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Gleick J. — Chaos. Making a new science
Gleick J. — Chaos. Making a new science

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Íàçâàíèå: Chaos. Making a new science

Àâòîð: Gleick J.

ßçûê: en

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Ñåðèÿ: Ñäåëàíî â õîëëå

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1987

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 352

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 13.11.2008

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Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Phase space, reconstruction of      265—266 316
Phase transitions      126—128 160—161 236 298
Physics      3 6
Physics, and God      8 12 121 185
Physics, condensed matter      126
Physics, experiment vs. theory      125—126
Physics, of beer glasses      245
Physiology      272 276
Physiology, complexity in      279—280
Physiology, dynamical diseases      292
Physiology, eyes      275—278
Physiology, fractal approach to      109 293
Physiology, lungs      108—109 (see also “Blood vessels” “Brain” “Heart” “Immune
Pinball      233—234
Planets      14
Plato      195
Poincare conjecture      46
Poincare map      142—144 143 146 150 290 316
Poincare, Jules Henri      46—47 88 123 145 181 264 321—322
Poincare, Jules Henri, and many-body problem      145
Pomeau, Yves      149
Population      see “Ecology”
Predictability      7—8 14 18 21 253 268
Predictability, and aperiodicity      22
Princeton University      4 69 146 285
Proteins      79 298
Quadratic difference equation      see “Logistic difference equation”
Quantum chaos      306 314
quantum mechanics      6—7 118 161 184—185 314
Quarks      5
Quasiperiodicity      2 209
Rain      18
Randomness      3 5 21—22 68 73 84 122 236—239 251—252 257 261 306
Randomness, and complexity      314
Randomness, and determinism      250—252
Randomness, and information theory      252 261
Randomness, and weather forecasting      21—22
Randomness, debate over, in ecology      77—78
Randomness, from simple models      79
Randomness, hidden structure in      22
Randomness, in biology      206 239
Randomness, in constructing fractals      236—239
Rayleigh, Lord      128
Rdssler attractor      see “Strange attractors”
Recognition of chaos      73—76
Recursion      103 150 179 299
Red Spot of Jupiter      53—56 insert
Reductionism      5 115 210 279 304
Redundancy      256
Relativity      6—7 14 121 162 226
Renormalization group theory      161—162 172 179—180 268—269
Reynolds, Osborne      128
Richardson, Lewis F.      94—95
Richter, Peter      229—230 236 240
Ricker, W. E.      63
Rivers      92 197—198 199 260
Roulette      248
Royal McBee computer      11—12 15—16 19
Rubin, Jerry      45
Ruelle, David      4 131—134 138—139 149—150 152—153 182 194 216 259 261 307
Ruelle, David, childhood      132—133
Ruelle, David, invents strange attractors      133—134 138—139
Ruelle, David, meets Lorenz      141
Ruelle, David, on heart dynamics      280—281
Ruelle, David, on turbulence      133
Ruysdael, Jacob van      186
Santa Catalina mountains      316
Sarkovskii, A. N.      74
Satellites      18—20 53—55
Scaling      86 90 103 107 115—116 172—173 175 186
Scaling, in economics      86
Scaling, in phase transitions      161
Scaling, in turbulence      162
Schaffer, William M.      15
Schizophrenia      275—278 292 298
Scholz, Christopher      103—107
Schrier, Alvin      290—291
Schrodinger, Erwin      299—300
Schwenk      197
Schwinger, Julian      161
Science, and mysticism      195
Science, causality in      201—202
Science, communication in      31 38 181—182 184 196 252 275
Science, financing of      249
Science, in Soviet Union      76
Science, peer review in      131 180—181 195
Science, revolution in      36—39 111 315
Science, seeing the unexpected in      35
Science, traditional beliefs in      14—15 64—65 123—124 303—306
Science, “normal”      36—37
Second law      see “Thermodynamics”
Self-organization      55 261 308 314
Self-similarity      103 115—116 227
Self-similarity, in turbulence      162
Shakespeare, William      258
Shannon, Claude      255—257
Shaw, Christopher      259
Shaw, Robert Stetson      243—250 252—253 258—272 293
Shaw, Robert Stetson, and dripping faucet      262—266 269
Shlesinger, Michael      5
Sierpinski carpet and gasket      100 101 237
Sinai, Yasha      76 261
Smale      4 47—48 50 52—53
Smale, Stephen      4 45—53 61 70 76 89 118 132 171 182 208 247
Smale, Stephen, antiwar protests      45
Smale, Stephen, conjecture on chaos      45 66
Smale, Stephen, horseshoe      51—52 51 76 132—133 149
Smale, Stephen, influence on Yorke      65—66 69
Smale, Stephen, stability in the sense of      47—48
Smith, J. Maynard      64
Smoke      5
Snowflakes      114 272 309—314 312—313
Solar system      5
Solar system, stability of      145
Soviet Union      74 76 252
Space balls      40 43
Spectrum diagram      205—206 206 207
Spiegel, Edward A.      244—245
Stability      47 309
Stability, through feedback      61—62 193—194 292
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center      263
Stanford University      269
Stars      4
State space      see “Phase space”
Stein, Myron      167—168 173
Stein, Paul      167—168 173—174 182
Steiner, Rudolf      197
Stevens, Wallace      196
Stewart, H. Bruce      306 334—335
Stock market      85 152 271 307
Storms      20 54 108 170 322
Strange attractors      4 133—135 140—144 143 152 209 246 252 254 258 262 266 269 271
Strange attractors, basins of      43 233—236
Strange attractors, fractal nature of      139 141 152
Strange attractors, in climate      307
Strange attractors, in epidemics      316
Strange attractors, in experiment      265—266
Strange attractors, measuring      253—255
Strange attractors, named by Ruelle and Takens      133—134
Strange attractors, of Feigenbaum      175
Strange attractors, of Henon      149—150 151
Strange attractors, of Lorenz      28 30 139—141 140 149 153 218 244—247 269 insert
Strange attractors, of Rossler      141
Strange attractors, of Ueda      141
Supercomputers      1 7 19 123 137
Superconductivity      244 247
Surface tension      311
Swift, Jonathan      103
Swinney, Harry L.      126—127 150 152 194 203 209 266 270 317
Symmer, Robert      111
Systron — Donner computer      see “Computers analog”
Takens, Floris      133 138—139 141
Takens, Floris, and reconstructing phase space      266
Taylor, Sir Geoffrey Ingram      130
Tellus      169
Texas, University of      266 285
Thermodynamics, second law of      257—258 307 308
Thermodynamics, second law of, as metaphor      308
Thompson, D’Arcy Wentworth      198—202
Tides      14 18
Tolstoy, Leo      38
topology      45—46 50 52 198 253
Topology, and dynamical systems      47
Topology, of biological rhythms      286 289 292
Traffic      5
transistor      7
Turbulence      2 4 7 39 121—125 137—138 162 198 203 307
Turbulence, and information      261
Turbulence, in heart valves      282—283
Turbulence, Landau picture of      123—125 137 180 194
Turbulence, modeling, with computers      137
Turbulence, on Jupiter      53
Turbulence, onset of      122—123 170 174—175 194
Turner, Joseph Mallord William      186
Ueda, Yoshisuke      45
Ueda’s attractor      see “Strange attractors”
Ulam, Stanislaw      68 182 326
Uncertainty      14 261
Universality      5 187 196 215
Universality, and perception      166
Universality, apparent lack of      153
Universality, consequences for science      179—181 183 268—269
Universality, discovered by Feigenbaum      172—175
Universality, theory for      175—179
Unpredictability      44 253 258 261
Updike, John      53
van der Pol, Balthasar      49 51 325
Van Gogh, Vincent      186
Vatican      53
Virchow, Rudolf      111
Virginia Polytechnic Institute      159
Voyager      see “Satellites”
War      5
Water Resources Bulletin      73
Watson, James      111
Weather      5 168
Weather, and strange attractors      152
Weather, aperiodicity in      12 15
Weather, control and modification      18—19
Weather, forecasting      13
Weather, modeling      11—15
Weaver, Warren      257
White, Robert      21
Wilson, Kenneth      160—162
Wind      5 15—16
Winfree, Arthur      284—286 288—289 291—292 307
Xerox Palo Alto Research Center      269 275
Yale University      306
Yorke, James      65—69 182 259 270—271 317
Yorke, James, and fractal basin boundaries      233—235
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