Авторизация |
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Pechenberg P., Mössenböck H. — A Compiller Generator for Microcomputers |
Предметный указатель |
Memory requirements of the generated compilers 200
MemTypes 226
Mini-scanner 174
Modula-2 111 115 119 126 207
Modules 209
Modules, description 222
Modules, hierarchy 221
modules, overview 220
Moessenboeck 119
MUG 91 98 104
Multi-pass compiler 8 9 120 124
Name list 129 155
Names 6
NewAdr 157
NewAt 129 164 167 223
NewMacro 223
NewNode 131 223
NewSy 129 223
Nijholt 91
nococosy 162
Nodes of the top-down graph 130
Non-circular grammar 21
Nonterminal 14 15 110 128
Nonterminal, deletable 141
Nonterminals, factorization of 49
Nonterminals, replacement of 15
Nonterminals, substitution of 49
Nonterminals, terminal successors of 140 143
Nonterminals, termination of 108 152
Numbering of terminals 109 122
Numbers 106
OpenFile 223
OpenSem 163 223
Optimization of attribute processing 167
Option symbol 20
OR 208
Ordered attributed grammar 96
OS 226
output attribute 113
Output interface 122
Output of Coco 118
Parameter arrows 112
parse 58 60 86 121 127
ParseNonRecursive 38
Parser 223 316
Parser, generation 159
Parser, interface 121
Parser, tables 118 155
Parser, tables, example 195
Parser, tables, generation 154
ParseRecursive 35
Parts of the generated compiler 119
Pascal 207
phrase 17 18
PL/1 50
PLM/80 50
Pomberger 207
pragma 109 124
Pragma, semantics 113 128 155
printinput 121
printnodes 121
Procedures 115
productions 15 107
Program frames 118
Program listings 220
QuickDraw 226
Raeihae 91 94
Reachability 149
Recursive grammar 19
Recursive productions 19
Reduced grammar 20 21
Redundancy 108
Redundant, eps-node 138
Redundant, symbol 21
Repetition symbol 20
Replacement of nonterminals 15
RepNode 131 140 223
RepSy 129 140 223
RestartHash 162 223
restrictions 241
Results of a Coco run 192
Right end of graphs 131
Right-recursive grammar 19
Ritzinger 207
Root 15
Root, symbol 106 110 149
Rosenkrantz 40 42
Rules 107
Run-time of Coco 199
Run-time of the generated compilers 201
Scanner 129 165 223 275
Scanner generator 119 171
Scanner interface 122
Scanner procedure 122
Scanner specification 172
Scope of semantic objects 116
SEM 70 111
Semant 85 86
Semantic action numbers 131
Semantic actions 70 111
Semantic actions, generated 165
Semantic actions, processing 163
Semantic analysis 5 8
Semantic declarations, copying 162
Semantic description 110
Semantic error action 115
| Semantic evaluator 118 119 223
Semantic evaluator of Coco 287
Semantic evaluator, example 194
Semantic evaluator, generation 160
Semantic frame module 297
Semantic interface 85
Semantic macro 111 112 116 163
Semantic modules 119 122
Semantic procedures for lexical analysis 180
Semantics 69
Sentence 16
Sentence, symbol 15
Sentential form 16
Simple phrase 18
Single-pass compiler 8 9
Snowdon 184
Software engineering 182
source code 220
Source code, hints 226
Source list 118
Source list, generator 283
Source program 2
Spelling index 129
spix 128 129 162 166
Stacking of semantic objects 116
Start symbol 110 149
StartCopy 223
Static compiler structure 4
Steams 40 42
stepwise refinement 11
StopHash 162 223
strings 6 14 106
Substitution of nonterminals 49
Symbol list 126 127 224 226 299
Symbol names 129
Symbol sets, collection 140
Symbolnode 127
symbols 6 14
Symboltype 127
SyNr 129 223
Syntactic extension 51
Syntactical language level 22
Syntax analysis 5 34
Syntax analyzer 118 119 223 316
Syntax analyzer, generation 159
Syntax description 106
Syntax error indicator 121
Syntax error interface 123
Syntax error message 109
Syntax error-recovery 118
Syntax notation 107
Syntax of Cocol 212
syntax rules 15 107
Syntax tree 7 14 17 91
SyntaxError 123
Synthesis phase 5
Synthesized attributes 74
system 211 226
System specific procedures 369
Target program 2
Tasks of Coco 126
Telegram problem 184
Terminal 14 15 109 122 128
Terminal, class 23
Terminal, start symbols 26 31 32 140 142
Terminal, start symbols of length k 40
Terminal, successors 28 31 33
Terminal, successors of eps-nodes 140 145
Terminal, successors of nontenninals 140 143
Terminating symbol 21
Termination 21
Termination of nonterminals 108 152
Test completeness 148 149
Test grammar 127 148
Test if all nt's can be derived to t's 148 152
Test if all nt's can be reached 148 149
Token code 109 122
Toolbox 226
Top-down, graph 42 126 130 226 266
Top-down, graphs, equivalent 45
Top-down, graphs, factorization of 43
Top-down, syntax analysis 23 24
Top-down-graphs, LL(1) conditions for 47 49
Trace switches 241
Tracing the parser 121
Triple 66
Two level-grammar 77
Typ 122
Type transfer functions 209
Ullman 13 21 41
Understanding the source code, hints 226
Useless symbol 21
User modules 122
Using Coco 117
Vach 98
Van Wijngaarden 77
Variables 115
Versions of Coco 4
Visited 157
Vocabulary 14
Waite 13 82 83
Watt 77
Wirth 20 85 107 198 207
Word 208
Yacc 91 92 98 104
Zimmermann 96
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