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Pechenberg P., Mössenböck H. — A Compiller Generator for Microcomputers
Pechenberg P., Mössenböck H. — A Compiller Generator for Microcomputers

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Название: A Compiller Generator for Microcomputers

Авторы: Pechenberg P., Mössenböck H.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Серия: Сделано в холле

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1990

Количество страниц: 378

Добавлена в каталог: 13.11.2008

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Actual attributes      113 165
Address list for G-code generation      157
Adele, ll      125 203
Aho      13
Alex      119
ALGOL60      52
Algorithmic interpretation of grammars      83
Alias name      109 123
aliasspix      128
Alphabet      14
Alphabet, extension      51
Alternative chain      48 108
Alternatives      15
Alternatives, of deletable nonterminals      137
Alternatives, of eps-nodes      137
Ambiguity      108
Analysis phase      4
Analyzing grammar      23
AND      208
ANY      45 107 122 124 178
Any-set      140 147 155
anyset      54
Applications of attributed grammars      171
arithmetic expressions      19
Arithmetization of symbols      6
arrows      112
Assessment of some compiler generators      102
AT      122 165
Atari      101 126
Attribute      71 72 113
Attribute, assignment      131 165
Attribute, context      167
Attribute, coupling      98
Attribute, direction      164
Attribute, evaluation      79
Attribute, list      129 164 226
Attribute, numbers      155
Attribute, passing      87
Attribute, processing      164
Attribute, saving      90
Attributed grammar      73 79 105
Attributed grammar, Applications      171
Attributed grammar, of Coco      228
Attributes, consistency check      165
Attributes, of terminals      122
Attrkind      166
Back end      6
Bauer      7
bitset      208
Blaschek      207
BNF      102
Bottom-up syntax analysis      24
Brackets      136
Caller interface      121
CAP      209
Cardinal      208
Central-recursive grammar      19
Characteristics of Coco      117
CheckAlternatives      153
Circular      108
Circular, derivation      21
Circular, grammar      21
Circularity      150
CloseFile      223
Coco      4 104 222 241
Coco, characteristics      117
Coco, history      197
Coco, short description      100
Coco.ATG      228
cocogen      224 245
Cocogen2      225 254
cocogra      224 266
Cocol      4 105
Cocol, example      101 134 163 167 174 186 190 192
Cocol, syntax      212
cocolex      223 275
cocolst      226 283
cocosem      223 287
cocosemframe      161 297
cocosym      224 299
cocosyn      223 316
cocosynframe      159 328
cocotst      225 338
col      122
CollectFirst      143
CollectFollow      144
Comments      106 110
Compile compiler      3 91
Compiler      2
Compiler description language      3 105
Compiler error numbers      241
Compiler structure, dynamic      8
Compiler structure, static      4
Complement symbol any      45 107
complete      145
CompleteAt      129 223
Completeness      108 149
Components of a generated compiler      119
Compound characters      6
ConcatLeft      133 223
ConcatRight      132 223
Context condition      76 87 115
Context-free grammar      15 106
Copy      162 163 223
CopyFramePart      160 161
Correct grammar, properties      108
Cross-reference list      214
Cyclic semantic dependencies      82
Dangling else      29 108 147
Debug switches      241
DEC      209
Declaration of semantic objects      115
Declaration of symbols      109
Definition module      210
DelEps      139
Deletability      31
Deletability, direct      128 134
Deletability, indirect      141
Deletable      60 141
Deletable nonterminal      31 141
Delete redundant eps-nodes      127 138
DelGraph      141
Derivable symbol      21
Derivation      16
Derivation rules      15
Derived attributes      74
Deterministic grammar      24
Direct deletability      128 134
Documentation      187
Dynamic compiler structure      8
EBNF      19 20 107 117
EMIT      157
EmitAction      166 167 223
Empty string      14
End-of-file symbol      109
End-of-line symbol      110
endsem      70
Engelfriet      98
EPS      107
Eps, followers      54
Eps-nodes, insertion      136
Eps-nodes, removal      138
Eps-nodes, terminal successors of      140
Eps-set      140 145 155
Eps-set, example      196
epsset      54
Equivalent top-down graphs      45
errdist      68
Error      60 65 68
Error distance      68
Error handling      62 64
Error message module      119 226 348
error messages      65 123
Errorptr      123
Errors      123 226 348
Example of Cocol      101 163 167 174 186 190 192
Example of generated compiler parts      192
EXCL      209
Exit statement      209
Experiences      197 201
Export list      209
Extended Backus-Naur form      19
Factorization of nonterminals      49
Factorization of top-down graphs      43
FILE      98
FileIO      226 356
fill      67
FillSucc      67
Filter procedure      120
Find circular rules      148 150
Find deletable symbols      127 141
FindEps      146
FindEpsFollowers      146
First(X)      26 54
Fischer      13
Follow(X)      28 143
Formal attributes      113 165
Frame module      118 159 161 297 328
Free monoid      14
Free semi-group      14
Front end      6
G-code      53 55 88 117 155 213
G-code, example      195
G-code, generation      156
G-code, parser      58
GAG      91 96 102 104
Ganzinger      91 98
GenAssign      166 167 223
GenCode      156 157
Generate G-code      157
Generated compiler parts      118
Generated compiler parts, example      192
Generated compiler, operation      120
Generated semantic actions      165
Generation of the semantic evaluator      245
Generation of the syntax analyzer      254
Generative grammar      23
Get eps-sets      145
Get symbol sets      127
Get terminal start symbols      142
Get terminal successors      144
GetAdr      157
GetAt      129 165 167 223
GetFirstSet      142
GetMacroNr      163 223
GetNode      131 140 148 157 223
GetSingles      151
GetSy      122 124 129 140 148 223
Giegerich      91
Goos      13 82 83
Grammar      15 106
Grammar name      106 110 121
Grammar of Cocol      212
grammar rules      107
Grammar tests      126 147 225 338
Grammars in matrix form      34
Grammatical language levels      22
GraphList      223
Graphnode      47 130
Gries      7 13 85
halt      209
Handle      18
Hartmann      85
Henderson      184
High      209
Hints for reading the source lists      226
HLP84      91 94 104
Hopcroft      21
Hughes      188
Hutt      96
IBM-PC      101 126
Identifiers      106
Implementation description      125
Implementation module      210
Implementation restrictions      241
import      115 122
Import, list      209
inc      209
INCL      209
Indirect deletability      141
Individual characters      6
Inherited attributes      74 75
Inner module      211
Input attribute      113
Input interface      122
Input of Coco      118
Insert eps-nodes before deletable nt's      127 138
Interfaces of the generated compiler      121
intermediate language      120 124
Intermodular cross-reference list      214
Invocation of Coco      118
IsTerm      152
Jackson      187
Johnson      13 91 92
Kastens      91 96
keywords      6 105
Knuth      13 29 82
Koskimies      91 94 102
L-attributed grammar      4 82 83 92 117
LALR(1) parser      92 94 96
Language      16
Language, levels      22
LeBlanc      13
Left-canonical derivation      17
Left-recursive grammar      19
Lewis      82
Lexical analysis      5 6
Lexical analyzer      119 122 129 165 275
Lexical analyzer described by Cocol      171
Lexical analyzer, specification      172
Lexical language level      22
Lilith      101 126 198
Line      122
line numbers      122 131
Linking, alternative graphs      133
Linking, component graphs      132
listings      220
Literals      6
LL(1) analysis, nonrecursive      38
LL(1) analysis, recursive      35
LL(1) conditions      27 28
LL(1) conditions for top-down-graphs      47 49
LL(1) conflicts      108
LL(1) conflicts in lexical structures      179
LL(1) grammar      23 26 201
LL(1) test      148 153
LL(k) condition      40
LL(k) grammar      25 40
LL(k)test      41
Lookahead      25
Macintosh      101 119 126
Macro      112 116 163
Main algorithm of Coco      127
Main program      119 121 210 222 241
MarkReachedNts      150
Matching of symbols      48
Matrix form of grammars      34
Measurements      197
Meijer      91
Memory requirements of Coco      199
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