resonators, Planck      91
retentivity      10 61 82 154
Ribaud      296
Richardson, O.W.      14 184 191 193 197 285
Richardson, S.S.      259
Riecke      295
Righi — Leduc effect      288
Robison      5
Rognley      180
Rosenbohm      324 327—330 340
Rotation, intrinsic magnetic intensity of      191
Rotation, magnetic      11 245—249
Rotation, molecular      114 275—277 322
Rowland      42 48 51
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