Авторизация |
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Strocchi F. — Symmetry Breaking |
Предметный указатель |
Algebra of canonical variables 68
Algebra of observables 69
Algebraic symmetry 71 119
Anti-kink 41
Anti-soliton 43
Asymptotic abelianess 91
Asymptotic localization 91
Bicommutant 96
Bloch — Nordsieck model 86
Bose gas 151
Bose gas, dynamical derealization 108
Bose gas, free 106
Bose — Einstein condensation, symmetry breaking 124 155
Bose — Eistein condensation 106
Cauchy problem 14
Cauchy problem, global 55
Cauchy problem, global existence and uniqueness 20
Cauchy problem, small times 53
Charge integrability 166
Classical field equations 13
Classical source model 84
Cluster property 99
Continuous internal symmetry 35
Continuous internal symmetry, generator 36
Coulomb systems 164
Delocalization, non-relativistic 91
Disjoint physical world 74
Disjoint realizations 8 21
Double well model 8
Dynamical derealization 168
Dynamical derealization and interaction range 169
Energy bounded below 31
Energy-momentum renormalized density 31
Fermi gas 151
First order formalism 18
Fock representation 73
Folium 73
Galilei symmetry breaking 164
Gauge symmetry breaking 109
Gibbs states 139
GNS representation 70
GNS theorem 70
Goldstone bosons 161
Goldstone theorem 161 162
Goldstone theorem, classical fields 45
Goldstone theorem, general proof for local fields 186
Goldstone theorem, GSW proof 185
Goldstone theorem, local relativistic fields 181
Goldstone theorem, mathematical discussion 174
Goldstone theorem, non-symmetric Hamiltonians 189
Goldstone theorem, non-zero temperature 177
Ground state, non symmetric 9
Ground state, uniqueness 96 103
Heisenberg algebra 67
Heisenberg ferromagnet, symmetry breaking 123
Higgs mechanism 164 186
Higgs mechanism and EDDG theorem 195
Higgs mechanism, non perturbative, Coulomb gauge 199
Higgs mechanism, non perturbative, local gauges 196
Higgs mechanism, perturbative approach 193
Hilbert space sector 23
HSS 23
Initial data, locally regular 18
Ising model 131
Ising model, Bogoliubov strategy 136
Ising model, cyclic boundary conditions 133
Ising model, free boundary conditions 132
Ising model, Goldstone strategy 136
| Ising model, mean field approximation 136
Ising model, periodic boundary conditions 133
Ising model, Ruelle strategy 135
Ising model, symmetry breaking boundary conditions 135
Kink 40
KMS condition 139
KMS state 141
KMS state, extremal 149
KMS state, primary 147
Landau phonons 161
Lipschitz condition, local 19
Local algebra 90
Local observables 89
Local structure 21 89
Locality 90
Lower bound condition 20
Mean ergodic limit 100
Noether charge 35
Noether current 35
Noether theorem 16
Noether theorem and symmetry breaking 33
Non-Fock representation 81
Non-linear elliptic problem 58
Observables 68
Phase 74
Phase, pure 147
Phases 8 21
Physically realizable operations 89
Quasi-local algebra 90
Sector 22
Sector, physical 31 58
Sine — Gordon equation 42
Soliton 43
Spectral condition 95
Spin systems 105
Spin systems, short range interaction 110
Spontaneous symmetry breaking 9
Stability group of a sector 35
Stability under space translations 29 95
Stability under time evolution 24 91
State, mixed 69
State, pure 69
Swieca condition 168
Symmetries of classical systems 7
Symmetry 7
Symmetry breaking criterium, Bogoliubov non-perturbative strategy 130
Symmetry breaking criterium, Goldstone 127
Symmetry breaking in gauge theories 193
Symmetry breaking in quantum systems 115 118
Symmetry breaking in superconductivity 161
Symmetry breaking order parameter 120
Symmetry breaking, axial in QCD 204
Symmetry breaking, examples 39 42
Symmetry breaking, non perturbative Ruelle strategy 129
Symmetry, internal 14
Symmetry, local generation 165
Thermal states 139
Thermofield theory 159
Transfer matrix 133
Translationally invariant state,uniqueness 97
U(1) problem in QCD 204
Unitary implementation of symmetries 36
VACUUM 28 32
Vacuum sectors 31
von-Neumann bicommutant theorem 97
Wave equation, free propagator 51
Weyl algebra 67
Wigner symmetries 115
Wigner theorem 115
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